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Alphabet, Google's parent company, just topped $1 trillion in market value, joining other tech giant


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
Alphabet, Google's parent company, just joined the trillionaire club.

With its stock price closing at an all-time high of $1,450.16 on Thursday, the company's market value reached $1 trillion.

The tech giant is the fourth U.S. company to hit the milestone after Apple, Microsoft and Amazon. Facebook could join the club next as its market value sits at roughly $630 billion.

Trump promised to crack down on these major internet conglomerates yet as usual failed to do so

Once again backstabbing his greatest supporters by allowing them to be deplatformed.

No wonder Coulter and Carlson jumped off that sinking ship. The only two sane conservative pundits left in the US.

Only shills and neocon never Trumpers like Shapiro are left. Cringe.
Once again backstabbing his greatest supporters by allowing them to be deplatformed.

No wonder Coulter and Carlson jumped off that sinking ship. The only two sane conservative pundits left in the US.

Only shills and neocon never Trumpers like Shapiro are left. Cringe.

Lets face it we cant change America through the ballot box I voted Trump in 2016 also I dont boast it here but I hoped relations with Russia at least would improve America high tails out of Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq instead we are more in deeper s..t than ever before America is terminal phase yet people dont want to admit or hide it
Lets face it we cant change America through the ballot box I voted Trump in 2016 also I dont boast it here but I hoped relations with Russia at least would improve America high tails out of Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq instead we are more in deeper s..t than ever before America is terminal phase yet people dont want to admit or hide it

Not trying to be mean but this is why I consider America to be a lost cause, the paleoconservative movement is rising too slow. America is going back to 2003 levels of neocon adventurism and zio-cuckery. History repeats, no lessons are learnt.

Not that Europe is much better but we're talking about dozens of nations here, plenty of diversity when it comes to domestic policy and self-preservation.
Not trying to be mean but this is why I consider America to be a lost cause, the paleoconservative movement is rising too slow. America is going back to 2003 levels of neocon adventurism and zio-cuckery. History repeats, no lessons are learnt.

Not that Europe is much better but we're talking about dozens of nations here, plenty of diversity when it comes to domestic policy and self-preservation.

I agree there is no way to save the US at this point its order has to be smashed
I agree there is no way to save the US at this point its order has to be smashed

It's correct that politically there's nothing to be done. The Zionist deep state establishment is too dug in.

There needs to be some sort of shock and awe event either internally or externally, during the tensions last week I secretly hoped that it would escalate further. I'm not trying to sound like a psychopath but another war in the middle east will be the straw that breaks the camel's back (for the US), war exhaustion, demoralisation, military overstretch compounded with domestic issues would unleash the hornets nest on the global Zionist empire. Literally David and Goliath.

The war would inevitably drag in other parties, Russia would covertly support Iran so the Europeans would buy Russian energy for longer (and to counter US). China would be dragged in the PG to secure their energy interests which risks confrontation with the US if China is seen escorting Iranian tankers. Among other things, it's almost too much to count.

In Europe it will lead to fuel and food riots which will destabilise the vassal governments and put nationalists in power who would stand up for their own self-interests. I would rather pay 4 times as much for fuel and food for months then bear the rest of my life in this Zionist social experiment of a country.

Sometimes burning it all down and starting over is the best thing.
Amazon and Microsoft may be up next to reach this distinction!
It's correct that politically there's nothing to be done. The Zionist deep state establishment is too dug in.

There needs to be some sort of shock and awe event either internally or externally, during the tensions last week I secretly hoped that it would escalate further. I'm not trying to sound like a psychopath but another war in the middle east will be the straw that breaks the camel's back (for the US), war exhaustion, demoralisation, military overstretch compounded with domestic issues would unleash the hornets nest on the global Zionist empire. Literally David and Goliath.

The war would inevitably drag in other parties, Russia would covertly support Iran so the Europeans would buy Russian energy for longer (and to counter US). China would be dragged in the PG to secure their energy interests which risks confrontation with the US if China is seen escorting Iranian tankers. Among other things, it's almost too much to count.

In Europe it will lead to fuel and food riots which will destabilise the vassal governments and put nationalists in power who would stand up for their own self-interests. I would rather pay 4 times as much for fuel and food for months then bear the rest of my life in this Zionist social experiment of a country.

Sometimes burning it all down and starting over is the best thing.
You and I may have differences regarding race,religion and ideologies but I will 1000 percent agree if the US were to go to another conflict or so in the Mid East it will be the end or the current order as it stands but I think the folks in DC are just a bunch of chicken hawks so they wont do crap besides using fifth columns to screw Iran as usual
If the US collapses, the free world as we know it finished. You will see the end of Democracy, mass concentration camps, mass censorship, no rule of law, no freedom of speech, no freedom of the press, no freedom of religion, no freedom to protest, no right to a lawyer, no independent judiciary. China will take over the world and we will all be put in concentration camps since we hate Communism. Anyone the CCP don’t like will be slaughtered. The world will be like if Nazi Germany had won WW2.

This is the nightmare scenario for people like me that value universal values above everything else. US for all it’s faults is the beacon of hope for universal values. The shining light on the hill. The US is the guardian angel protecting universal values. CCP is the devil that wants to oppress everyone. I prefer freedom to oppression. This is why I prefer the US to CCP.
If the US collapses, the free world as we know it finished. You will see the end of Democracy, mass concentration camps, mass censorship, no rule of law, no freedom of speech, no freedom of the press, no freedom of religion, no freedom to protest, no right to a lawyer, no independent judiciary. China will take over the world and we will all be put in concentration camps since we hate Communism. Anyone the CCP don’t like will be slaughtered. The world will be like if Nazi Germany had won WW2.

This is the nightmare scenario for people like me that value universal values above everything else. US for all it’s faults is the beacon of hope for universal values. The shining light on the hill. The US is the guardian angel protecting universal values. CCP is the devil that wants to oppress everyone. I prefer freedom to oppression. This is why I prefer the US to CCP.

You can join my tribe. :D
If the US collapses, the free world as we know it finished. You will see the end of Democracy, mass concentration camps, mass censorship, no rule of law, no freedom of speech, no freedom of the press, no freedom of religion, no freedom to protest, no right to a lawyer, no independent judiciary. China will take over the world and we will all be put in concentration camps since we hate Communism. Anyone the CCP don’t like will be slaughtered. The world will be like if Nazi Germany had won WW2.

This is the nightmare scenario for people like me that value universal values above everything else. US for all it’s faults is the beacon of hope for universal values. The shining light on the hill. The US is the guardian angel protecting universal values. CCP is the devil that wants to oppress everyone. I prefer freedom to oppression. This is why I prefer the US to CCP.

The US doesn't champion any of these values you state department shill. Your schizophrenic paranoia of some global Chinese concentration camp will remain that. Go to a shrink.

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