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Altaf Hussain unwell, bed rest advised by doctors: Report

This makes more sense and points that he really got some warning by UK authorities.
If you shoot yourself in the foot ……….. you’re definitely going to be unwell. :omghaha:
LONDON: Founder of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Altaf Hussain has been advised to pause all political activity for a few days and shut his fu$$ing mouth in London, reported Express News on Tuesday.

According to the report, Altaf Hussain's nationality is in jeopardy and a warning has been given.

Earlier, enraged by what he called “false accusations” of rigging, Altaf had warned the establishment to respect the mandate of Karachi in a telephonic address to his party on May 12.

He reminded his supporters that despite deaths, bombings and threats the highest number of MQM voters had risked their lives to vote in favour of other parties but were not allowed to do so. .
Altaf Hussain unwell, bed rest advised by doctors: Report – The Express Tribune

Please post correct news :D
the game could finally be over. YES!!!! on may 12 night i posted that it would be great to hear two news if i woke up. One re-elections in effected constitutions or altaf having a heart attack. Bhai news der say aye par aye gaye. Lets see if he veer gets up.
I'd like to wish Altaf bhai a speedy recovery. His community, Karachi and the country need his service. :D
Wonder what his apologist moron followers have to say now? They all have taken leave after his terrorist comments. All his followers who were so against the "Taliban" can now explain about his terrorist threats. Whats the difference between him and Taliban, at least Taliban bow to Allah, this MChod bows to his white masters dogs.

Die you scum mother ******. rot in hell. May he never get a proper burial or a grave, may dogs consume his stinking remains.
What a great show-man (Joker). People complained against him to Scotland yard and now he tries to get people sympathies by playing 'Sick-Sick'.

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