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Almost 500 Chinese arrested Asia-wide over telecom scam

Dhruv V Singh

May 18, 2011
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BEIJING — Nearly 500 people were seized by police across Asia over an $11.5-million telecom scam targeting people in China, state media said on Thursday.

Most of the 482 people held were from China and Taiwan. They were arrested there and in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Sri Lanka and Fiji, the Chinese state news agency Xinhua said.

The accused, who were taken in on Wednesday, are said to have defrauded their Chinese victims of a total of 73 million yuan ($11.5 million), it said. The rest of the suspects are from Thailand and Myanmar.
"The group mainly squeezed money from individuals or companies by calling them in the name of police or procuratorial staff and threatening to accuse them of money-laundering crimes," said Liu Ancheng, deputy director of China's Criminal Investigation Bureau.

They asked the victims to transfer money into the gang's accounts and then told accomplices in Taiwan and Thailand to withdraw the money from local cash machines, Liu was quoted as saying.
The ringleaders were from Taiwan, Liu said.

What Xinhua called "money-laundering dens" were also found in Taiwan and Thailand. China's Ministry of Public Security launched an investigation in November and invited police from Taiwan -- a self-ruled island which Beijing considers part of its territory -- to "work out effective solutions".
The report quoted the ministry as lauding the cooperation between all the territories and countries.

"The ministry said it regards the coordinated crackdown on the telecom scam as a new paradigm of international police cooperation," it said. Xinhua added: "China's law-enforcement departments are always confident in, and capable of, safeguarding the security of people's property."

AFP: 500 arrested Asia-wide over telecom scam: state media
LOL, you changed the thread title completely. :rofl:

Here, read the thread title and the first line, in the ORIGINAL report:

500 arrested Asia-wide over telecom scam: state media

(AFP) – 12 hours ago

BEIJING — Nearly 500 people were seized by police across Asia over an $11.5-million telecom scam targeting people in China, state media said on Thursday.

Notice the difference?

Police arrested 482 suspects, including 177 people from the Chinese mainland, 286 from Taiwan and 19 from Thailand and Myanmar, who allegedly were connected with 510 telecom swindling cases, and cheated Chinese victims out of 73 million yuan ($11 million) from 2010 to 2011, Yang said.

482 held in telecom scam bust - China.org.cn, 463 out of the 482 were Chinese.

Are you okay Roybot? You're starting to grow fangs. :confused:

What did I do, am I not allowed to comment on topics related to China? :angel:
Are you okay Roybot? You're starting to grow fangs. :confused:

What are you talking about? Roybot has always been anti-China ever since he joined this forum. :lol:

As a side note, the largest number of perpatrators in this incident were from Taiwan. And the victims were all Chinese, either in mainland China or in Taiwan.
LOL, you changed the thread title completely. :rofl:

Here, read the thread title and the first line, in the ORIGINAL report:

Notice the difference?

Going by their MO, it seems there is an international related Chinese gangs using ATMs and bank accounts to transfer money around. Someone showed me a Chinese newspaper and told me quite a few were caught in NYC the last couple of days, but unfortunately I didn't pay much attention to the news.

These perpetrators are ethnic Chinese from different part of Asia, not necessary from China and their targets are mostly Chinese immigrants from China.
I must say that was some operations by various law enforcement agencies and they probably were on the case for a while. Good job!. Now it will be up the the individual country to punish them in accordance to their crimes.
482 held in telecom scam bust - China.org.cn, 463 out of the 482 were Chinese.

What did I do, am I not allowed to comment on topics related to China? :angel:

overwhelming majority are deibazi - taiwan is china's; deibazi are just thieves who occupy our land in much the same way these hindus steal and occupy our zongnang (and are racially more closely akin to south asians perhaps).
overwhelming majority are deibazi - taiwan is china's; deibazi are just thieves who occupy our land in much the same way these hindus steal and occupy our zongnang (and are racially more closely akin to south asians perhaps).

Deibazi and Mainlander chinis scamming the world. We believe in one china policy :china:
you obviously violate the forums rules.

Please reinstate the original title for copyright consideration.
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