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All aboard K-P's history express train


Sep 7, 2010
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All aboard K-P's history-express

Tourism Corporation of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa's new train service runs from Peshawar to Attock, passing through many historical sites during the journey.

The special train by Tourism Corporation Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa for women which traveled from Peshawar Railway Station to Attock-Khurd through lush green fields of Peshawar and to the old Victorian Railway station built in 1880 and an iron bridge built over the Indus River in 1883. PHOTO: TC-KP

The special train by Tourism Corporation Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa for women which traveled from Peshawar Railway Station to Attock-Khurd through lush green fields of Peshawar and to the old Victorian Railway station built in 1880 and an iron bridge built over the Indus River in 1883. PHOTO: TC-KP

The special train by Tourism Corporation Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa for women which traveled from Peshawar Railway Station to Attock-Khurd through lush green fields of Peshawar and to the old Victorian Railway station built in 1880 and an iron bridge built over the Indus River in 1883. PHOTO: TC-KP

Women who rode the special train by Tourism Corporation Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, at an historical site. The train traveled from Peshawar Railway Station to Attock-Khurd through lush green fields of Peshawar and to the old Victorian Railway station built in 1880 and an iron bridge built over the Indus River in 1883. PHOTO: TC-KP

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@Jazzbot @Spring Onion @chauvunist @Pukhtoon @RescueRanger

Good, KP govt can easily boost tourism in this province, it has a lot of potential.
Good, KP govt can easily boost tourism in this province, it has a lot of potential.

Delhi city has more budget than whole KP, with less population than Karachi, and above that faces no terrorism.

only if we get law and order situation fixed, money will pour in, just out of Khan's credibility !
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