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Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

@metro i tell u everything in two post. This post will be long.... The lord shiva is a most powerful Reptilian.... He lord of Anger, Lust, Love. He is Annunaki.... Trust me he has alot power. i tell u biggest secret. Lord Shiva never been lucky to me. Thinking of shiva gives me tension because am positive energy.... Now For most people Lord shiva lucky becoz if person is not good karmic or did anything wrong than it helps Lord shiva (negative energy for reptilian).... The thin line moon on his head is Annunaki sattelite.... The king cobra on his neck is Reptilian symbol.... Lord shiva known for his anger.... Do you know who was Rahu? Its believed Rahu was Shiva. In south india people always believed shiva was rahu the shadow god.... Now i tell u even more big secret. Moon indeed symbol of love and love is painful as all of u knows.... Annunaki made moon sattelite to suck our emotional feelings. Praying to Lord shiva u will get alot beautiful womens (as u know his own wife too was alot beautiful).... But in the end u will get hurt and then the emotional feelings u emit will be collected by Sattelite moon.... Wearing pearl will make you emotional. Pearl is moon's gemstone. Same way Gomedh aka hessonite is Rahu gemstone. Do you know if you wear dark brown hessonite in right hand middle finger will attrack womens, pleasure sex and fame?.... Most **** actors wears Gomedh aka hessonite as it attracks beautiful hot womens and makes them good at sex who ever wears it. Reptilians famous for Sex.... As u know the story of a lady pamela who had sex with reptilian and she told that it was the best in sex.... Lord shiva is a annunaki aka reptilian who can shapeshift. He right now on planet nibiru (which Nasa couldnt hide it anymore as its heading towards earth).... Now in my next post i will tell u about how i met arcturians. Give me 5min to type it....
You are wrong , Lord Shiva is good and one of the supreme humanoid god(alien). He once used to live in the very same Mt kailash that is in China now and released Ganga and Brahmaputra from Manasarovar . He and Vishnu Blue supreme alien (His avatars Krishna and Rama are normal blue aliens) has reptilians near them . Vishnu rests on a reptilian with five heads , remember his vehice is Garuda (Eagle) whose main enemy is snake (Reptilian) . Shiva has 3rd eye that can destroy humans when sins increase and earths eco is lost , which US is doing . You mentioned the very same point most of your posts . Dinosaurs are also killed because they are creating eco imbalance . Similar to Vishnu Shiva has reptilian on his neck , remember during fight between humanoids and demon aliens , they used vasuki reptilian to churn sea of milk with mountain . All good things were taken by humanoids/articurians and reptilians were shown middle finger .When worlds dangerous poison came , it was lord shiva who took it so save earth . It doesnt mean he is poisonous , he is keeping all bad things with hm under his control to save us . Also he meditates every time , he lives in grave yard and he is sanyasi , who wont have any pleasures . When Manamadha(Cupid,god of love) tried to influence shiva by throwing love arrow , Shiva opened his 3rd eye and killed cupid . But later due to cupids wife request , he brought cupid alive but he will be accessible only to his wife . You know love and girls , kama(sex) are bad things which you mention frequently in your posts too . Also he kept moon when moon begged to save him as his uncle wants to kill him , if moon comes out of Shivas place , he is gone . Shivas wife is not for beauty , she is shakthi and patience God . She was a human once but due to her Bhakti(not lust love) he married her . Once when moon laughed at her son , she cursed moon . She made her son Vinayaka artficially and made it living thing . HE is nothing but ganesha . IAm his and Shivas great fan . I daily pray when my by bus passes through shivas temple and he does good for me . I mean positive . My father after becoming pujari of ganesh temple , our life changed . Before we were in lot of troubles . rahu and ketu are damn scared of Shiva and his son subramanya swamy . I was advised to say subrramaniya mantra to remove effect of rahu,ketu and guru . It seems that you still have negative thoughts i mean bad ones might be infuencing you to mis guide you . Once you contact articurians regrading that , you will know the truth . They will tell you how Shiva is positive and saved us by taking all negative energy . Also Shiva is prayed in the form of linga which is responsible for creation of human world .

