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All out effort to carry out first flight of Rustom-2 this month

Do I become unpatriotic if I criticize a organization like DRDO? If you don't criticize them, how can you expect them to improve?
All I am saying is that DRDO cause delays in most of their projects and the end product is also not up to to the mark of the Armed forces requirement. In complex systems like LCA, delays are understandable because of our lack of technology...but why is it so difficult for us to develop a UAV (of which most critical and complex part, the engine is imported)...and we get beaten by countries like Pakistan in this development. Engineering college students can build a UAV (if they are funded) in a faster time then DRDO.
lol he meant are u indian patriot (name of an account) he thought u r the same guy
Do I become unpatriotic if I criticize a organization like DRDO? If you don't criticize them, how can you expect them to improve?
All I am saying is that DRDO cause delays in most of their projects and the end product is also not up to to the mark of the Armed forces requirement. In complex systems like LCA, delays are understandable because of our lack of technology...but why is it so difficult for us to develop a UAV (of which most critical and complex part, the engine is imported)...and we get beaten by countries like Pakistan in this development. Engineering college students can build a UAV (if they are funded) in a faster time then DRDO.

LOL..Indian Patriot is the name of a member who waged "Jihad/Dharmayudhdha" against Indian Defence Establishments..anyway,forget about it.

and about "Pakistani UCAV/UAV",stick together here and you'll slowly learn some facts.almost everyone here knows this very fact that Burraq is CH-3 and Barq is AR-1.anyway,you can't just yell it here,they'll probably give you a -ve rating or such.

India is far ahead of Pakistan in UAV development.
Do I become unpatriotic if I criticize a organization like DRDO? If you don't criticize them, how can you expect them to improve?
All I am saying is that DRDO cause delays in most of their projects and the end product is also not up to to the mark of the Armed forces requirement. In complex systems like LCA, delays are understandable because of our lack of technology...but why is it so difficult for us to develop a UAV (of which most critical and complex part, the engine is imported)...and we get beaten by countries like Pakistan in this development. Engineering college students can build a UAV (if they are funded) in a faster time then DRDO.

No,but you become a hypocrite when you relentlessly bash an institution,without ever trying to find out the root cause of the problems you are bashing them for!!The real problem here for DRDO is money!!Their programs get delayed because we allocate peanuts in the name of R&D budget!!Because the total budget for all 51 labs under the aegis of DRDO never exceeds a mere 2 billion USD per annum!!That's all what they receive to run a multitude of development programs!!Now compare this amount being spend on R&D with that of the so called developed nations and you should get your answers.That's why I always advise people to always look into the details,cause that's where the devil lurks.

PS - The delays in LCA has got as much to do with the lost decade of the 90 (when almost every DRDO project barring the IGMDP had come to a virtual stand still due to severe lack of funding) and post Pokhran II sanctions as much has with the total lack of any viable project management!!You might wanna read up on that.

And as for Pakistan beating us to the UAV race,then someone has already addressed to your concerns in very clear terms.
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Development of the Rustom-II has been delayed on account of challenges with efficient design as well as the cancellation of export licenses by the U.S. State Department of the American origin actuators that were being used in the Rustom-II. India has now had to develop indigenous replacements for those actuators and the Rustom-II will fly with those this year.

India’s Armed Drone Fleet | The Diplomat

Rustom 2 will mostly likely be integrated by a private firm.

There will be, If I remember correctly, 8 more prototype to be made. You will see some changes to the design.

Most likely a change to the engine/landing gear housing.




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True, Predator class flies

Will you stop this non sense for once??

Pulsejet Engine..

Pulsejet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

used in V-1 Flying Bomb..

They should integrate such a pulse jet engine to the ARDE glide bomb,which will enable it to fly out to in excess of 400+ km,if launched from altitudes above 50k feet,there by totally negating the need for crossing into hostile air space for hitting the enemy installations - be it radars,communication nodes,command centers or runways.I think DRDO and IAF should think about this,like the Americans are doing with their Raytheon AGM-154 JSOW-ER.
and about "Pakistani UCAV/UAV",stick together here and you'll slowly learn some facts.almost everyone here knows this very fact that Burraq is CH-3 and Barq is AR-1.anyway,you can't just yell it here,they'll probably give you a -ve rating or such.

India is far ahead of Pakistan in UAV development.
Sorry sir,
I meant Pakistan has already deployed a UCAV, and we haven't yet....I used the wrong language there (has been edited).
And, no doubt India is far ahead of Pakistan in UAV development.

No,but you become a hypocrite when you relentlessly bash an institution,without ever trying to find out the root cause of the problems you are bashing them for!!The real problem here for DRDO is money!!Their programs get delayed because we allocate peanuts in the name of R&D budget!!Because the total budget for all 51 labs under the aegis of DRDO never exceeds a mere 2 billion USD per annum!!That's all what they receive to run a multitude of development programs!!Now compare this amount being spend on R&D with that of the so called developed nations and you should get your answers.That's why I always advise people to always look into the details,cause that's where the devil lurks.
I criticized their management functioning and general work methodology, because I have a first hand experience of it.
And I completely agree on the funding point that you raised. If I didn't mention it in my comment doesn't mean that I don't know about it.
The low funding and low salaries given to our scientists is also one of the reasons why brilliant prospective scientists from India go to US and help their R&D.
First,you should look at Post #24..Thats what possibly final look will be.

second,it is made to fly some 40+ hours,carrying 350 Kg+ Payload.
Most of us wouldn't mind if its look $ucks.
what would be it's payload ?
what would be it's payload ?

It can be a long list,from various kind of High resolution Cameras,Multi Spectral Targeting System,SAR,Laser Designator,EW Systems,Missiles.Nothing was announced,but This drone is being made to perform every role a MALE UCAV like Predator/Reaper can perform.so,you can expect it to be equipped as such.it'll perform limited ISTAR as well.

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