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Altaf's Indian speech and MQM's stand on 2 nation theory and those who call MQM traitor


Jan 20, 2011
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الطاف حسین پاکستان کا غدار نہیں ہے۔ 2 قومی نظریہ پر تحفظات کا اظہار کرنا پاکستان سے غداری نہیں ہے۔

آپ کے پاس چانس ہے کہ آپ الطاف حسین کو غلط ثابت کریں۔

کاش کہ آپ اپنے گریبانوں میں جھانک سکیں۔



London – 21 June 2000

Mr Altaf Hussain, founder and leader of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) said that history has proved the two-nation theory wrong. Any true ideology is for the benefit of mankind, long-lasting and certainly not to its detriment. He was expressing these views to a delegation of professors and intellectuals of history and international affairs from Indo-Pakistan sub-continent. The delegation visited the MQM International Secretariat in London where a frank interaction took place. Mr Altaf Hussain satisfactorily and frankly expressed his views in response to all their questions.

Answering to the question, “what is the future of Pakistan”, Mr Hussain stated that what could be the future of a country, which has already been disintegrated, and the remainder is on the verge of catastrophe. The Pakistan created under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah was dismembered in 1971. East Bengal, the majority province that supported the creation of Pakistan based on the two-nation theory separated itself in 1971, proving that the concept of two-nation theory was a farce. The people of Bengal (former East Pakistan) had caste their hundred per cent votes on the slogan of the two-nation theory for the creation of Pakistan. He said that if we analyse the history of the Pakistan Movement then it emanates that virtually all the Muslim majority provinces of the present day Pakistan had opposed the creation of Pakistan. Only the province of Sindh with the majority of one vote supported the creation of Pakistan and Mr G M Syed most actively participated to support Pakistan. While the people of Muslim majority province of East Bengal, which had supported the two-nation theory, created their own independent state in 1971. By carving an independent country, the people of East Bengal redeemed themselves of the blunder they committed in pursuing the two-nation theory.

Mr Hussain said that all those who supported the concept of the two-nation theory and Pakistan have been labelled as ‘traitors’ in Pakistan. Mr Fazl-e-Haq, the Lion of Bengal who presented the Pakistan Resolution, was labelled a ‘traitor’, the Sindhis were labelled as ‘traitors’, the Balochs were labelled as ‘traitors’; and now the Mohajirs have also been labelled as ‘traitors’.

Mr Altaf Hussain continued that the plight of the stranded Pakistanis in the sixty-six Red Cross Camps in Bangladesh for the past twenty-nine years is sufficient proof to render the two-nation theory wrong. He posed a question to the “champions” of the two-nation theory, who were not pacified with the arguments, “Why did the Pakistan Army attack fellow Muslim Bengalis in 1970 in the former East Pakistan? Why did they commit their blood bath and put them through river of blood and fire? Why did they dishonour and rape their fellow Muslim mothers, sisters and daughters in the former East Pakistan? Why the Pakistani Army marched against their fellow Muslims Baloch? Why they advanced on Sindhis and the same Army is now targeting Mohajirs for the past eight years? For what? He said that the army operation upon the Mohajirs, which commenced on 19 June 1992, is also a negation of the two-nation theory.

It is evident from history that one Muslim majority province of East Bengal separated itself from Pakistan while the rest of the people or provinces those supported the creation of Pakistan on the basis of the two-nation theory are all wrecked, concerned and struggling for the sustenance of their future generations. He asked that if any member of the delegation has any objection on his rationale then would he be kind enough to answer just one question, ‘for what crimes the stranded Pakistanis who are languishing in the Red Cross Camps for the past twenty-nine years in Bangladesh are being punished for’? These stranded Pakistanis did not just fight the war shoulder to shoulder with the Pakistani army but made more sacrifices than the army for the sustenance and integrity of Pakistan. They sacrificed their family members as a result of which the old and dependent parents lost their sons, sons separated from their beloved and old parents, wives from their husbands and young children from their parents. While the defeated army, “custodians” of the two-nation theory surrendered to the enemy, went back to their homes and remained the source of support for their families, parents and children. He stated that the plight and the miserable lives of the stranded Pakistanis in Bangladesh is food for thought that those who would struggle for the sustenance of the two-nation theory, sustenance of Pakistan and support the army, their fate would be Red Cross Camps and they would never be reunited with their separated families. They would not only be consigned to the Red Cross camps but would be punished for disseminating and remaining steadfast on the two-nation theory. Whereas, sustenance would become the fate of those who would surrender instead of offering lives and presenting their sacrifices. After a brief detention, they will be free again and their reunion with their families would be only matters of days, weeks or months.

Mr Hussain said that today the preachers of the two-nation theory offer their advice to the stranded Pakistanis in Bangladesh to opt for Bangladeshi citizenship or settle elsewhere in a Muslim country instead of inviting them back to Pakistan. Mr Hussain asked the custodians of the two-nation theory that on what ideological basis are they offering such advise to the stranded Pakistanis? Does this advice relates to the concept of the two-nation theory or does it negates the very concept? The custodians of the two-nation theory also say that if those stranded in Bangladesh are brought back to Pakistan then they will become a burden on the country’s economy. He asked them whether Pakistan was created just for the Muslims of the present day Pakistan or to safeguard the interests of the Muslims of the entire undivided India. In 1951, the Pakistani borders were closed for the Muslims of India under the pretext that Pakistan cannot bear the burden of all the Muslims of India. Mr Hussain said that now the question arises that as to why this fact was not disclosed before the creation of Pakistan when the Muslims of the Muslim minority provinces were sacrificing their lives for the two-nation theory. Therefore, by closing the Pakistani borders for the Muslims of India, the rulers have themselves negated the two-nation theory.

Mr Altaf Hussain further elaborated that the formation of nation on the basis of religion is fundamentally wrong because if the religion was the foundation of nationhood then more than forty-five independent and sovereign Muslim states would not have been the members of the United Nations as separate and independent ‘sovereign states’.

Mr Altaf Hussain claimed that the emergence of the former East Pakistan as an independent state not only totally negates the two-nation theory but also proves that the two-nation theory further divided the Muslims of the undivided India instead of uniting them. He said that if the Pakistan, created on the basis of the two-nation theory was the guarantor of prosperity and sustenance of the Muslims of the undivided India then Bangladesh would not have been created or the Muslims of India would not have thought or felt the need to form their own organisation or party. Neither would the Balochis, Sindhis, Pakhtoons, Saraikis or Mohajirs would have been demanding their rights or waged struggle for their rights, he said.