+ also he was responsible for bith of ayyappa who is supposed to kill kali , the bad alien of this yuga .
@isro222, i read previous posts but not not understood difference btw 4th and 5th dimension . I think you directly went to 5th dimension . Is it possible for us to travel at speed of light ? u have fb id ?also my friend told he saw in tv where people doing meditation raised above ground few inches . is it really possible ? Btw can we fly like bird (not using 5th dimension of mind )?
@tvsram1992 i wish you think for a moment beyond what's written in books.... Lord shiva was the one who made rahu and ketu.... Now tell me whats rahu and ketu? They are dragon head and tail (moon's node).... In south india (they know much more then mid or north india) that Lord shiva was the Rahu.... Infact when the biggest celebration started and Rahu drink the immortal drink and sun and moon complaint then lord vishnu cut rahu head.... But rahu didnt die as the immortal drink traveld through his neck but the tail ketu died.... Then rahu begged for forgiveness and Lord shiva quickly forgive him and started dancing in celebration.... Lord shiva the biggest clever god india got.... He was truely a reptilian who did good things in front of people but did bad things behind. i tried to pray him and near i would had suicided.... Lord shiva alot powerful but he dont like positive energy. Lord shiva loved beautiful womens alot. His own wife alot beautiful.... Lord shiva's symbol is shiv link (you know whats that).... And also the Reptilian on his neck (king cobra) and the moon sign on shiv head (reptilian sattelite moon). Lord shiva was not alpha dracolian or hydra reptilian. He was annunaki. The most cleverest Reptilian who shapeshift into human.... Lord shiva was alot hot temper and he use to even burn other gods by his anger.... Read about lord shiva aka rahu....
The Mystery of Rahu
by the way must read this link.... This is what might happen to us all.... Very disturbing truth.... Must read....
@tvsram1992 there is huge difference between 3rd, 4th and 5th dimension.... In 3rd dimension we can move things and can even fly few inchs above but only in advance 3rd dimension.... We are in still new in 3rd dimension and thats what makes arcturians sad that after such a long we still stuck in 3rd dimension. To be 3rd dimension advanced you need to master the meditation.... Now i started doing this a year ago. i pour water in bowl and put one tiny dot of oil. When oil floats i try to concentrate totaly on it and thinks its my 3rd hand.... The oil dot started moving after a year hard work.... Now about 4th dimension. in 4th dimension we get capablity to dissapear or become shadow. We can control anyones mind and shapeshift too. While 5th dimension we can travel faster then light.... 5th dimension we travel at brain speed.... We think of mars and then within a second we are on Mars. Arcturians are prototype of 5th dimension for Earth humans. 4th dimension humanoids too learning to be in 5th dimension.... It needs alot study on starship Athena. Over there 3rd dimension kids who were taken away by humanoids now studing to be in 5th dimension. This kids will expand humans population on other planets.... To be in 5th dimension u need to master the meditation and follow 5th dimension law.... 3rd dimension live on solid and liquid. 4th dimension wants liquid and energy while 5th dimension lives on cosmos energy and liquid. They live on positive energy....
i always believed that most population of the world were indians.... Even the mayan people were south indians who been thrown out of india due to some reason.... (they worshiped reptilians and indians worshiped humanoids).... Mayans were agressive while indians werent.... i always use to think of Brahma.... The Name Brahma reminds me of BRAHMMAND (galaxy) and Vishnu as vishwa (Universe).... Now i know that Brahma and Vishnu is indeed Cosmos energy.... BHRAMA is cosmos fire who will burn everything on earth every end of cycle.... And vishnu cosmos energy will protect some so they can form new life start.... Our survival depends on our Karma. i know Karma mantra that make us free of our bad karma but its better i not say because if we dont pay for our karma in this life than we pay it in next life as it gets forwaded to next life.... Please must read again to know what exactly might happen soon....
2012 and Lord Shiva
i always believed that most population of the world were indians.... Even the mayan people were south indians who been thrown out of india due to some reason.... (they worshiped reptilians and indians worshiped humanoids).... Mayans were agressive while indians werent.... i always use to think of Brahma.... The Name Brahma reminds me of BRAHMMAND (galaxy) and Vishnu as vishwa (Universe).... Now i know that Brahma and Vishnu is indeed Cosmos energy.... BHRAMA is cosmos fire who will burn everything on earth every end of cycle.... And vishnu cosmos energy will protect some so they can form new life start.... Our survival depends on our Karma. i know Karma mantra that make us free of our bad karma but its better i not say because if we dont pay for our karma in this life than we pay it in next life as it gets forwaded to next life.... Please must read again to know what exactly might happen soon....
2012 and Lord Shiva

