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All Maulanas Gathering To Protest Against High Food Prices.


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
we are surrounded by many satans nawajs, zardaris, military generals, and including dodgy molvis.
these bastrds i have seen them in pakistan live like kings, chauffer driven by slave public, eating like beast at the expense of average Pakistani, do the fcuk young girl you bet they are pimps behind the scenes. do you know when these molvis read your nikkah they get paid like 50-70 quid or more plus food and driven back home. some of them are more blue blood then vatican or brit royal family, like sayeds who have direct bloodline to the prophets, we have them in england too living on benefits you have to kiss their hand like Corleone style.
you may have noticed some molvi are very pro jihadi crazy but they their selves struggle to get up off the floor with huge bellies. i think we need mandatory military service for molvi corleones.
3 minute video, although funny has a very deep message. These fat mullahs should be leading by example if they were legitimate....rather, the greed and lalach is so strong that they'll do anything for power. More fool the people for treating them like royalty.

uch a low level thinking from windjammer.
Pity on you

What's your fascination with the TJ and other such mullahs ? You should be spending your time with more intellectual people instead.
3 minute video, although funny has a very deep message. These fat mullahs should be leading by example if they were legitimate....rather, the greed and lalach is so strong that they'll do anything for power. More fool the people for treating them like royalty.

Absolutely correct. Our so called Maulvis are the worst example to follow and I don’t wish upon my worst enemy to turn out to be anything like these haramkhours. They become fat by selling religion and eating haram.

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