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Ambala to station first squadron of MMRCA fighters

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See even Tejas says it is BVR capable :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

When it isn't even operational ... :azn: ... I have posted proof from both CATIC and PAC who manufacture that aircraft confirming the capability ... I am done here because there is no treatment for your denial mode :lol:
When it isn't even operational ... :azn: ... I have posted proof from both CATIC and PAC who manufacture that aircraft confirming the capability ... I am done here because there is no treatment for your denial mode :lol:
Exactly, all manufactures post the specification even when it is not fully developed and operational, you need some more proof ?

Here you go --> Lockheed Martin · F-35A Conventional Takeoff and Landing Variant

Lockheed martin guys produce F-35 :lol: and it is their site..


Get a life kid, your attempts at giving proofs have failed badly.. the day you get some solid proof, you are welcome to show you face :azn:
When it isn't even operational ... :azn: ... I have posted proof from both CATIC and PAC who manufacture that aircraft confirming the capability ... I am done here because there is no treatment for your denial mode :lol:
How many times do i have to tell you those are all future capabilities, just like the Izmir thing you posted.

Here is the CAC website from 2009 which says JF-17 is BVR capable. So JF-17 is BVR capabvle from 2009 itself? Huh?
2009 Link - CAC JF-17
Translation of the 2009 Link - CAC JF-17 Translated

These are future capabilities, not the present one. Do not post from websites. Post news articles, or photos.
EzioAltaïr;3541646 said:
Basic ammo from Russia? That's a good one, do tell it to me next April 1st. :lol:

Now step 2, show me the proof of Pakistan importing any BVRs, that are compatible with the Thunder. No point of the aircraft being BVR capable, when there are no BVRs to arm it.

Yes , basic ammo ! Russia to deliver ammunition worth $1 billion to India | Russia & India Report :rofl:

Now Step 1 ... Go through the thread and check the links I have posted which confirm the purchase of PL-12 to Pakistan , that report is from where in 2010 ... If both PAC and CATIC who make the aircraft confirm the BVR capability of JFT then there should be no further query of when and where the SD-10/PL-12 got delivered and tested and integrated :azn: ...

These are future capabilities, not the present one.

Proof ? :lol: Stuck again , are you ? :azn: ... The deal was signed for delivery of PL-12 in 2010 and knowing the Chinese who deliver before the deadline , I have no problem in taking their word ... Neither of the manufacturers mention it as future capabilities but present one and with the indications , insider reports and pictures , it becomes more than obvious what the JFT is capable of ...

That awkward moment when facepalm isn't enough.

At the beginning of this year Russia and India concluded the package of contracts to the tune of one billion dollars for the delivery of tanks and artillery shells, anti-tank missiles of various types and other ammunition for the Ground Troops, a manager of an enterprise of the defence industry told the Vedomosti daily. A source close to the Rosoboronexport leadership confirmed this report to the Vedomosti daily.

They are delivering tank shells and artillery shells, and missiles, specifically for T-90 tanks and Russian artillery, the shells which we do not license manufacture. I don't really see why it is so surprising for us to arm Russian tanks with Russian missiles.

Now Step 1 ... Go through the thread and check the links I have posted which confirm the purchase of PL-12 to Pakistan , that report is from where in 2010 ... If both PAC and CATIC who make the aircraft confirm the BVR capability of JFT then there should be no further query of when and where the SD-10/PL-12 got delivered and tested and integrated :azn: ...

I really am not patient enough for that. Just quote yourself as proof, and I'll leave it there.

the links I have posted which confirm the purchase of PL-12 to Pakistan , that report is from where in 2010 ...
English English.. Will mind that word :lol:

Proof ? :lol: Stuck again , are you ? :azn: ... The deal was signed for delivery of PL-12 in 2010 and knowing the Chinese who deliver before the deadline , I have no problem in taking their word ... Neither of the manufacturers mention it as future capabilities but present one and with the indications , insider reports and pictures , it becomes more than obvious what the JFT is capable of ...
Neither did F-35 :lol:
EzioAltaïr;3541699 said:
I really am not patient enough for that. Just quote yourself as proof, and I'll leave it there.