Must be smoking some good ganja, bhaiyo. Pass it over.
Anyone who dissagree should prove it what i said is wrong.... Anyway....
@Tvsram1992 if u having trouble to meditate then use this technic....
YouTube - Best Mantra Meditation Technique - So Hum Healing Mantra
and to control anger you have to read hanumaan chalisa every tuesday morning and evening. If possible then let me know your birthdate.... The hanumaan is good alien who calm planet mars.... Mars is the one who known as hot temper giver.... To calm mars every tuesday read hanumaan chalisa. And then see the magic. Your anger will be alot calm.... It will make ur life alot calm and soothing....
Anyone who dissagree should prove it what i said is wrong.... Anyway....
@Tvsram1992 if u having trouble to meditate then use this technic....
YouTube - Best Mantra Meditation Technique - So Hum Healing Mantra
and to control anger you have to read hanumaan chalisa every tuesday morning and evening. If possible then let me know your birthdate.... The hanumaan is good alien who calm planet mars.... Mars is the one who known as hot temper giver.... To calm mars every tuesday read hanumaan chalisa. And then see the magic. Your anger will be alot calm.... It will make ur life alot calm and soothing....
@isro222 fine and thanks , but i still say you are wrong on Lord Shiva ,
1.I want to give my details so asked for fb id . Iam Brahmin , as i told my father is priest in ganesh temple . I dont eat non veg and i knew my future (written by brahmins,jatakam), i mean horoscope...whatever....


Hanuman is incarnation of Shiva , Lord Shiva blessed Hanuman to give him powers . Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva are 3 supreme powers, Brahma creates, Vishnu rules ,Shiva destroys by opening 3rd eye and doing dance (rudra tandavam) when sins increase and kali yuga ends .
i always believed that most population of the world were indians.... Even the mayan people were south indians who been thrown out of india due to some reason.... (they worshiped reptilians and indians worshiped humanoids).... Mayans were agressive while indians werent.... i always use to think of Brahma.... The Name Brahma reminds me of BRAHMMAND (galaxy) and Vishnu as vishwa (Universe).... Now i know that Brahma and Vishnu is indeed Cosmos energy.... BHRAMA is cosmos fire who will burn everything on earth every end of cycle.... And vishnu cosmos energy will protect some so they can form new life start.... Our survival depends on our Karma. i know Karma mantra that make us free of our bad karma but its better i not say because if we dont pay for our karma in this life than we pay it in next life as it gets forwaded to next life.... Please must read again to know what exactly might happen soon....
2012 and Lord Shiva