Mr Hussain said that the slogan of two-nation theory was raised to deceive the Muslims of the Subcontinent. It was preached at the time that Hindus are a separate nation having their own religion, culture and social values, which are different from those of the Muslims. Therefore, Muslims are a separate nation having their own religion, culture and social values. Hence, the Muslims cannot live together with the Hindus. Furthermore, it was preached that as the Hindus are in majority, therefore, after the withdrawal of the British, the Hindus would dominate over the Muslims. Therefore, the Muslims need a separate homeland where they could freely live according to their religion, culture and social values. Speeches made by the leaders of the Muslim League in this regard are part f history where they have stated that a separate homeland is needed for the one hundred million Muslims of the Subcontinent. However, the country created on the basis of the two-nation theory became the homeland for the Muslims of the Muslim majority provinces only and not for the Muslims of the Muslim minority provinces. Today, if we compare the population of the Muslims living in Pakistan with that of the Muslims living in India then we see that the population of Muslims living in India is much more than the total Muslim population of Pakistan. It means that the two-nation theory failed to provide protection and security to the majority of the Muslims of the Subcontinent because the number of Muslims living in India is greater than the total Muslims of Pakistan. Pakistan, created on the basis of two-nation theory, could not provide independence to one hundred million Muslims of India. Instead, the two-nation theory subjected the Muslim population of India, which are more than the total population of Pakistan, to the Hindu majority. Further elaborating Mr Hussain said that the two-nation theory became the protector of the Muslim minority but could not become the protector of the Muslim majority of the Subcontinent. If the Muslims of India were to remain under the Hindu majority then why were they taught the doctrine of Pakistan Movement and the two-nation theory? In addition, why were they constantly preached that the religion, culture and social values of the Hindus are different from the Muslims and, therefore, they need a separate homeland for themselves? Mr Hussain said that if the Muslims of India were to remain in India then the prominent leaders of the Muslim League, neither should have propagated the ideology of two-nation theory in the Muslim minority provinces nor should they have allowed their sacrifices. He said that if Pakistan, the country created on the basis of the two-nation theory, would have become the protector of the Muslims of India and if the slogan of two-nation theory, which was raised before the creation of Pakistan, would have provided long-lasting and secure future to the Muslims of Undivided India and would have been the solution to all their problems then today the Muslims of India would not have been preparing to create their separate party for solving their problems. In fact, the two-nation theory not only divided the Subcontinent but it also divided the Muslims of the Subcontinent into three parts, thus scattered them. The, historical events prove that the slogan of the two-nation theory was raised to deceive the one hundred million Muslims of the Subcontinent and in the end it became the raison d’etre for the division and subdivision of the Muslims of the Subcontinent.

Mr Altaf Hussain said that a few days ago Indian Muslims have announced to form their separate organisation. He said that if the two-nation theory was correct then Indian Muslims would not have to think to form their own organisation or party, now. He said that if Pakistan, created on the basis of the two-nation theory, was the custodian of all the Muslims of the sub-continent before the partition of India, then there would have been no need for Muslims to live in India or the closures of the borders for them in 1951. He mentioned that if the slogan of the two-nation theory was raised only for the sustenance of Muslims of Muslim majority provinces then its notions negated the sustenance of the Muslims in the Muslim minority provinces of undivided India and is tantamount to deceiving them. The sustenance of Muslims now in India under the Hindu domination is also a precursor to the negation of the two-nation theory.

Mr Hussain said that ironically the two-nation theory has rendered the patriotism of the Muslims of Subcontinent doubtful. The Muslims of India are considered as Pakistani agents and Muslims who migrated to Pakistan are considered as Indian agents. It is propagated that since the relatives of Mohajirs live in India, therefore, under this cover, the agents of RAW come to Pakistan. Similarly, Mohajirs also go to visit their relatives in India; are doubted, therefore, the patriotism of Mohajirs as a nation has become doubtful. Mr Hussain said that the proof is that on the commencement of the Army Operation on 19 June 1992, Mohajir areas were cordoned off and their homes were raided. During these raids, not only the Army personnel used degrading language for the Mohajirs but also called them “offspring of Hindus”. In this manner, the two-nation theory rendered the Muslims of the Muslim minority province of the undivided India destitute (Na Khuda hi mila na wisal-e-sanam – Na idhar ke rahe na udhar ke rahe).
Mr Hussain said that he is ready even today to accept the two-nation theory with open-heart on the condition that if the ‘champions’ of the two-nation theory and its custodians reopen the borders of Pakistan for the Muslims of India without any further delay and allow the stranded Pakistanis to return to Pakistan or obtain permissions from the Government and the Establishment. Mr Hussain said that in this situation he will not only take back all his arguments against the two-nation theory but would also along with accepting that these reasons regarding the two-nation theory were wrong, he will apologise to the entire nation and would present himself for any punishment for pronouncing the two-nation theory as deception. On the other hand, if the preachers, protectors and propagators of the two-nation theory cannot succeed in opening up the borders for the Muslims of India and bringing the Pakistanis stranded in Bangladesh back to Pakistan then it is their moral duty and responsibility that they should also term the two-nation theory as biggest fraud played upon the Muslims of India and accept my arguments.

ذیل میں الطاف حسین کی انڈیا تقریر کا مکمل متن پیش خدمت ہے۔ (عمران خان نے فقط ایک جملہ آؤٹ آٖف کانٹیکسٹ نکال کر پیش کر دیا تھا)۔

آپ اس تقریر کو خود پڑھ لیں اور آپ کو اندازہ ہو جائے گا کہ الطاف حسین پاکستان کا غدار نہیں، اور نہ ہی پاکستان توڑنے کی بات کر رہا ہے، بلکہ انڈیا میں کھڑا ہو کر کہہ رہا ہے کہ وہ پاکستان کا وفادار ہے۔

ہاں الطاف حسین کو 2 قومی نظریے کی بنیاد پر پاکستان کا بننا غلطی نظر آتا ہے جس کی وجہ سے لاکھوں جانیں ضائع ہوئیں اور مسلمان خون تقسیم ہو کر رہ گیا۔ مگر اسکا مطلب ہرگز یہ نہیں کہ الطاف حسین پاکستان کا غدار ہے یا اسے توڑنا چاہتا ہے۔

بلکہ الطاف حسین انڈیا میں کھڑا ہو کر انڈیا کو کہہ رہا ہے کہ پاکستان ایک حقیقت بن چکا ہے اور انڈیا کو یہ حقیقت تسلیم کر لینی چاہیے۔ اور دونوں ملکوں کو جنگ چھوڑ کر عوام کی فلاح و بہبود کے لیے کام کرنا چاہیے ۔

الطاف حسین نے انڈیا کو کشمیر کے مسئلے پر بھی نہیں چھوڑا اور انڈیا میں کھڑا ہو کر انڈیا کو کہہ رہا ہے کہ کشمیر کے مسئلے کو کشمیری عوام کی خواہشات کے مطابق حل کرواؤ کیونکہ ابتک کئی لاکھ کشمیری شہید ہو چکے ہیں۔

اب بتلائیے کہ کیا ایسا شخص پاکستان کا غدار ہو سکتا ہے جو انڈیا میں کھڑا ہو کر کشمیر کے لوگوں کے حق کے لیے لڑ رہا ہے؟

ایک دفعہ، صرف ایک دفعہ کھلے دل و دماغ سے الطاف حسین کی پوری تقریر پڑھ لیں۔ یہ بہت اچھی تقریر ہے، اور بہت صحیح باتیں اس میں کی گئی ہیں۔ آپ پرھیں گے تو آپ کو الطاف حسین کی باتوں کی سچائی متاثر کرے گی۔


Full Speech of Altaf Hussain in India

The Management of Hindustan Times, Distinguished Guests and Honorable Speakers: Assalam-o-Alaikum, Namaste, Sat Sri Akal and Good afternoon:

On behalf of my party and on my own behalf, I congratulate Hindustan Times for the Leadership Initiative series of lectures. I sincerely hope it develops into a successful forum to further the search for global peace and prosperity. I am indeed honored and privileged to be invited to share the stage with some of the most eminent leaders of my generation and to offer my humble views before such a distinguished audience.

