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Alleged UAE spy kills himself in Istanbul prison, Turkish state media says

World sees Muslims as Muslims, however Muslims have nationalism, regional divide, sectarian divide, tribal divide and list goes on.
if you talk this way it would be very easy to do the same in palestinian issue.. you could easily without any problem say.. its the palestinians fault! its their matter its an illusion created by some nationalistic arabs.. there is no problem.. if you throw stones at police where in the world this is not answered? yes in turkey you can throw molotov cocktails and nothing happens.. you shoot rockets to cities and nothing happens? where do you live? what kind of illusions do you have? there would be no bombing and no security issue if palestinians would start to behave and not to be the kurds in israel.. and you know they flirted with pkk and greekos and so on...

you are disgusting... supporting palestinian issue calling them brothers ín your brain and so on but when it comes to our kind you have a blind eye..

this behavior is seen by many of your kind.. no emotions until someone respected of your ppl start to have emotions or do a talk about that..

I talked years about that with turks in germany they didnt listen and suddenly they had pictures and flags and why? because someone respected from their middle was talking about that issue.. than it began to be real..

uygurs are no arabs ts ppl think arabs are like holy ppl.. higher above themselves.. what a pity to be born as a turk..
Not that I want to get involved in your disputes . I just want to point out that you can’t expect Pakistanis to be overtly supportive of the Uygurs just because of Turkey. You have to understand that China is Pakistan’s cloesest ally and backer, and China is involved in lots of economic,scientific and military projects in Pakistan. So I think it’s normal for Pakistanis to be silent or even outright rejectful of any criticism about Uygurs in China. I believe it’s normal to be honest. By contrast a support for the Palestinians is less controversial and more acceptable , since it’s an issue most Muslim accept it regardless of their nationality or country. Moreover Israel isn’t close to Pakistan in anyway. So some might call this double standard or whatever, but I believe there is Nothing really wrong in that(strategically not morally ) .
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The spy that died is a Palestinian???

These Palestinians have become mercs to everybody.
People who were wondering the motive of suicide may watch the video. There is no difference. Same manthality, same culture.
Is it funny to suspect suicide of a Muslim Palestinian Arab guy!

Are you a Ukro Turk or a Ukro Nazi?
You look like more Ukro Nazi to me, though!

I don't see any representatives of the Turkish state interfering in Pakistani affairs
I don't see any Turks behaving subversively in Pakistan.
I don't see any Turks supporting separatists or miscreants in Pakistan in any capacity.
I don't see any Turks outwardly supporting India and the current extremist Indian administration.

All of the above how ever applies specifically to the city states and their toxic behavior. Now we know this kind of behavior is not only occurring in Pakistan but in Turkey too.

Time for Pakistanis to call a spade a spade.

BUT I did witnessed Turkish Intelligence recruitment in Pakistan, as Turks needed Jihadis desperately in Syria to counter Syrian Government forces!

Now I am calling a spade a spade!
To be honest a lot of people dont know about East Turkistan until today is due to exposure. Palestine is such a well known one due to exposure and how Jerusalem is the holy city.

Ask Muslims about East Turkistan and other regions like Bangsamoro in The Philippines how the Muslim Moros have been at war for 400 years against invaders. Many Muslims dont even know that Thailand are oppressing Muslims in Patani. Iraqi Turkmens are overlooked along with Syrian Turkmens. Azerbajiani Turks who live in Iran are treated like crap not to mention oppression done upon Sunnis in Iran.

It is all crickets to be honest.

Central Asian Turkic countries have done nothing about East Turkestan either. Uzbeks even killed our Ashika Turk brothers.

How many Central Asian Turkic countries consider themselves Turk. I seen videos of Kyrgz saying they dont like Turks. Go to Kazakhs themselves and say we are Turks they would look down upon it is like that you swore at them.

Then you have some Central Asian Turks calling us fake Turks.

Turkey should care about itself help the people that at least appreciate us and make Dua for us. Somalis have always been thankful and love us so much while palestinians are cursing and swearing at us.

