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America attacks Pakistan; Turkey attacks America


Mar 17, 2008
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United States

------I understood in the dream there are 3 birds: peregrin, owl, turkey. No eagle in the dream.

By research, I found the peregrin is the symbol for the Pakistani army.
The owl is the symbol for the shadow gov't, which is orchestrating these wars, not the American people.
peregrin = Pakistan army
Owl = Shadow Gov
Turkey = nation of Turkey

Eagle = Constitution based on rights-under-God honoring Americans

-------A short dream about America attacking Pakistan and then being attacked by a "Turkey".

When posted on September 16, 2008 at 1:47 am, there was no news of Pakistan coming against American troops, or even of collaboration with Turkey.
However, the very next morning (about 6 hours after posting, I estimate) news on CBSNEWS.com related that Pakistan ordered its army to fire on American troops inside Pakistan.

Later in the day, at about 4 pm, Turkey called for a new trilateral summit between Turkey, Pakistan & Afghanistan.

I have read prophecies from Peter Kumar that an American presidential candidate would promise to remove troops from Iraq and would win on that promise. Later, an even worse war would erupt in the Middle East and the troops would return.

After that, there are many prophecies of the American army being decimated there. Some see a nuclear attack on a gathered force, others see only that the American Army is destroyed.

It may be years before we see all this play out. Nevertheless, the time to increase our relationship with God is NOW. Otherwise, when the time comes, we will not understand which voice is God's.
Some Jews knew to leave Germany before the persecutions began. Others, believing in a "rapture", and some believing it could not happen, stayed.

The purpose of all prophecy is to provide clear direction to Jesus Christ.
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Yes i do believe on dreams.. but , to protect our DEAR HOMELAND we need Courage, Unity, and FULL FAITH on ALLAH. May ALLAH FULFILL Your This Nice Dream..
yaah right, the jews massacre, yaah right, lord jesus christ, who is fooling who!!!!

second i dont believe in astrology or amil bengali:D:D

do chinese believe in immortality or dragon or a lady living in the moon in the present age??:enjoy:
We need Jazba Eman and we don't anything . Then no body can fingure out anything on us.
Do we even need 'outside' help to defend Pakistan? To be frank, i dont think so!

'Help' from other countries will be appreciated but Pakistan & the People of Pak are enough to give a 'fitting' reply to anyone in the world. Be it US, India, Nato etc etc. The Pak Army is not to be messed with, everyone knows about it. There is a reason why US & our Neighbours are trying hard to 'weak' our army but i for sure know it wont work.

We Pakistanis dont give a damn about our lives, if our natoin needs our lives to protect it from enemies then we will be more than to sacrifice our life for our nation. I for once would not hesitate to give up my life for Pakistan. We are not scared of anyone and we certainly dont fear 'death'.

It's sad to see our Retarded politicans ruining Pak image, but hopefully soon they will get kicked out.
The Peregrine Falcon is the military symbol of the Pakistan Air Force and the State bird of Pakistan.:chilli:
Look enemies of Pakistan attacked GHQ and yesterday Turkish army Chief arrived in Pakistan.:smitten:


Eagle = Constitution based on rights-under-God honoring Americans

I have read prophecies from Peter Kumar that an American presidential candidate would promise to remove troops from Iraq and would win on that promise. Later, an even worse war would erupt in the Middle East and the troops would return.

After that, there are many prophecies of the American army being decimated there. Some see a nuclear attack on a gathered force, others see only that the American Army is destroyed.

It may be years before we see all this play out. Nevertheless, the time to increase our relationship with God is NOW. Otherwise, when the time comes, we will not understand which voice is God's.
Some Jews knew to leave Germany before the persecutions began. Others, believing in a "rapture", and some believing it could not happen, stayed.

The purpose of all prophecy is to provide clear direction to Jesus Christ.

I cannot believe Growler the himself posted this :woot: , whats happening Buddy? :undecided:. Rapture, Lord God, strange usage of words!!!!!

Look enemies of Pakistan attacked GHQ and yesterday Turkish army Chief arrived in Pakistan.:smitten:


To "Fox" and "Growler" on the usage of strange words, taking prophecies from sources other than the Hadith and expecting Turkey's role.

Fortunately, I have had the opportunity to spend time with some real good and learned Ulema, not the Fasadi types that Produce the so called Dr Usman (GHQ), but real good and kind hearted human beings. Here is what our religious point of view regarding these subjects is "supposed to be like" (in commas, ya I know, it means official Islamic principles and Dogmas, so not for non Muslims I guess).

1) In Ahadith, (Sahih Ahadith) Turkey is specifically mentioned as "Laa deeni Turk". How prophetic, 1400 years ago and true to the word. Arent they that right now? and this is about some years in the future, so clearly, they are gonna stay that way. Whereas our region of the world will see a change of true Islamic proportions as in the Ahadith, the Prophet PBUH has specifically said that the Turks are not gonna be on our side at that point in time. Who do you wanna believe more? any other person who claims he dreams or Huzoor SA??. As for the present, they are our good brotherly friends and we should keep it that way. They have helped us alot and we should not do less than that, they are one of our strongest allies.

2) When it comes to prophecies, Do not believe in any except which by our faith we are supposed to believe in, i.e. words of the Prophet.. I know its fun, and feeeeels good, BUT, whether some Kumar, or Brother Michael, prophecies are highly unscientific and illogical :disagree:. Such should be the domain of the true men of God not every other Tom, Dick and Harry. Ask yourselves, how would you feel by believing in these nonsensical meta physical Dream lands. If you have to believe, believe only and only in the truly authenticated sources. Otherwise you'll lose your way.

3) One of the Islamic teachings is that none can know the unseen including the future except God or the one who is given such knowledge from God, and since it be an Islamic Dogma, I know many of our non Muslim Bros will be saddened but the fact is, as by that Dogma, prophecies and future events can only be accepted from Muslim sources, not otherwise.

The same guy says this too, look at the whole picture not what feels good, look at this video too and decide;

PS: Lets keep it sane and logical in the future, no one trusts self proven Nostradamuses, though I can understand the sensationalism :)

To all :cheers:
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So let me see if i Understand you correctly.

Turkey a country that is prospering,
has plans to join the E.U, and in essence may be also NATO.
A country that really has managed to stay out of conflict for most of later half of the 20th century.

Is going to put all that on the Line
by Going head on with America over Pakistan,which is Militarily better that turkey it self.

Is that what you are discussing in this thread?
So let me see if i Understand you correctly.

Turkey a country that is prospering,
has plans to join the E.U, and in essence may be also NATO.
A country that really has managed to stay out of conflict for most of later half of the 20th century.

Is going to put all that on the Line
by Going head on with America over Pakistan,which is Militarily better that turkey it self.

Is that what you are discussing in this thread?
if the time come, Turkey or wtever Muslim countries will be united! thats the discussion!
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