It also happens to be my first address in the land of my forefathers and I am, therefore, particularly mindful of the historical opportunity to try and place my views on partnership with this great country for a better world.

Ladies and Gentlemen: There are more than 190 countries in the world today. They all communicate with one another directly or indirectly. In this age of Information Technology it is not possible to conceal facts for any length of time. Common folks are in a better position to assess facts from fiction. India has made giant strides in the field of IT and is recognized as the world’s largest democracy.

Soon after independence India got rid of the prevailing feudal system thereby strengthening the democratic institutions. The developments of this democratic process not only kept the armed forces at bay but also provided a boost to education the masses. General education brought about a Middle Class, which started to play its crucial role in Politics as well as in business. The democratic process in India proved the linchpin for its industrial advancement, particularly in the field of IT. It is forecasted that in the coming 15-20 years India will become one of the strong economies in the world, if the rate of progress continues. For a country’s partnership and growth it is essential that the economy move in the right direction.

Before I proceed to take up the topic of the day, I would like to take the liberty of briefing you about the emergence, philosophy and the political journey of the MQM so far. We are the third largest political party in Pakistan. We stand for equal rights and opportunities for all irrespective of color, creed, caste, sect, gender, ethnicity or religion. We strive tirelessly for tolerance, religious or otherwise and oppose fanaticism, terrorism and violence in all their manifestations.

MQM is committed to the introduction of an entrepreneurial free market economy good governance and independent judiciary capable of dispensing justice, transparent accountability, free Press and participation of women in all spheres of life. Our immediate political objective is to change the corrupt medieval feudal political system of Pakistan. We are, therefore, the only genuine party of the lower and middle classes, totally devoid of feudal lords and army Generals. The support that we enjoy from the people of Pakistan has been amply demonstrated in our performance during consecutive elections of 1988, 1990, 1993, 1997 and 2002.

Having started in March 1984 as a Mohajir Qaumi Movement out of the frustration of Mohajirs in Sindh, our track record today encourages even the Sindhi-speaking people from the rural areas of Sindh, who were led to believe by the Pakistan establishment that we would end up usurping their rights, are joining us in large numbers.

Why then, you may well ask, are we a part of the Government, which perpetuates army rule by undermining democracy and its institutions. We have paid a heavy price for pursuing our political objectives in a country where democracy is controlled. Given the circumstances which prevail, our desire to serve the helpless deprived and exploited peoples of Pakistan have indeed led us into political arrangements which we are neither comfortable in nor would deem desirable in better circumstances.

The choice before us in Pakistan today is not Musharraf or democracy but between army and even more army. The very religious parties created by the army facilitate to see through constitutional changes which debilitate democratic processes in the long term and on the very next day take to the streets try to make the world believe that they are the vanguard of the fight to restore democracy. To place our politics in context, I would also like to briefly touch upon the loot and plunder of the wealth and resources of Sindh and Balochistan, including the denial of their legitimate share from the federal revenues and ever so increasingly their due share of water, the consequences in terms of the rural areas and the severe environmental damage are there to be seen in both the provinces.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The scenario is so depressing that leadership of the day openly admits that the country would fall apart if the army did not run its affairs. . What does it tell you? To me it signifies a telling blow to the very idea of Pakistan, a homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent, and the two-nation theory, which continues to wreck untold miseries on the people of this region for the past five decades. Muslims are fighting and killing each other on the basis of tribal and linguistic affinity, sectarian strife is worse than ever before. Mosques and madrassas are but flourishing businesses. The less educated the Pesh Imam, the more popular and affluent he is likely to be. The advocates of Jihad, a medieval concept to tame the infidel, are wantonly killing followers of the fait as they SOMETHING places of worship. Perhaps the idea of Pakistan was dead at its inception, when the majority of Muslims chose to stay back after partition, a truism reiterated in the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. If you need further evidence, look at the plight of 300,000 stranded Pakistanis in Bangladesh for three decades in their passage to the chosen land. Unwanted by both Bangladesh and Pakistan, led by an unknown destiny.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The rights of the people who migrated to Pakistan from Muslim Minority Provinces of the Subcontinent were usurped and they had to face highhandedness and injustices. We formed the Mohajir Qaumi Movement against these injustices. To crush our Movement baseless accusations were made and were termed “traitors”. We were targeted through State oppression in 1993, during the Army Operation against the MQM, General Elections were held. The Army imposed a ban on the MQM to contest these elections from a few constituencies to allow the army’s created group to win the elections and to demonstrate to the world that the people of urban centers of Sindh do not support the MQM. On this illegal and unconstitutional basis, the MQM decided to boycott the General Elections in protest. On our appeal, the people of Sindh successfully boycotted the General Elections also witnessed by the international observers.

As a result, the entire election process became dubious and then the high army official requested us to take part in the provincial assembly elections. With assurances of free and fair participation in the elections – on a 48-hour notice, we participated in the provincial elections and the people overwhelmingly bestowed their mandate in favor of the MQM. If the charges of terrorism leveled against the MQM had been true then the people of Singh would have supported the army operation against the MQM and in the presence of army they would not have effectively boycotted the elections and would not have given their mandate to the MQM. However, the people’s mandate was not respected and the State operation continued unabated against the MQM – and we were even not allowed to peacefully protest against the operation within the country.

No one can prove that we have pleaded anybody else’s case except our own at international platforms including the UN. We did, however, seek moral, political and diplomatic support from the countries, which stand for democracy and human rights. My representatives have met officials of the United States and many European countries because we were pushed against the wall and forced by our own government to take our case world-wide because they remained arrogant and hell bent on not providing rights and oppressed us militarily instead of sincerely and meaningfully negotiating with us in accordance with the democratic norms.

Mutual understanding and awareness of each others problems will certainly help to reduce tensions in the region.

06. We must also begin to look at possible arrangements for strengthening regional security co-operation. This probably would prove to be most difficult under the present circumstances of prevailing tensions in our region. But it is also therefore a necessity. Varying systems of co-operation in security matters could be designed and adopted between different states with the objective of reaching regional security co-operation at a later stage.

