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All Pakistani F-16s are accounted for: US Govt buries Indian propaganda.

This isn't going to be the end of the Indian farce. Mark this down. Indians will come back and cry out to the high heavens that they did shoot down a Pakistani jet. It was just that in the confusion of battle they misidentified it as F-16. "A" Pakistani jet was shot down. All we need now is a full inspection of the entire inventory of PAF.

It may be accepted; provided India agrees that the inventories, of both the countries, shall be checked, by a duly agreed third party.
Go by Author's previous articles, Seems like an arms lobbyist to me.
The Pentagon releases official press releases for everything, was there a press release for this ? If not, then the timing of this report is in itself a suspect.
Oh and most importantly did they count the F-16 Pak brought from Jordan or only the American supplied ones ?
:hitwall::hitwall:And now the cow-co-cola drinker would say any thing just see their mentality :omghaha:
Go by Author's previous articles, Seems like an arms lobbyist to me.
The Pentagon releases official press releases for everything, was there a press release for this ? If not, then the timing of this report is in itself a suspect.
Oh and most importantly did they count the F-16 Pak brought from Jordan or only the American supplied ones ?

They count all of them

All F16 purchases have to be U.S approved and monitored
No. He could not get hold of an ample quantity of Potassium Cyanide, for the purpose.

They are roaming about, hither and thither, in search of some effective counter narrative, like the proverbial thirsty crow was in search of some water.

After Abhinandan returned to India, I was thinking that, within a few days, he would come on media to say that all his statements, videotaped during his custody and then aired by Pakistan, were given under acute duress and coercion. But, this has not happened. What is your take on it?
Abhi seems to be a professional and refused to confabulate stuff
I am wondering why IAF never claim to shot down JF-17 but instead F-16 which can be accounted for by US?

They can even claim shot down 10 JF-17 since it is not able to account for by an independent third party? Are Indian stupid?
They believe the jf17 is such a abd aircraft that its an insult to even engage with it..like you wont engage with civilian aircraft
To all the Mods..., @PDFChamp deserves more Positive Ratings for this Jumma Mubarak news than anything.

I honestly thought @Windjammer was gonna be the one to break this news.

The fact that NDTV was/is the only Indian Channel that has covered this news is a clear indication that they're still in denial.
Covered by quint, deccan times , ET & TOI
Surely they are awake now
I thought this deserves a separate thread on it's own. Let this be the final nail in the coffin for all deluded people, NO F-16 was shot down, and here it is from all the Indian news sources. What's hilarious are all the comments on these articles, with half of them finally waking up and lashing out at Modi and half of them still saying that India is the only country in the world not lying about this claim :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:






U.S. count shows no Pakistan F-16s shot down in Indian battle - report

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Pakistan’s F-16 combat jets have all been accounted for, U.S.-based Foreign Policy magazine said, citing U.S. officials, contradicting an Indian air force assessment that it had shot down one of the jets in February.

India and Pakistan engaged in an aerial battle over the disputed region of Kashmir a day after Indian jets crossed over into Pakistan to attack a suspected camp of anti-India militants.

An Indian jet was brought down during the fight and its pilot captured when he ejected on the Pakistani side of the border. India said it, too, had shot down a Pakistani aircraft and the air force displayed pieces of a missile that it said had been fired by a Pakistani F-16 before it went down.

Foreign Policy said in a report published on Thursday two U.S. defence officials with direct knowledge of the matter said U.S. personnel had done a count of Pakistan’s F-16s and found none missing.

The F-16s are made by Lockheed Martin and, under an end-user agreement, the United States required the host country to allow for regular inspections to ensure they were accounted for and protected, Foreign Policy said.

“Truth always prevails,” Pakistan’s army spokesman said in a Tweet. “Time for India to speak truth about false claims & actual losses on their side.”

Details of the India-Pakistan air engagement have not been provided by either side. If the U.S. report turns out to be true, it would be a further blow to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s claim that India had taught Pakistan a lesson.

The success of Indian air strikes on a camp of the Jaish-e-Mohammed militant group in northwestern Pakistan has also been thrown into doubt after satellite images showed little sign of damage.

High-resolution satellite images reviewed by Reuters last month showed that a religious school run by Jaish appeared to be still standing days after India claimed its warplanes had hit the Islamist group’s training camp on the site and killed a large number of militants.

Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, heading into a tight election next week, is campaigning on a platform of tough national security, especially with regard to arch foe Pakistan. New Delhi blames Pakistan for stoking a 30-year revolt in Muslim-majority Kashmir but Islamabad denies any involvement.

Foreign Policy said Pakistan had invited U.S. officials to physically count the F-16 planes after the incident. Some of the aircraft were not immediately available for inspection due to the conflict, so it took U.S. personnel several weeks to account for all of the jets, one of the officials was quoted as saying.

The count had now been completed and all aircraft “were present and accounted for”, the official was quoted as saying.

India has separately asked the United States for its view on whether the use of the F-16s by Pakistan was a violation of the end-user agreement.
1)US confirms that mean L&M understand now no chance for them selling F 21 and thats an great news because deal was so good but thanx to Modi (btw first deal of rafale was also good ) thats y i support this guy for one more term
2)Why DG ISPR mentioned second plane too in tweet are they setting to fire another bomb on Modi???
3)It becomes headlines in Indian media which creating pressure on Modi why they awake suddenly after such long time ???
Not much believer of conspires theories but when big players want to change anyone they first start to discredit him by international media. @Mangus Ortus Novem @Khafee keep an eye on that guy only way he knows to come out of any problem is violence (check his behavior and statements during Gujarat riots 2002 ) also my friend Ajit ""Doodle"" is busy for last 3 days there is nothing more dangerous than desperate idiot
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