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Allah has punished me

I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.
Ahh the pleasures of the flesh, I say nothing to worry about too much I don't know how old you are but generally at some stage little Johnny will throw a hissy fit and not stand to attention when required.
Happens when you go past mid-30's.

Happened to me for a few years, look at your diet, your everyday habits, if you smoke (give it up), get your blood pressure and cholesterol checked, check for diabetes as well and most important of all get your state of mind in the right place.

Wrath of Allah - maybe - however, looking at the state of our world I think you are not currently high enough on his naughty list.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.


LOL man, what is a defination of willy here....??

As long as you still have regular wet dream, you are still OK BRO 8-)

We need sex capability (male sex hormon production/testosteron) to turn our fat into muscle and strenghten our bone, thus increase our health a lot and also to produce kids

If you have already had kids, you dont need to worry, just enjoy your life as you still can be a productive man
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Maybe your willy is in fear of catching coronavirus and has decided to stay at home. @Whitefalcon90. I turned adult when I was 12 years old. Since i turned adult i became p%rn addict. And I masturba%ed 15 years continuously till my marriage. Now I have a beautiful son. And I masturba%e very very rare. I will suggest you to take a break. And get marry when got some good health.
I did shrooms in large quantity and they triggered schizoaffective disorder in me. After I seeked some medical help/medicines my willy turned on me and stopped functioning. Its been almost 8 months and it still isn't working properly. ๐Ÿ˜•
That's why I prefer things naturally not any kind of sex booster.
Those shrooms apparently had some kind of negative affect on your willy.
What exactly happens ,you don't get erection or what?
Maybe your willy is in fear of catching coronavirus and has decided to stay at home.
Yea his willy is in quarantine :lol:
He should go vaccinate him asap so the willy gets out of quarantine.
I did shrooms in large quantity and they triggered schizoaffective disorder in me. After I seeked some medical help/medicines my willy turned on me and stopped functioning. Its been almost 8 months and it still isn't working properly. ๐Ÿ˜•

About 11-12 years ago I went into a club named pacha in nyc. Same shit happened to me I started dancing with this good looking chic, bought her drinks all night long and all. After a few hours of dancing and chit chatting she allowed me to touch her front part and walla it was a micro penis down there. I felt so embarrassed but I was already too deep into the mess. At the end of the night my willy didn't even spare his hole if you know what I mean.

I am but the meds they are giving me is causing dysfunction. I don't think I'm getting better anytime soon. This illness is lifelong and I have to take these darn meds for life .

Man, just read this. Bro, this sex before married is a big sin, and even having a husband and wife sex activity (not married couple) deserved to have huge punishment under Islamic law. For some body that has already been married the punishment is death.

Dont do it again bro and I think you should change your medication into spiritual activity like prayers and others.

Sex is just short live activity, dont worth it. We should have sex with our legal wife and it should be to make kids.

InshaAllah if you correct your behavior, stop that medication, your willy will get normal again, maybe 2-3 years from now and you should make a preparation to get married.
Nope.. I know it is a famous law, but it isn't the case. We can argue later. :P

That punishment shows huge sin of that thing, but I dont suggest him to go to Saudi and get him killed under Islamic law, I would rather suggest him to repent and dont do things like this anymore.
and even having a husband and wife sex activity (not married couple) deserved to have huge punishment under Islamic law.
Now that's really confusing . The titles of husband and wife only exists after the marriage.
"And the satan said, I shall make them change the nature of your creation"

I shall die and you will die and then we shall be brought to account for what we did.
Prophet of ALLAH had come to show the mankind the truth/Islam which is deen-e-fitrat/ religion of nature, the way of nature.

Quran says Signs of ALLAH in the nature, in his creation, in the heavens and in ourselvess
โ€œWe will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Quran) is the truthโ€ [Fussilat 41:53]
Yet many of mankind is in a state of denial

f you knew that any and every psychotic drug or intoxicant is dry in nature, dryness do not support life, Life thrives in moisture , not in desserts.
In Some case, It is This dryness which then makes a person sleepless or contraction/shrinkage internally and in brain due to dryness .
Take the example of dry land, the way it is cracked due to tension induce by dryness.
Signs of nature.

There is solution for that
You will have to stick to this diet to see results, first reaction may occur in one day to one week

Take the following breakfast
makhan+roti +almond + sweet raisin
use almond without skin (drop in hot water and peel skin after few mins)

OR gajar halwa(desi ghee badam kishmish/raisin wala)

HOT Milk + Makhan+ almond + sweet raisin

HOT Milk + almond oil

Noon or after noon
Kharbooza + khajoor
Fully sweet ripe Papaya + Sweet Raisin

Take soup of moong daal+ goshat (just drink it as much as you like, drink only soup/shorba)
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.
Ask forgiveness, Allah is great and always help those who repent
The moment you feel the need to spend lots of money on a woman is the moment you should have cut them off.
Women are an addiction, they're alluring, smell great, are visually stunning and feel so good to touch. There's a reason why the Prophet(saws) called them the greatest test for a man. How many great men fell or lost their way because of a woman or women? So many you'd lose count.
What's happened has gone past, look to the future. Start to engross yourself in a hobby or your work. Build something tangible, and all erase any traces of your links to this woman or women.
Finally take strength from your faith. Allah accepts the repenter always.


Adorned for mankind is the love of lusts, for women and seeds, (Or: sons) and heaped-up, heaps (Literally: "arched" hoarded cantars) of gold and silver, and horses of mark, and cattle and tillage. That is the enjoyment (Literally: the belongings) of the present life; (Literally: the lowly life, i.e., the life of this world) and Allah has in His Providence the fairest resorting. (3:14)

Those who can resist the temptation are really on a different level. There is a reason why Yusuf (AS) was referred to as an angel , he refused open invitation from perhaps the most beautiful woman in the land.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.

You need to mental reset. Just do exercise, start eating healthy. Don't procrastinate, be more around good people, have healthy activities, keep yourself busy, pray. It just a phase, everything will be good once you overcome this challenge, just think positively.
I was once a proud man who loved women. I loved them so much that I spent most of my life savings on them for the past 12-15 years.

What happened to me last year changed everything up. I became mentally ill and now my once most prized trophies don't phase me anymore. My desire has run out as my willy has given up on me for the time being.

I don't know about you guys buy if this ain't the wrath of Allah, I don't know what is.
This attitude is so common - God punished me etc. Just find someone or some entity to blame.

You punished yourself. Stop blaming God. God must have sent some sort of instructions through different mediums (even ur gut feeling) but you ignored and carried on. Did you praise God in the 12-15 years of enjoyment that you had. In the end, its so easy to blame God. So typical.
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