In conclusion, it may be pertinent to state once more that cultural heritage need not be a divisive force. We must and I believe we can ensure that our diverse cultures, yet our common heritage contain the seed of unity within that diversity. If we worked together we can draw strength from the richness of our civilizational traditions in order to give life to a new and modern South Asian unity. I truly believe that today we have arrived at the threshold of effective action to realize the dreams and aspirations of our people; freedom from poverty, from ignorance, under-development and from constant conflict which could best be achieved through regional unity of South Asian States.

I thank you. Ladies and Gentlemen: May I now revert to the topic of the Seminar and with your permission to make references to our party wherever appropriate.

The title of the conference “India and the World: A Blueprint for Partnership and Growth” has a welcome optimistic connotation. The themes of the future for the people of South Asia are indeed partnership and growth. Obviously, the first requirement for either to happen is that peace and normalcy must prevail. For much too long, Pakistan and India have been at odds. If we look around, we see unrest in Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh, Afghanistan is still looking for peace.

India and Pakistan, being the two largest in the region, need to demonstrate magnanimity and the necessary political wisdom and desire to truly seek peace. If this be so, it should be possible to pursue a meaningful, sincere and a composite dialogue with an open mind. I wish to take this opportunity to place on record the sincere appreciation of the MQM, and my own. of the recent initiatives by successive Prime Ministers of India, President General Pervez Musharraf and all those who may have been involved or contributed to the same. It is imperative that the current ambience be maintained to enable the process to evolve gradually. We see the approach in first tackling the issue of creation of processes necessary for carrying on the dialogue as a wise one. It is quite clear that the necessary architecture is now slowly but surely falling in place in a manner, which would impart continuity to the dialogue process itself. It is also heartening that a wide-range of outstanding issues is being simultaneously addressed at several levels.

It should be clear to all concerned that there can be no military solution to any of the contentious issues. Let alone the issue of Kashmir. Neither for that matter can resort to militancy and extremism. The mindless loss of lives, endless human rights violations and continuing depletion of developmental resources to deal with civil strife cannot be justified under any circumstances. As a representative of a persecuted minority forced to live in exile and to grieve the loss of colleagues and supporters day after day through extra-judicial processes, I can well understand the agony of the Kashmiris. Over 17,000 Mohajirs have been killed including leaders, supporters and their relatives during army and state operations.
Thousands of Mohajir families have been rendered destitute because either their breadwinners were extra-judicially executed, arbitrarily arrested or forced into hiding or exile. My 66 years old brother Mr Nasir Hussain and his son 28 year old Arif Hussain were unlawfully arrested in the presence of their entire neighborhood. They were brutally tortured for three days and on 9th December 1995 and then extra and then extra judicially executed. Both were non-political citizens of Pakistan.

The total number of casualties in the four wars, including Kargil, was in excess of thirteen thousand.Most estimates suggest that already more than fifty thousand lives have been lost in Jammu and Kashmir alone causing misery and grief to family members, distorting the normal pattern of life and virtually destroying the local economy. Who benefits from all this? Can the people of Pakistan and India afford it? Can they afford the diversion of these resources from their own development programs, health programs and education? Definitely not. Two million students are being taught currently in about 50,000 madrassas run by right-wing religious parties totally outside Government supervision to promote a medieval ideology leading to the generation of 15-20 thousand new militants every year, year after year. Who will detoxify the society? How will they be reintegrated into the mainstream? I pay tributes to the Muslim leaders and intellectuals of India for maintaining moderation and not pushing the Muslims towards fanaticism and Jihad.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The Confidence Building Measures contemplated to bring the people of both countries closer must be implemented vigorously. Let there be free people to people contact. Let there also be cultural and social contacts, sporting contacts, political contacts, economic contacts, and diplomatic contacts to further peace and harmony. Presently, part of the region and therefore her people equally deserve to freely interact with the people of adjoining states of India. However, denial to reopen the Khokrapar Munabao border and Ferry Service between Karachi and Bombay is nothing but stifling the rights of the people of Sindh. The people of Sindh are forced to take an expensive route via Islamabad to obtain to obtain visas and then Lahore to catch the train or the bus. It is now incumbent on the governments of India and Pakistan to re-open the Visa Office in Karachi, which would further better the relationship.
Ladies and Gentlemen: I have recently aired a few thoughts on “Realism and Practicalism” copies of which are in this hall. I will appreciate your comments on it. The spirit and essence of it is that we must accept the ground reality without blinkers. The reality today is that India and Pakistan are at loggerheads and as a result the region is in turmoil. Dialogue between India and Pakistan should be pursued in diversity and should not be a hostage to Kashmir issue only.Practicalism seeks ways for common or agreed grounds.
When we talk of Kashmir, there are several procedural and allied issues, which crop us. Is it a bilateral issue? Do the people of Kashmir come into the equation? I have a habit of speaking freely without mincing my worlds. I intend continuing to do so and gladly invite my critics to correct me on the credibility and the plausibility of my views, objectively, in India, Pakistan and internationally.
To deal with Kashmir, there has to be a basis or opinions on which the talks could take place. What could those options be? In the recently talked about “Chenab Formula” an option? Is “Dixon Plan” an option? Could formalization of the Line of control be an option? Are there any more options that we may not know about? We also talk about the UN Resolutions, could they be enforced? If it was enforceable, why has it not been enforced in the past? What have Tashkent and Simla Agreements and the Lahore Declaration yielded?
Practicalism and Pragmatism call for acceptance of what is in existence or has been in existence instead of arbitrary new ideas. I understand that the people of Kashmir are also aspiring for independence, even for this option, negotiation has to take place. Negotiation is the primary condition for all options. The Line of Control could well be used as the basis to begin negotiations by virtue of being a ground reality, which has existed for the past three decades. I am saying, use this as a basis or option to begin talks until such a time that a practicable alternative option is found. What is wrong with it? If both countries resolve that crossing this line would be considered as aggression, doesn’t it in lay men’s terms amount to an international border? If not, what is an international border?

And, if this is not an option then what options are we left with, another war? We have fought three wards over Kashmir, the governments may have achieved political victories and defeats, but what did the people achieve? Body bags of the soldiers and civilians, more widows and orphans, more taxes, contribution to war funds poverty and backwardness. And, if we remain intransigent and squander this opportunity, the cost to be paid in the long term could be horrid. Before I go further I would like to quote the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi (1181), “Where there is hatred, let me sow love.”

On the spirit of this prayer I would like to request both the countries India and Pakistan, to stop sowing the seeds of hatred and start sowing the seeds of love.
My plan is to let good sense and logic prevail and to let our peoples prosper. Let us divert critically required funds from defence to social and economic sectors. Our children need education; our villages need clean drinking water, electricity, medical care, everywhere there is a crying need for employment, better civic amenities and transport facilities etc. Let common sense prevail over arrogance and political expediencies. Let us arm our children with education, health and hygiene than nuclear bombs and missile. I applaud President General Pervez Musharraf for making a bold and courageous statement discarding plebiscite as an option. I had always maintained that it was never a practicable or implementable option.
Ladies and Gentlemen: The United States of America, now the unipolar power of the world and her western allies have historically supported the dictatorial and monarchical rulers in the developing world for their short term gains and opposed moderate, liberal and enlightened Middle Class, as their sustained foreign policy. Their policies and mind set have always been Election centric. They failed to calculate the long-term repercussion of their foreign policies.

