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Altaf Hussain willing to return for 'revolution'

I for one welcome Altaf Bhai, he is the only one hasn't got a chance. :D

I mean things can't get any worse so why not. Before it all goes kaput, we might as well give everyone a chance.

we welcome him with open Heart, he should come back and face all pending cases against him..just like sharif brother did.. By Clearing Himself infront of People of Pakistan, he might won their support but he is talking about Marshal-law, is that the revoloution he is talking about?
Btw, what if we start a revolution and Altaf Bhai fails to get a visa to lead us halfway through it.
visa??? Isn't he holds a valid Pakistani passport?
Remember , Revoloution is not kid's play..where he will play through Telephone
BHAI let him come back we will support him!!


ayyiii too saahi sahab!
My father and my uncle was a CSS officer,, but they couldn't get good positions in pakistan..They both passed their exams with high ranks but my father got the job of Police officer and my uncle got the position in post office...
Both of them are mohajirs, after the independence of pakistan mohajirs didn't held big positions because of quota system and I m sorry to say that but Punjabis and Pathans always hold the big positions..
My father did not get promoted and his junior officer was promoted due to the fact that he was a punjabi and he was very disappointed by the fact and he kicked the job and joined the profession of lawyer and then he continuing working hard in it and his name was on the list for Sind court judges but his name was dropped due to the fact that he was a mohajir and his colleague which was very junior to him become the judge, do you know why because he was a punjabi and he was selected from the sind seat to avail that easily then from punjab quota..
This Pakistan was biased with the Mohajirs..
I can give you so much examples of it if you need it..
Mohajirs are the ones who was very educated on that time and they left their home(India) because of Pakistan...
My cousins which are in India enjoys the the word His Excellency in his name by living in Calcutta and Bhopal..
I love my Pakistan besides this such disrespectful behavior..

Fault doesn't lie with ethnicity my friend. It's a culture of favoritism here. My father was an ex-CSS officer (retired now). His promotion was halted two times because of the prejudice of his two Sindhi bosses. Still my father doesn't blame Sindhis nor do i.
You know what. My forefathers also migrated from Indian Punjab for Pakistan and they have never repented it no matter how many hardships they have faced. Forget India. Your home is Pakistan.:pakistan:

@ topic
I will definitely vote for MQM if they change their leader. They have much more capable leaders. Why they are sticking with this clown?
His return will be a biggest revolution in itself. So welcome bhaya we are waiting for you. Who knows we might get a better revolution
And the revolution will be bloody starting from the blood of Altaf himself……….after all he is a leader and has to set an example for others……
visa??? Isn't he holds a valid Pakistani passport?Remember , Revoloution is not kid's play..where he will play through Telephone

Nope !!!

No Pakistani passport !!
A nice joke about Altaf bhaya,
Altaf hussain applied for Hajj..
Saudi Govt Rejected the Application, Reason?

Hajj can not be perfom through Telephone
My cousins which are in India enjoys the the word His Excellency in his name by living in Calcutta and Bhopal..

Officially no one in India is entitled to use the 'His Excellency'. I myseld am from Calcutta, never have seen anyone using the term, neither are there many royal fellows in here.
The Green Revolution? – The Express Tribune

The writer is author of Military Inc. ayesha.siddiqa@tribune.com.pk

Altaf Hussain has come out openly, with guns blazing, against feudalism. In his recent interview with journalist Sohail Warraich, he bemoaned the continuation in power of a class that can only offer authoritarian-feudal-dynastic politics. Is he trying to add yet another layer to a move to destabilise the present government? Is he fighting back the PPP government’s policies and small-mindedness of its leaders like Zulfiqar Mirza in Sindh? Or is it, as some would like to believe, a genuine faith in bringing change in a feudal society?

Without wasting this space to discuss petty politics, I will base my analysis on the assumption that the MQM chief is following a considered policy. After all, besides the ANP, the MQM is the only party which included land reforms (with the intent of putting an end to feudalism) in its election manifesto. Early this year, a prominent MQM member, Syed Mustafa Kamal, briefed an American audience in Washington, DC about how his party’s struggle was against feudalism and that it represented middle-class values. Despite Mr Hussain’s personal style, which many find amusing, there are few people who would not notice his call for a green revolution — an orderly, or perhaps disorderly, rebellion of the middle class supposedly leading poor Pakistanis against the traditional feudal elite.

However, such a revolution should be based on a clear understanding of the term ‘feudalism’. The concept, as defined by Karl Marx, refers to a particular mode of production in which capital and labour are concentrated in a single hand. Over the past 63 years, concentration of land in the hands of the few has reduced substantially. Akbar Zaidi’s research, which shows substantial reduction of large land holdings, is an essential reading before Altaf Hussain’s party comes to Punjab. The largest province, in any case, does not have huge tracts of land.

Having said that, it is true that land in Pakistan symbolises traditional power. Many people not only acquire land but also the behaviour and mindset representative of feudalism. Marx never explained the politico-cultural dimension of feudalism which signifies contempt for ordinary people and the tendency to impose one will on the rest by use of force. This mindset is found among the urban elite and the middle class as well. Private jails in Karachi, target killing of opponents and psychological coercion of the educated into submission to a central leadership is a behaviour not confined to just one part of Pakistan.

The country, in fact, has a pre-capitalist culture which is a marriage between post-colonial capital and feudalism. So, I shouldn’t have been surprised when I heard a foreign- educated popular television anchor talking contemptuously of ordinary Pakistanis and castigating them for supporting dynastic politics. In his view, ordinary people were stupid. It didn’t occur to him that perhaps their behaviour is as stupid as the folly of those who become clients of institutions despite their education.

Or is it not feudal to suggest that someone presenting a divergent point of view should leave the country and acquire another passport? Such behaviour is not strictly feudal but a mix of feudalism and fascism. After all, it was an educated segment of Pakistan that killed thousands of Bengalis in 1970, the Baloch in 1973 and later and the Sindhis during the 1980s.

One could not agree more with Altaf Hussain’s call for the change of mindset. One only hopes that he does not confuse eradication of feudalism with destruction of agriculture. Despite growing urbanisation, our economy is still agri-based. In fact, the increase in urbanisation is an unplanned result of growing rural poverty. For the poor landless peasant, the ‘lord of the manor’ may be a more familiar evil than an alien civil or military bureaucrat who is equally brutal in dispossessing him from the state land where he has kept his family for many years. This is not a defence of feudalism or the landowning elite but an attempt to say that in their arrogance to impose their choices on ordinary folk and a bulk of this country, representatives of middle class could destroy more than they might build. It will help develop respect for people before we advocate change.
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