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Almost a dozen Navy officers were arrested for spying for Pakistan recently under Operation Dolphin


Sep 20, 2014
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Operation Dolphin’s Nose: 7 Navy Officials Were Spying For Pakistan, Arrested


Operation Dolphin's Nose: 3 more Navy personnel arrested in espionage case linked to Pakistan


11 Navy personnel arrested till now


Sunny Kumar (Alwar, RJ), SK Das (Gopalpur, Odisha) and S Kumar Sarma (UP).

Others accused Ashok Kumar (Jhunjhun, RJ), Ashok Kumar (Jodhpur, RJ), V Kumar (Alwar, RJ) and Somanath (Pune, MH) were arrested from Karwar Command of Karnataka while one Ashok Kumar Singh was posted at Submarine based at Mumbai.

Reports have revealed that all these sailors were recruited in 2017. In 2018, they were contacted by some women online and they introduced them to the ISI handler. The sailors have been giving out information in the exchange for a hefty amount of money.
How?.. RAW is getting intelligence from Pakistan that their navy personal are compromise? Or their spending revealed them? Or some communication leaked or abnormal bank transfer.
ISI should work out how they got arrested..
sad to say this...but the first couple of Pak commenters here have a point...How about disenfranchising the men from the states where female sex ratio is horribly poor? and transfer the male vote to the women of those states? like every woman gets two votes (but only when both votes are for the same party in the same election)

@Maarkhoor @pakpride00090 The ratio of attractive women in Indiahas dropped horribly in the last 10 years or so....it is because of the rampant sex selection in the 90s among the middle class I remember when I was little and back in India, so many older women would cause slight "crushes" in me...but even as I stepped on the wrong side of 30, the young ones fail to garner my attention anymore...the prettier women who should have come of age by now sadly don't exist anymore because of being killed in the womb..This is one reason that drives the bobs and vagene meme and why so many Indian men tend to forget personal boundaries when encountering pretty women of other countries

These are true facts you won't see oh-so-daring Hindutva commentators like IndiaFacts,TrueIndology, SwarajyaMag commenting on

How?.. RAW is getting intelligence from Pakistan that their navy personal are compromise? Or their spending revealed them? Or some communication leaked or abnormal bank transfer.
ISI should work out how they got arrested..

Hum bhi koi laalloo thori hain, Janab?
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How?.. RAW is getting intelligence from Pakistan that their navy personal are compromise? Or their spending revealed them? Or some communication leaked or abnormal bank transfer.
ISI should work out how they got arrested..

These are low level honey trapped assets, they are used and discarded. One gets caught, and the trail can easily be established to the rest.
sad to say this...but the first couple of Pak commenters here have a point...How about disenfranchising the men from the states where female sex ratio is horribly poor? and transfer the male vote to the women of those states? like every woman gets two votes (but only when both votes are for the same party in the same election)

@Maarkhoor @pakpride00090 The ratio of attractive women in Indiahas dropped horribly in the last 10 years or so....it is because of the rampant sex selection in the 90s among the middle class I remember when I was little and back in India, so many older women would cause slight "crushes" in me...but even as I stepped on the wrong side of 30, the young ones fail to garner my attention anymore...the prettier women who should have come of age by now sadly don't exist anymore because of being killed in the womb..This is one reason that drives the bobs and vagene meme and why so many Indian men tend to forget personal boundaries when encountering pretty women of other countries

These are true facts you won't see oh-so-daring Hindutva commentators like IndiaFacts,TrueIndology, SwarajyaMag commenting on

Hum bhi koi laalloo thori hain, Janab?

Probably you are correct but partially since it covers only one aspect you never thought about Bollywood? They are importing women from U.K and other countries even dancers ....moreover filmmakers only select western looking white girls....but in reality Indian women lacks in skin color and beauty which makes their men frustrated since Bollywood inspired mind wanted to have good looking beautiful western women and when someone tried to trap them it is very easy show some white skin and bob n vegna guys fell for it off course money is also a factor.

abnormal bank transfer.
Spending recklessly alarm intelligence agencies further they scanning their social media.
One gets caught, and the trail can easily be established to the rest.
I mean one fb account for all assets is not ideal, easily tracible.. or may be if one gets involved he gets the other so that is trailed..

Hum bhi koi laalloo thori hain, Janab?
For sure.. 71, MQM, TTP, Sri Lanka, Assam rebellion, Khalsa movement etc... I was just questioning 7 at once.
sad to say this...but the first couple of Pak commenters here have a point...How about disenfranchising the men from the states where female sex ratio is horribly poor? and transfer the male vote to the women of those states? like every woman gets two votes (but only when both votes are for the same party in the same election)

@Maarkhoor @pakpride00090 The ratio of attractive women in Indiahas dropped horribly in the last 10 years or so....it is because of the rampant sex selection in the 90s among the middle class I remember when I was little and back in India, so many older women would cause slight "crushes" in me...but even as I stepped on the wrong side of 30, the young ones fail to garner my attention anymore...the prettier women who should have come of age by now sadly don't exist anymore because of being killed in the womb..This is one reason that drives the bobs and vagene meme and why so many Indian men tend to forget personal boundaries when encountering pretty women of other countries

These are true facts you won't see oh-so-daring Hindutva commentators like IndiaFacts,TrueIndology, SwarajyaMag commenting on

Hum bhi koi laalloo thori hain, Janab?

I have personally used the honey trap technique on Indians and it worked like a charm. A lot of Indians are very oblivious to the huge gender imbalance and lack of availability of attractive women. This creates a lot of social problems that can manifest in unimaginable ways.

The funny thing is , even when you stratify among religions, Hindus and Sikhs have the lowest amount of women. I am going to quote an indian source on it. https://www.ideasforindia.in/topics...ios-and-religion-in-india-and-south-asia.html


That is why I have always stressed that the best way to spy and infiltrate indian society is by using sex as a weapon. ISI should hire high end eastern european escorts to work in India. This is literally a gold mine.
Show them money and they are ready to sell their mothers to Pakistan
If true, then it is not good. Hard to trust anything coming out if India as they have been exposed with networks of fake news.
I have personally used the honey trap technique on Indians and it worked like a charm. A lot of Indians are very oblivious to the huge gender imbalance and lack of availability of attractive women. This creates a lot of social problems that can manifest in unimaginable ways.

The funny thing is , even when you stratify among religions, Hindus and Sikhs have the lowest amount of women. I am going to quote an indian source on it. https://www.ideasforindia.in/topics...ios-and-religion-in-india-and-south-asia.html


That is why I have always stressed that the best way to spy and infiltrate indian society is by using sex as a weapon. ISI should hire high end eastern european escorts to work in India. This is literally a gold mine.

North is mostly responsible for this .-..if you are not part of the state security apparatus and hierarchy , I think its best for you to desist from such antics.....it will take around 50 years for the reserves of beautiful women to go back to pre-2005 levels...one thing that has been seen...Young Indian men have taken to bodybuilding and six pack building to woo whatever beautiful women that is there....these men have the highest chance of being sexually successful in India and abroad, as the middle class of the 90s didnot stop having children...they just stopped having daughters...these men have been fed well and are starting to crack 6ft

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