We dont ignore our Uygur brothers or our Rohinga brothers just because they are not Arab.
Sorry first before I start you are right with many many things you said..

But it's true that there are plenty of people who don't give a fck.. They don't do it and come up with stories like illusions what does illusion mean? This word is A crystal clear message

Not that I want to get involved in your disputes . I just want to point out that you can’t expect Pakistanis to be overtly supportive of the Uygurs just because of Turkey. You have to understand that China is Pakistan’s cloesest ally and backer, and China is involved in lots of economic,scientific and military projects in Pakistan. So I think it’s normal for Pakistanis to be silent or even outright rejectful of any criticism about Uygurs in China. I believe it’s normal to be honest. By contrast a support for the Palestinians is less controversial and more acceptable , since it’s an issue most Muslim accept it regardless of their nationality or country. Moreover Israel isn’t close to Pakistan in anyway. So some might call this double standard or whatever, but I believe there is Nothing really wrong in that(strategically not morally ) .

He is no Pakistani he claims to be a turkish patriot.... and that is why he got an harsh answer..

I really don't expect Pakistani to be on our side if they are then I am happy and thankful if not it's their choice
they are free people

For Palestinian support there is a kind of ppl thinking arabs are special and they give them special treatment...

I am not totally against Palestinian issue I think it's a dead nationalistic movement.. We need an Islamic answer.. also I know most ppl can be for Palestinians because it has no effect in their daily life, no money no wealth no security is risked but when it comes to security issues then separates the wheat from the chaff and you would find most of them running away!

so if there are idiots on any side let them be idiots but they will get their answer.. if someone thinks a turk from turkey is less worth than someone from east or anyone of them are ashamed of being a this or that.. then let them be ashamed we dont need them there are a lot who dont think this way!
Alleged UAE spy kills himself in Istanbul prison, Turkish state media says
By Kareem Khadder and Isil Sariyuce, CNN

Updated 2:56 PM ET, Mon April 29, 2019


Silivri Prison's main entrance gate where a man arrested on suspicion of spying for the United Arab Emirates in Turkey allegedly died by suicide.
(CNN)A man arrested on suspicion of spying for the United Arab Emirates has allegedly died by suicide while imprisoned in Turkey, the country's state prosecutor and its state-run news agency Anadolu said Monday.

But the man's brother claims that he was killed, and says that his image is being "defamed."
Turkey's chief prosecutor identified the dead man as Zaki Hassan, who had been detained on charges of "obtaining confidential state information for political and military espionage." He and another man were arrested on April 4 and 5, according to Hassan's family members.
Turkish officials had been investigating whether the pair, suspected of spying for the UAE, were connected to the October 2018 murder of Jamal Khashoggi at Saudi Arabia's Istanbul consulate, according to Anadolu.
The prosecutor said that a prison guard found Hassan at 10:22am in his one-man cell in Istanbul's Silivri prison, during food distribution on Sunday.
The Prosecutor's office says they have opened an investigation.
The UAE did not respond to CNN's request for comment.
According to his family, Hassan was a Palestinian father of nine and a retired major intelligence general. He worked for the Palestinian Authority in Gaza prior to the Hamas takeover there in 2007.

Hassan had been given political asylum in Bulgaria and received a Turkish residency permit on his Palestinian passport in March, his brother, said.
The brother, Zakaria Hassan, told CNN: "Zaki was killed and did not commit suicide.
"My brother is a martyr and enough is enough to defame his image. Not only did they kill him but now they are defaming the image of my brother," he said.
"He was a father, had a Phd in political science, and was a retired intelligence general. Why would he kill himself?" Hassan told CNN on Monday.
The second suspect in the arrests was identified as Samer Shaaban, according to two Gaza families.