These authoritarian and monarchical rulers deliberately promoted religious, sectarian and ethno-linguistic fanaticism on the strength of the unbridled support of the west to protect their rules. Oppressed their people produced Osama-bin-laden, Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussain. And, now to rein in Afghanistan and Iraq, the US and her allies has to wage a global war against terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq. As a result of these wars, thousands of innocent people are being killed and millions of people are facing the wrath for no fault of theirs but their rulers. Infliction of atrocities is resulting in psycho reactionary actions amongst millions. It is now essential for the US and her western allies to review their policies, they should now support and nurture the modern, enlightened Middle Class who are capable of dismantling the religious, sectarian and ethno-linguistic fanaticism and establish genuine democracies which would be mutually beneficial for their people and the West. In case of Pakistan, the historical and sustained support of Feudal-Mullah-military alliance by the United States and West has already proved negative and has permeated rampant corruption, bad governance, denial of rights to smaller province, illiteracy, impoverishment, unemployment, frustration amongst general populace and above all the religious sectarian and ethno-linguistic fanaticism and violence.

South Asian countries in general and India and Pakistan in particular need do no more than draw lessons from Europe, whose post-wart history is roughly the same length as our two nations. The European Union, which emerged out of the dictates of the economic well being of its people and the desire to fully actualize their individual potential in a collective manner, is a live demonstration of the possibilities that can be envisaged by the dynamic minds of visionary leaders. We should yearn for the day when we have a Common Union, perhaps even a Common currency while maintaining our sovereignties and dignities intact. We have the SAARC more in form than in content due to the rancor, which has blinded us.

South Asia remains of the most integrated regions of the world. We are looking forward to the implementation of the SAFTA (South Asia free Trade Agreement) in January 2006 as outlined in the SAARC declaration of January 2004 in Islamabad. The creation of a free trade zone along with some degree of economic integration of SAARC countries could turn the region into a huge regional economic market, second only to China in terms of size. If futuristically developed along with a network of roads and railway connections to South East Asia and Central Asia the future of our seceding generations would indeed be bright. Restrictions on bilateral trade have forced both countries to import goods from third countries, which could have been traded for more economically and efficiently from each other. Indo-Pak trade would ensure cheaper raw material, low transportation, less insurance costs etc resulting in potential for quality products at competitive prices for consumers in both countries and larger markets for manufacturers.

Having resolved the external issues, South Asian countries in general need to put their houses in order. They should stop discriminations on the basis of ethnicity, religion or descent. I request the Government of Pakistan to recognize and indemnify all the religious and ethno-linguistic and minorities and treat them equally to foster a sense of ethnic linguistic pluralism and nationalism. All the Governments in the past have deliberately strengthened ethno-linguistic particularism in Pakistan under the rubrics of majority and power. In democracy, only the members should not count. A state becomes successful only when it is truly able to accommodate the aspirations and the needs of its minorities. Pakistan should genuinely strive to devolve power to the provinces making them fully autonomous, reserving for the Federal administration only Defence, Foreign Affairs and Currency. If the Federation of the United States of America can remain stronger by having fully autonomous states then why should one assume that Federation of Pakistan would weaken if the provinces have fully autonomous status?
Mainstream political forces, including the MQM, equipped with liberal and progressive ideological underpinnings have the capability of transforming Pakistan into a democratic and progressive state at peace with itself and its neighbors. They can deliver good governance, an independent judiciary and freedom of the media.

The purpose of this conference is to discuss and prepare a "Road Map" for the economic, strategic and political future of India in relation to the world and the regional countries. To attain this objective we should find out the "Key" to achieve positive results, which is peace in the South Asia region. The region is the first gate to be opened for, and then we should proceed to open the second gate, which is the World. The word "Peace" is catalyst to positivism, success, prosperity, harmony, better economy, better understanding and relations with their neighbors.

If the regional countries have peace and better relations then it would ultimately draw the remaining world towards the region. The peace is the only and only "Key" through which India could have improved and long lasting relations with the world but for this peace has to be established in the region first. The benefits that could be drawn by the South Asian Countries including Pakistan through peace could never be achieved through the use of nuclear weapons, atom bombs, chemical and biological weapons and a massive army. India and Pakistan have considered each other as enemies since independence but now to achieve the sacred objective of peace, better and long-lasting relations, both countries have to engage in a meaningful and sincere dialogue and cease all hostilities against each other.

Finally, I think South Asia needs to have a comprehensive human rights code that protects the people from unbridled state power. Freedom from poverty, hunger, illiteracy and provision of basic services be part of the human rights of the people of the sub-continent and our governments should be promoting an environment in which the people of the sub-continent achieve what people of other regions have achieved through peace and co-operation.
Link: http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/specials/leadership2005/summit2004/altaf_hussain.pdf

India and the World: A Blueprint for Partnership and Growth

الطاف حسین صاحب نے انڈیا میں تقریر کرتے ہوئے پاکستان کے قیام کو‫ ‏‏‏Division of Blood‏ قرار دیا۔

اس کو بنیاد بناتے ہوئے مخالفین نے الطاف بھائی اور پوری متحدہ پر فتوی جاری کر دیا کہ یہ لوگ پاکستان کے غدار ہیں۔

ان لوگوں کی بے ایمانی کے انہوں نے تقریر کا صرف ایک ٹکڑا پیش کیا اور اس سے اگلا ٹکڑا بالکل حذف کر گئے جس میں الطاف بھائی پاکستان کے بارے میں اپنا پورا مؤقف انڈیا کو بتاتے ہوئے ہندوستانیوں کو کہتے ہیں کہ مگر اب انڈیا اور پاکستان دو الگ ملک اور حقیقتیں ہیں اور دونوں کو ایک دوسرے کو پڑوسی ملک کے قبول کر لینا چاہیے اور آپس میں لڑائیاں جنگیں کرنے کی بجائے امن و امان قائم کر کے بھوکی ننگی قوم کی فلاح و بھلائی کے لیے ترقیاتی کام کرنے چاہیے ہیں۔
تو افسوس ہے ان مخالفین کے ان اوچھے ہتھکنڈوں کے استعمال پر جب وہ تقریر کا اگلا حصہ بالکل حذف کر جاتے ہیں کیونکہ یہ ٹکڑا ان کے شیطانی جھوٹے الزامی پروپیگنڈے کا قلع قمع کر رہا تھا کہ الطاف بھائی پاکستان کو مٹا دینا چاہتے ہیں۔