From the same article

Yes , they are counted as basic ammunition if you are another of the desperate " Reply with Quote " clicker !

At the beginning of this year Russia and India concluded the package of contracts to the tune of one billion dollars for the delivery of tanks and artillery shells, anti-tank missiles of various types and other ammunition for the Ground Troops . Despite its own ammunition producing industry the Indian army experiences some problems with the supplies from time to time . For the provision with weapons of the current staff the Indian army lacked several thousands of anti-tank missiles of Russian types alone, and the available Indian capacities could not cover this deficit, the expert explained. Along with Russia India buys ammunition in European countries and Israel

Not my problem :azn: , kid !
Proof ? :lol: Stuck again , are you ? :azn: ... The deal was signed for delivery of PL-12 in 2010 and knowing the Chinese who deliver before the deadline , I have no problem in taking their word ... Neither of the manufacturers mention it as future capabilities but present one and with the indications , insider reports and pictures , it becomes more than obvious what the JFT is capable of ...
Where was it signed you twit? You Air chief didn't sign anything! He just said they will buy it in God knows when.
So does the link I posted. It says JF-17 is BVR capable in 2009. So JF-17 was BVR capable from 2009? If your answer is yes, then please kill yourself and save the oxygen.

Do not post from websites! Post either news articles, or photos/videos from operational squadrons.
F-35 doesn't have almost three squadrons operational , does it have ?
Are you serious? They are operational?

We are talking about showing future capability on their websites even when they are not operational, so your proof is bullshit.
From the same article

Yes , they are counted as basic ammunition if you are another of the desperate " Reply with Quote " clicker !

At the beginning of this year Russia and India concluded the package of contracts to the tune of one billion dollars for the delivery of tanks and artillery shells, anti-tank missiles of various types and other ammunition for the Ground Troops . Despite its own ammunition producing industry the Indian army experiences some problems with the supplies from time to time . For the provision with weapons of the current staff the Indian army lacked several thousands of anti-tank missiles of Russian types alone, and the available Indian capacities could not cover this deficit, the expert explained. Along with Russia India buys ammunition in European countries and Israel

Not my problem :azn: , kid !

I asked you to post the article which claims that the SD-10 has been delivered. Can you do it, or not?

And how does tank and artillery ammo qualify as basic may I ask? And since we're on the topic of importing ammo, how about Pakistan, which has not yet designed a rifle?

F-35 doesn't have almost three squadrons operational , does it have ?

They have 1 squadron operational. Not good enough for your highness? :rofl:
You moron ! The purchase was clearly mentioned in the article and I wont be surprised if they tested it on prototypes in 2009 even since the developmental work was completed in Chengdu ... :azn:

Why ? :azn: ... I have posted quotes from the manufacturers themselves , what else is there to prove ? Or the denial mode continues ?

Can you highlight that part where it is clearly mentioned? I saw only wills.
EzioAltaïr;3541737 said:
I asked you to post the article which claims that the SD-10 has been delivered. Can you do it, or not?

And how does tank and artillery ammo qualify as basic may I ask? And since we're on the topic of importing ammo, how about Pakistan, which has not yet designed a rifle?

I did better , confirmed it from the manufacturers site themselves that the aircraft is BVR capable , doesn't matter then when was the missile delivered to Pakistan ...

Possibly , you didn't read the article properly or conviniently chose not to ... They are classified as basic ammo , ask anyone ... If you cant manufacture basic ammunition for your troops , the article mentions even stuff for ground troops then do not bother asking questions like this ...

As for Pakistan designing a rifle , check POF Corner shot and various other ones :azn: ... 1000 times better than junk INSAS which got jammed during combats ...

Are you serious? They are operational?

Do you have comprehension problems ? I think so ...
You moron ! The purchase was clearly mentioned in the article
WHERE IS IT MENTIONED??? CAN'T YOU EVEN READ PROPERLY??? Don't you know the meaning of WILL???

and I wont be surprised if they tested it on prototypes in 2009 even since the developmental work was completed in Chengdu ... :azn:

Why ? :azn: ... I have posted quotes from the manufacturers themselves , what else is there to prove ? Or the denial mode continues ?
Ok, forget 2009, how about 2007? It was BVR capable from 2007? PAC 2007
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