His wife Sameeh Shaaban told CNN that he left Gaza in early 2008 and was later named as a suspect by Hamas for an alleged plot to assassinate Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh -- something which she and the family denies.
"I want my husband to be released as soon as possible, as there is no evidence for his conviction. Turkish authorities and the media should be held to account for these false accusations," Shaaban said.

most likely murdered
Also worth noting the US-Palestinian senator Rashida Tlaib plays a role in the anti-Turkish group in the US congress, she just recently co-sponsored a Bill which supports the Armenian Genocide allegations. Read the text
it includes the forged Hitler quote and other falsities.
Not to mention the Palestinian flag is based on the Arab flag of revolt (against the Ottomans), designed by none other than Sir Mark Sykes.
As much as I can sympathise with their predicament, the Palestinians made their choice and now have to live with it.

Put it this way, lets say Israel was never created, and Mandate Palestine became an independent state. Would those same Turks be sympathetic to Palestine if it was under the rule of Baathist leader like in Iraq and Syria? Most likely if Israel never existed then Palestine would of been another anti Turkish Arab state, flying the flag of the arab revolt and actively demonising Turkey today.
She is a b**** like all Pallies

Bro stop generalization please. I know most of Palestinians were/are backstabbers but still there are some good Palestinians as well.
Bro stop generalization please. I know most of Palestinians were/are backstabbers but still there are some good Palestinians as well.

Most people with commen sense can get your point, only provided by individual perspective/angle.

However, the same ''Most people'' can also understand ''Collectiveness'' is above any human being ( even one of your family member for the sake of the rest of your family) unless you are a prophet; That is why nations with ''Collective'' mindset have reached so far.

Simple... Would you gamble with your own life and your whole family, let it in hands of a foreign individual in critical condition?

So judging is dependent on perpective, if you ignore and mix individualism and collectiveness, then you become today's Turkey or Muslim geography.

Any objection?
Most people with commen sense can get your point, only provided by individual perspective/angle.

However, the same ''Most people'' can also understand ''Collectiveness'' is above any human being ( even one of your family member for the sake of the rest of your family) unless you are a prophet; That is why nations with ''Collective'' mindset have reached so far.

Simple... Would you gamble with your own life and your whole family, let it in hands of a foreign individual in critical condition?

So judging is dependent on perpective, if you ignore and mix individualism and collectiveness, then you become today's Turkey or Muslim geography.

Any objection?

Bro I understand you but generalization whole a nation or religion isn't right thing whatsoever.
Bro I understand you but generalization whole a nation or religion isn't right thing whatsoever.

The morality is a conditional term, but not at the top of public/human priorities of interests in critical situations for collectiveness.

All history of smart beings or animals has the repetitive factual records; and both have the ability to pass the experiences on the next generation. If you do not take those experiences into consideration when you act/react but your individual thougth, then you not only harm youself but also your society in the end.

That is why the borders, languages, cultures, laws, international laws etc. are centered around the human priorities of interests for their own collective existance against the other one(s) in the next day(s).

Simple... whether Greece/Armenia is friend of Turkey is dependent on a few Greek individuals behaviour to you or occupied islands, West thrace, so called G-Word claim etc. Greek/Armenian collective policies?

In short, you cannot legally/morally decide on a collective issue by juding a few individuals for the sake of the nation and country's future. ( I think the issiu lies in here between you and me.)
There are good palestinians and bad like in all nations. This isn't about individuals, but the politics. It's a cause which many leaders encourage Turks to support but is never returned. Bizarre considering this cause is rooted in fighting the Turks and supporting the British Empire.

Fighters of the Palestinian cause also played a major role in creating Turkey's biggest security threat. The PKK. The pkk were only a small outfit in 1980, one of many militants groups in Turkey at the time. It was in Palestinian militant camps in the Bekaa Valley where the pkk sought refuge and where the PKK were trained by palestinian militants, creating a more dangerous and better trained terrorist group.
When you think the PKK could of been destroyed in the 80s instead they were sheltered and trained in Bekaa and 4 decades costing Turkey tens of thousands dead and hundreds of billions spent countering them. Thanks, Palestine.

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