اعتراض: مگر کیا پاکستان کے قیام کو غلط اور اسے ‫DIVISION OF BLOOD کہنا دو قومی نظریے اور پاکستان سے غداری نہیں؟

مسئلہ یہ ہے کہ جبتک آپ دوسرے کے مؤقف کو پوری طرح سمجھ نہ لیں، اُس وقت تک اس پر کوئی فیصلہ جاری نہ کریں، بلکہ بہتر ہے کہ اُس شخص کو پہلے اپنے صفائی پیش کرنے دیں، اور صرف اسکے بعد کوئی فیصلہ کریں۔ یہ چیز انصاف کے سب سے پہلے تقاضوں میں ہے کہ انسان کو اپنی صفائی پیش کرنے کا پورا موقع دیا جائے۔
دیکھئے پاکستان کا قیام صحیح تھا نہ غلط، بلکہ حقیقت میں یہ ہمارے لیے ایک بطور مسلم قوم "ایک امتحان" تھا۔ پاکستان کا حصول ایک "مقصد" کے لیے کیا گیا تھا۔
افسوس کہ ہم اس امتحان میں ابھی تک قائد اعظم و شاعر مشرق کے پاکستان کے خواب کے مطابق کامیاب نہیں ہو پائے، اور نہ وہ مقصد حاصل کر سکے جس کے لیے ہمارے بزرگوں نے پاکستان بنانے کا فیصلہ کیا تھا۔ اگر واقعی ہم اس مقصد میں کامیاب ہو پاتے اور پاکستان میں انصاف و ترقی کا دور دورہ ہوتا، اور دوسرے اقوام ہمیں دیکھ کر رشک کرتیں، تو یقینا ہم اپنے مقصد میں کامیاب قرار پاتے۔
مگر یہ سب کچھ نہ ہو پایا۔ ایک معاشرہ کسی بھی نظریے سے پہلے "انصاف" مانگتا ہے۔ آپ اگر یہ انصاف مہیا نہیں کرتے تو چاہے آپ لاکھ مذہب کے نام پر دو قومی نظریہ معاشرے کو گھول کر پلانا چاہیں، مگر معاشرہ اس کو رد کر دے گا۔
چنانچہ سب سے پہلے بنگلہ دیش کے کڑوڑوں مسلمان اس انصاف کی نافراہمی پر دو قومی نظریے کو رد کرتے ہوئے الگ ہو گئے۔بتلائیے کہ کیا اب ان کڑوڑوں بنگالی مسلمانوں پر آپ غداری کا الزام لگاتے ہوئے مقدمہ چلائیں گے؟
نہیں۔ بلکہ آپ کو یہاں دو قومی نظریے سے اختلاف رائے کی آزادی دینا ہو گی۔

سوال: کیا کڑوڑوں انڈین مسلمان بھی پاکستان کے غدار ہیں؟

پاکستان کی تحریک میں سب سے بڑھ چڑھ کر حصہ اُن علاقوں کے مسلمانوں نے لیا جو آج انڈیا کا حصہ ہیں۔ اور انہی علاقوں کے مسلمانوں نے پاکستان کے لیے سب سے زیادہ قربانیاں پیش کیں۔
چنانچہ انڈین مسلمانوں کی پرانی نسل بھرپور طریقے سے پاکستانی کی حامی تھی اور اسی کی کثیر اکثریت نے پاکستان کے قیام کے حق میں ووٹ دیا۔
پھر پاکستان بنا، اور ان انڈین مسلمانوں کی آبادی کا صرف ایک قلیل حصہ ہجرت کر کے پاکستان آ سکا۔ اور حالت یہ کہ ماں باپ انڈیا میں ہیں تو بیٹی داماد و بچے پاکستان میں۔ ایک بھائی پاکستان میں ہے تو بہن انڈیا میں۔ اور دوران ہجرت کئی لاکھ انڈین مسلمان اپنی جانوں کا نذرانہ پیش کرتے ہیں۔
مگر پھر آہستہ آہستہ انہی انڈین مسلمانوں کی سوچ میں تبدیلی آنا شروع ہوتی ہے۔ ان انڈین مسلمانوں کی نئی نسلیں دیکھتی ہیں کہ جس پاکستان کے لیے ان کے بزرگوں نے اتنی قربانیاں دیں، وہ پاکستان ترقی کی منازل طے کرنے کی بجائے نفرتوں کا شکار ہے، تو انکے دلوں پر بجلی گرتی ہے۔
انڈیا کے یہ کڑوڑوں مسلمان یہ آس لگائے بیٹھے تھے پاکستان معاشی اور اقتصادی طور پر اتنا مضبوط ہو جائے گا کہ انتہا پسند ہندؤوں کو انڈین مسلمانوں کی طرف آنکھ اٹھا کر دیکھنے کی ہمت نہ ہو گی۔ مگر یہاں معاملہ ہوتا ہے کہ پاکستانی مسلمانوں کو اپنے انڈین مسلمانوں کی رتی بھر پرواہ نہیں۔ اب انڈین مسلمان کو انتہا پسند ہندؤوں کے ہاتھوں نہ صرف مسلمان ہونے کے گناہ کا عذاب سہنا پڑتا ہے، بلکہ پاکستان دوستی کے گناہ کا عذاب بھی سہنا پڑتا ہے۔ ہندو انتہا پسند ان انڈین مسلمانوں پر ظلم و ستم کے پہاڑ ڈھاتے ہیں مگر پاکستانی مسلمان اپنے بھائیوں کی مدد کے لیے نہیں آتے۔
اور آج صورتحال یہ ہے کہ انڈیا کے مسلمانوں کی نئی نسل اسی پاکستان کے قیام کو غلط مان رہی ہے کہ جس کے قیام کے لیے اُن کے بزرگوں نے اتنی قربانیاں دیں۔
آج جب آپ ایک انڈین مسلمان سے ملیں گے تو وہ آپ کو یہ کیلکولیشن کرتا نظر آئے گا کہ اگر پاکستان نہ بنا ہوتا، اور انڈیا کے 16 کڑوڑ، پاکستان کے 18 کڑوڑ اور بنگلہ دیش کے 16 کڑوڑ مسلمان یکجا ہوتے تو یہ کل 50 کڑوڑ مسلمان بنتے ہیں اور پھر کسی ہندو انتہا پسند کی مجال نہ ہوتی کہ وہ مسلمانوں کا معاشی یا تعلیمی استحصال کریں اور فسادات میں انکا قتل عام کریں۔ چنانچہ یہ کڑوڑوں انڈین مسلمان آج پاکستان کے قیام کو غلطی قرار دے رہے ہیں۔کیا آپ ان کڑوڑوں انڈین مسلمانوں کو بھی پاکستان کا غدار ہونے کا الزام دیں گے؟
زمینی حقائق بہت تلخ ہیں۔ ہمیں بطور قوم اپنی آنکھیں کھولنے کی ضرورت ہے۔
بہت ضروری ہے کہ بجائے دوسروں کو غدار کہہ کر اپنا دشمن بنانے کے، ہم یہ ہنر سیکھیں کہ دشمنوں کو کیسے دوست بنایا جاتا ہے۔ یہ انڈیا کے کڑوڑوں مسلمان پاکستان کے ہرگز دشمن اور غدار نہیں ہیں بلکہ وقت پڑنے پر یہ ہندووں کی جگہ اپنے پاکستانی مسلمان بھائیوں کے ہی ساتھ ہوں گے اور انکے لیے قربانیاں دے رہے ہوں گے۔

