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Alleged Iranian Drone in Pakistani Custody

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And here we have the point. you can't have a rational discussion with a lot of Iranians when it comes to this subject. They start foaming at the mouth accusing everyone of being against them and resort to personal insults. (Not that you have in this case but a lot of your compatriots have and generally end up being banned.)

Iran is generally mocked not because of their efforts but their ludicrous claims.

No one would mock them if they rebuilt an F5 and upgraded it as best they could given the limited options of Iran. However they start making claims about it being a "Fourth gen fighter" and how it is equivalent to hornets and mirages.

The Qaher 313 was an absolute mess from start to finish. The badly designed mock up with comical features. the Rc drone used to show "flight" but according to internet pundits it will shoot down all comers and doubters are just American shills.


And how do we know it's Photoshopped? Well, look at this mountain shot from the stock-image site PickyWallpapers.com, which we found through a Google Image search, then lightened:


And, well, look at how one Iranian blogger put two and two together:


The real debunking, of course, we've already reported: Aviation experts made clear last week, amidst the beginning of this propaganda blitz, that the Qahar jet can't fly. Some have pointed out that the new image could just be a mock-up meant as a sort of preview, like a hotel superimposing its design on its new neighborhood. But this thing doesn't even have a nozzle to fuel up, guys!

And missiles they are undoubtedly able to construct missiles but again have to prove a point of some type.


What about claims around drones? Drones are relatively easy to make in this world. but again big claims are required

"And remember this past November, when they took a Japanese aircraft and turned it into a super-snazzy KOKER-1 drone?


Having learned from those two blunders, the Iranians seem to have learned not to put an extra plane into their photo and also learned the very important lesson not to take someone else's picture and just edit out windmills. And props to using Mount Damavand — that's a local landmark"



the images above show British tempest, Pakistani azm and Turkish TFX fling. and unlike these three that published b official governments, iranian image y posted is a military enthusiast job. so if what you said about iranians making big claims, world should laugh at you.

this image is taken of a video clip showing our zelzal rockets being fired, i said this before some people believe in US propaganda and think Iranian news is propaganda. you are victim to western propaganda otherwise it's not hard for Iran to launch hundreds of missiles per day.



the images above show British tempest, Pakistani azm and Turkish TFX fling. and unlike these three that published b official governments, iranian image y posted is a military enthusiast job. so if what you said about iranians making big claims, world should laugh at you.

this image is taken of a video clip showing our zelzal rockets being fired, i said this before some people believe in US propaganda and think Iranian news is propaganda. you are victim to western propaganda otherwise it's not hard for Iran to launch hundreds of missiles per day.
Thanks for proving my point......You cant have a rational discussion
Thanks for proving my point......You cant have a rational discussion
seems like u guys have different interpretation of rationalism, you said Iranian qaher is propaganda and for internal consumption because some one photo shoped an image i showed you images of your own project image on a C-130 even when you didn't presented a mock up.
you are the same person who preferred Turkish siper ADS over Iranian systems claiming they are better and Iranian one is just a hoax despite the fact that Iranian one just downed a drone with most advanced counter measures even more advanced than F-15 ones.
so please tell me if you are not a brainwashed then what are u??
seems like u guys have different interpretation of rationalism, you said Iranian qaher is propaganda and for internal consumption because some one photo shoped an image i showed you images of your own project image on a C-130 even when you didn't presented a mock up.
you are the same person who preferred Turkish siper ADS over Iranian systems claiming they are better and Iranian one is just a hoax despite the fact that Iranian one just downed a drone with most advanced counter measures even more advanced than F-15 ones.
so please tell me if you are not a brainwashed then what are u??
See what I mean.... I have never "preferred" the Siper over anything I simply want no part of any Iranian system until they are out in the real world and not just some Poorly made Iranian news video.

And please don't use concept images as a rational for your argument. There is a whole world of difference between showing a concept drawing and showing a "Jet" like the Qaher.

Seems like the whole world is brainwashed and only Iranians know the truth.....:disagree:

Indeed the neighbors will be gone---iraq is goner---syria is gone---a neighbor couple of blocks away Yemen is gone---another neighbor Palestine another couple of blocks away is also gone---.

It is a funny disappearance act---. Anyone who stands or comes under the influence of Iran---they disappear-& Iran stands tall---.
I believe you are using the post hoc fallacy(aka logic by coincidence) here- you are associating certain Arab countries' destruction or/and disappearance with association with Iran, but you are not proving that connection yet.

We all know Gulf/ME Arab states got unstable from the Arab spring, and Iran didnt initiate the Arab spring, but Iran did interfere with its process to expand its influence.
Beta G, don't you think it is time to change your nick name from 'Retired Troll' to something more meaningful?

Forum members gave me this name. I became what pdf society is.

aim your barrels right muhtaram buzurg
See what I mean.... I have never "preferred" the Siper over anything I simply want no part of any Iranian system until they are out in the real world and not just some Poorly made Iranian news video.
i really don't know what you mean, do you expect our military authorities invite you personally to weapon tests??
And please don't use concept images as a rational for your argument. There is a whole world of difference between showing a concept drawing and showing a "Jet" like the Qaher.
i don't use conceptual images for a rational argument, u said it flies in our dreams and it's propaganda (referring to that image) i just provided similar photos of military enthusiasts around the world.
Seems like the whole world is brainwashed and only Iranians know the truth.....:disagree:

yes west uses a smart approach in propaganda for example the image that u posted, is part of a video of a military exercise including of launching several zelzal rocket from 4 TEls and they cut the image out of it and started to make a propaganda.
i remember janes published an article full of shit about how our gatling gun is fake and we can't make such things, shit heads didn't knew that we make MG-3 with a license from H&K and even if we use the same barrel we can achieve 5000 rpm.
or about the qaher they first said it has some intense stealth features, it can hold two MK-84 in it's belly, it has no nuzzle and if you put an engine in it the structure would melt down, it's just a propaganda and u will never see it again and etc. then qaher performed it's taxi tests, you saw it again, structure never melted, the so called specialists start to mocking Iran that they (our MoD) says this plane can hold two 2000 lb bombs in it's internal bays (while they first speculated that) and other shits. we never said the qaher will be a fifth generation, our MoD said it will be a stealth fighter-bomber, but you never see that in US propaganda. or in kowsar case we said it enjoys fifth generation avionics but again US new outlets started to mocking us that their forth generation plane is an old US made third generation F-5.
they use to tell this kind of stuff about our products and god brought a situation that our domestic made ADS downed their drone that had a sophisticated self protection suite.
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