DIVISION OF BLOOD اور انڈیا سے درخواست کے انڈیا واپس آنے کی اجازت دی جائے

آج جب الطاف بھائی کہتے ہیں کہ پاکستان کا قیام "خونِ مسلم کی تقسیم" تھا، تو یہ بات 100 فیصدی درست ہے کہ یہ سب سے زیادہ مسلمان خون کی تقسیم تھی۔ اگر ماں باپ انڈیا میں ہے تو بیٹی اپنی شوہر کے ساتھ پاکستان میں۔ بھائی بہن آپس میں ایسے جدا ہیں کہ موت پر بھی ایک دوسرے کے چہرے نہیں دیکھ سکتے۔ جتنی مصیبت، جتنا کرب ان انڈین مسلمانوں اور مہاجرین نے اٹھایا ہے، اس کا اندازہ بقیہ پاکستانی برادران نہیں لگا پاتے۔ جب بھی پاک بھارت تعلقات زیادہ تلخ ہوتے ہیں تو سب سے زیادہ مصائب اسی مہاجر کمیونٹی کو اٹھانے پڑتے ہیں۔ اب آپ اس حقیقت سے اختلاف رائے تو رکھ سکتے ہیں، مگر آپ کو پھر یہی حق دوسروں کو بھی دینا پڑے گا کہ وہ اس تقسیم کو خونِ مسلم کی تقسیم سمجھیں۔

اور جو انڈین مسلمان پاکستان بننے کے وقت ہجرت کر کے پاکستان آئے، انکے آدھے آدھے خاندان، زمینیں اور جائیدادیں ابھی تک انڈیا میں موجود ہیں۔ اگر الطاف حسین انڈیا سے کہے کہ ان میں سے جو لوگ واپس انڈیا اپنے رشتے داروں کے پاس جانا چاہیں تو انڈیا انہیں اسکی اجازت دے، تو اس میں پاکستان سے غداری والی کون سی بات ہے؟

یہ بتلائیے کہ اچھے مستقبل کے لیے ہزاروں لاکھوں پاکستان یورپ اور امریکہ ہجرت کرتے ہیں۔ تو کیا یہ سب کے سب پاکستان کے غدار ہیں؟ یا یہ کہ یورپ و امریکہ ہجرت کرنا تو حلال ہے، مگر انڈیا اپنے رشتے داروں میں جانا حرام کام اور پاکستان سے غداری ہے؟
یاد رکھئیے الطاف بھائی پاکستان کو توڑنے کی بات نہیں کر رہے، بلکہ انسانیت کی بات کر رہے ہیں کہ انڈیا کو اب یہ حقیقت قبول کر لینی چاہیے کہ انڈیا اور پاکستان دو علیحدہ علیحدہ ملک اور حقیقتیں ہیں اور انہیں ایک دوسرے کو دل سے تسلیم کر لینا چاہیے اور اس لڑائی جنگوں سے نجات حاصل کر کے امن اور ترقی کی راہیں اس خطے میں اپنی غریب عوام کے لیے کھولنی چاہیے ہیں۔ اور اسکے ساتھ ساتھ جن لوگوں کے لیے پاکستان کا قیام Division of Blood ثابت ہوا، اور وہ اپنے رشتے داروں میں واپس جانا چاہیں، تو انسانیت کہتی ہے کہ ہر انسان کو اس چیز کا حق ہونا چاہیے۔
اب جبکہ الطاف بھائی کا پورا مقدمہ آپکے سامنے پیش ہو چکا ہے، تو اب آپ الطاف بھائی کے متعلق فیصلہ کر سکتے ہیں کہ کیا واقعی انہوں نے پاکستان توڑنے اور اس سے غداری کرنے کی کوئی بات کی ہے یا نہیں۔ اور یہ کہ کیا واقعی یہ کڑوڑوں بنگالی اور کڑوڑوں انڈین مسلمان پاکستان کے غدار ہیں کیونکہ وہ قومی نظریے کی بنیاد پر پاکستان کے قیام کو آج غلطی تصور کرتے ہیں؟

دو قومی نظریہ 1951 میں ہجرت کی بندش پر پہلی بار اپنی موت مرا

بات تو ہے رسوائی کی، مگر انسان کو اپنے آپ سے سچ بولنا چاہیے۔

پاکستان بنا دو قومی نظریہ کی بنیاد پر جس کے مطابق برصغیر کے تمام مسلمانوں کے لیے ایسی ریاست کا قیام مقصود تھا جہاں وہ اپنے مذہبی فرائض انجام دے سکیں۔

اور اس پاکستان کے لیے سب سے گرمجوش اور متحرک تحریک چلائی ہندوستان کے مسلمانوں نے۔
مگر یہ دو قومی نظریہ اپنی پہلی موت اُس وقت مرا جب 1951 میں انڈین مسلمانوں پر پاکستان آنے پر مکمل بندش لگا دی گئی، اور یہ پاکستان 1951 کے بعد انڈین مسلمانوں کا نہیں رہا بلکہ صرف پاکستانی مسلمانوں کا بن کر رہ گیا۔
نتیجہ کیا ہوا؟
نتیجہ یہ کہ مہاجروں کے آدھے خاندان ادھر، اور آدھے خاندان اُدھر۔ خون کی ایک نا مٹنے والی مستقل تقسیم۔ اور یہ تقسیم کرنے والے خود پاکستانی۔
وجہ یہ بیان کی جاتی ہے کہ پاکستان اتنی بڑی تعداد میں مسلمان مہاجرین کا بوجھ نہیں اٹھا سکتا۔
ہو سکتا ہے کہ یہ زمینی حقائق کے مطابق بالکل صحیح وجہ ہو، مگر پھر اس بات کو مان لینے میں کا عار کہ برصغیر کی تقسیم اس لیے زمینی حقائق کے مطابق غلطی تھی کہ دو نظریہ پر قائم ہونے والی یہ مسلمان ریاست کبھی بھی انڈین مسلمانوں کا بوجھ نہیں اٹھا سکتی تھی اور نتیجے میں انڈیا کے کڑوڑوں مسلمانوں کو کئی دھائیوں یا صدیوں تک پاکستان بنانے کی سزا انتہا پسند ہندوؤں کے ہاتھوں اٹھانا تھی۔

دو قومی نظریہ کی دوسری موت: مشرقی پاکستان کا علیحدہ ہو کر بنگلہ دیش بن جانا

بات ہے رسوائی کی، مگر زمینی حقیقت یہ ہی تھی کہ دو قومی نظریہ مشرقی اور مغربی پاکستان کو اکھٹا نہیں رکھ سکا، اور اسکی دوسری موت ہوئی 1972 میں جب مشرقی پاکستان جدا ہو کر بنگلہ دیش بن گیا۔

لوگوں کو اس سے واقعہ سے بہت اہم سبق سیکھنا چاہیے۔
دو قومی نظریہ کی تیسری موت: محصورین پاکستان کی بنگلہ دیش کے کیمپوں سے واپسی کا انکار

اس دو قومی نظریہ کی تیسری موت ہوئی جب 1972 سے لیکر آج تک پاکستان کے انتہائی وفادار بہاری پاکستانی مسلمان بنگہ دیش کی کیمپوں میں سڑ رہے ہیں۔ انکے آدھے خاندان آج تک کراچی میں پڑے انکی واپسی کے لیے نوحہ خواں ہیں، مگر کوئی انکا نوحہ سننے والا نہیں۔

گستاخی معاف کہ اگر کوشش کے باوجود بھی کوئی لسانی بات ہو جائے، مگر حقیقت حال کا ادراک بھی لازمی، اور حقیقت یہ کہ کراچی کی بات آتی ہے تو پشتون بھائی کہتے ہیں کراچی پر انکا بھی حق ہے، بلوچ بھائی کہتے ہیں کراچی پر انکا بھی حق ہے، پنجابی بھائی کہتے ہیں کراچی پر انکا بھی حق ہے، سندھی بھائی تو خیر سمجھتے ہی کراچی کو اپنا ہیں اور باقیوں کو قبضہ گروپ جانتے ہیں۔

مگر جب ان بھائیوں کے سامنے بنگلہ دیش میں کیمپوں میں سڑتے وفادار بہاری پاکستانی مسلمانوں کی واپسی کا سوال اٹھایا جائے تو سب سے پہلے اے این پی غصے سے چیخنا چلانا شروع کر دیتی ہے، بلوچ و سندھی جماعتیں بھی پیچھے نہیں رہتیں، پنجاب میں غلام حیدر وائیں مرحوم نے سنجیدہ کوشش کی تھی کہ ان محصورین پاکستان کی مدد کی جائے، مگر صوبے کی اکثریت انکے فعل کے خلاف تھی۔
نتیجہ یہ کہ یہ محصورین پاکستان آج بھی ان کیمپوں میں سڑ رہے ہیں اور انکے آدھے خاندان کراچی میں پڑے اپنے ان پیاروں کے غم میں بلک رہے ہین۔ نہ کوئی مسیحا ہے اور نہ کوئی حال پوچھنے والا۔
ایک اور نتیجہ بھی ہے، اور وہ یہ کہ دو قومی نظریہ اس موقع پر آ کر اپنی تیسری موت مرا۔
کاش کہ ہمارے بھائی الطاف حسین کو غدار وطن اور ملک توڑنے کے جھوٹے الزامات لگانے کی بجائے ان زمینی حقائق کو سمجھ سکیں۔ امین۔

scholars Say Altaf Hussain Says Right In India لوگ الطاف حسین سے متفق

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All his written ideas would be amazing and believable if that is what he wanted. Unfortunately he has made himself clear in other instances of what he really wants.

We'll gladly export Altaf to India.

They need a good money launderr in BJP's London office.

Additional benefits if Modi wants to whack one of his opponents.
Mr Hussain said that he is ready even today to accept the two-nation theory with open-heart on the condition that if the ‘champions’ of the two-nation theory and its custodians reopen the borders of Pakistan for the Muslims of India without any further delay
And that means opening the borders so that all the Muslims of Kashmir too are relocated to Pakistan! WTF? :woot:
And that means opening the borders so that all the Muslims of Kashmir too are relocated to Pakistan! WTF? :woot:

Dont get excited, the jihad here isn't as "rewarding" as it is on the other side of the fence.
All his written ideas would be amazing and believable if that is what he wanted. Unfortunately he has made himself clear in other instances of what he really wants.

needless to say please refer entire material i have posted before any intellectual argument

And that means opening the borders so that all the Muslims of Kashmir too are relocated to Pakistan! WTF? :woot:

please refer the context and read entire article
needless to say please refer entire material i have posted before any intellectual argument

please refer the context and read entire article

You expect people, who have been blinded by decades of propaganda and hate against MQM (and Urdu speaking in general) would be capable of even attempting to think logically or with an open mind/heart?? Why even bother then?
You expect people, who have been blinded by decades of propaganda and hate against MQM (and Urdu speaking in general) would be capable of even attempting to think logically or with an open mind/heart?? Why even bother then?

you are absolutely 100% right, but if next any body labels MQM a traitor i will just hand him over this link
you are absolutely 100% right, but if next any body labels MQM a traitor i will just hand him over this link

First of all , MQM claimed that they representatives of Urdu Speaking is absolutely Wrong.e

My question who are Urdu Speaking People?

Altaf Bhai is our man , he calls the shots in Pakistan sitting in his crib in London :lol:
you are absolutely 100% right, but if next any body labels MQM a traitor i will just hand him over this link
I listened to that speech of Altaf H in India. Hes very candid in stating that partition shud never had happaned coz PAkistan has nothing credible under its belt to show justification of 2 nation theory. its more like giving 100% to only hide the shortcomings of a blunder done half century earlier.

But people shud understand that he even added that events cant be undone. Institutions are in place. There is no point mearging Pakistan in India. We both countries are a fact today and shud live as one nation with all borders into existence. No point putting effort to undo something of past, no matter how justified or unjustified it was.

I agree to Altaf H that we both shud only care bout Trade, Economy and free commutation and for heaven's sake fuget all the egoism and religious jingoism. Just like 2 nation theory, Pakistanis have once again failed in proving no relation with Hindus of Subcontinent. Facts r facts, no matter how u try to prove the nonexistent one.

Pakistanis shud shun their Arab orgasms and come back to reality of being an integral part of Sub Continent culture which is different from Arabs who themselves disown subcontinent Muslims. Once Pakistanis embrace their SubContinental identity without a doubt, thet day SAARC wud automatically gain strength and hence prosperity for our region.

Lets fuget Kashmir n all. Focus on target adding Trillion Dollor GDPs every interval. Rest all shud be deemed farce and useless.
I always says that 2 nation theory was not a good idea ... If Pakistan had built for Muslims of Sab-continent then Pakistan's doors shouldn't have closed for Indian Muslims in 1951 ... But now Pakistan has built in reality and we all are Pakistanis and we all have to work for betterment of Pakistan and we nothing to do with India ... If India wants to build good relations with Pakistan then its good otherwise we won't care India and its people whether they belong to any religion .............
Under the shadow of two nation theory, They just wanted PM and other higher posts in Separate country with blood of poor villagers !! It was bound to flop but successful for Jagidaars, wadairs landlords.
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