3.also your link says shiva will save universe by taking poison, bad reptilians(king cobra) and moon . I mean he ll suffer and bare all the bad and lives a sanyasi life while making us happy . yes cosmo rays wouldnt effect good people, solar strom is just warning of cosmo rays ,More over
@tvsram1992 i wish you think for a moment beyond what's written in books.... Lord shiva was the one who made rahu and ketu.... Now tell me whats rahu and ketu? They are dragon head and tail (moon's node).... In south india (they know much more then mid or north india) that Lord shiva was the Rahu.... Infact when the biggest celebration started and Rahu drink the immortal drink and sun and moon complaint then lord vishnu cut rahu head.... But rahu didnt die as the immortal drink traveld through his neck but the tail ketu died.... Then rahu begged for forgiveness and Lord shiva quickly forgive him and started dancing in celebration.... Lord shiva the biggest clever god india got.... He was truely a reptilian who did good things in front of people but did bad things behind. i tried to pray him and near i would had suicided.... Lord shiva alot powerful but he dont like positive energy. Lord shiva loved beautiful womens alot. His own wife alot beautiful.... Lord shiva's symbol is shiv link (you know whats that).... And also the Reptilian on his neck (king cobra) and the moon sign on shiv head (reptilian sattelite moon). Lord shiva was not alpha dracolian or hydra reptilian. He was annunaki. The most cleverest Reptilian who shapeshift into human.... Lord shiva was alot hot temper and he use to even burn other gods by his anger.... Read about lord shiva aka rahu....
The Mystery of Rahu
by the way must read this link.... This is what might happen to us all.... Very disturbing truth.... Must read....
2012 and Lord Shiva

4.dude i took vedas as source , not internet links like you :) Having bad things around him doesnt mean he is bad . which god did he burn ? manmadha? he is god of lust and love , you know they are bad and used by reptilians . why would vishnu and brahma will try to free shiva when he is in mushikasura stomach . Its just like i can say he is so kind to give boons even to demons . Now you can ask me why would he give boons to bad when he know they are bad , now wont you satisfy your sons demands even if he is bad ? :D I gave lot of examples how he saved earth . He was father of ayyapa whose mother is vishnu .:what: There are few theories that try to prove either of brahma,vishnu and shiva was bad . You know e cut brahmas head only when brahmas head was thinking about lust and bad thoughts . You know Brahma was doing bad so the punishment . Even Shiva begged to annapurna devi as a punishment for killing brahmas head .

5.These bad aliens are trying to influence you i think . Just ask galactic commander after you can contact him . Galactic commander is none other than Indra according to Hindu and the space ship is heaven where you can stay permanently or take birth again after your slot is allocated . Indra is not a person but its like post used to describe head of articurians . I can atleat say they are not humanoids as gandharwas and few gods are humanoids . Most of them are articurians as they live in 5th dimension and can travel at mind speed .I think you know what i said . Dude trimurtys are supreme to articurians too ... they are next dimensional as they can become zero or imaginary or real regardless of space and time .

6. I cant contact gods only in dreams but sometimes only i get them feel in dreams but only i will be speaking , they will be giving response which i can sense in dream but they dont speak in dream except twice or thrice long time back . Any way thats a dream only , cant contact really like you using meditation . Ll try ur techniques but somebody was saying they are harmful , what u say?
Can i right now start with controlling my 3rd hand, oil drop practice? Is it possible for you to go 4th dimension ? I think humanoids wont allow that but how long will it take? How long ll it take to go to advanced 3rd dimension ?
7.I dont know why my fathers brother has got fortune telling capacity where still he takes alcohol :undecided:

please reply point wise to prevent further confusion .
First Alien who eat human already in this world knnwn as USA

Second after reading this news i understand how American people vote thr leaders and how much credible they are and how US run on Fake propoganda, News, Media War etc etc and etc

First Alien who eat human already in this world knnwn as USA

Second after reading this news i understand how American people vote thr leaders and how much credible they are and how US run on Fake propaganda, News, Media War etc etc and etc
@Tvsram1992 you have told everything whats written in the book.... But i want u to think beyond book. i have experienced alot things in my life. some how i been blessed by 6th sence or 3rd eye power. Its not strong but good enough to make me feel the presence of positive and negative energy.... Now when u pray to lord shiva u will get what u want.... But u will end early age. There are 6 lord shiva temple near my home. The poojari of all 6 temples died early age and been replaced by new who themself not peaceful mind.... i want to ask u that will u touch and make a king cobra ur friend? Why not? Do u know world wide snakes are known as evil? Even in bible its written.... Bible is a copy of what happened multi million years ago with humanoids.... Reptilians cant be friend of anyone. Why lord shiva adore it?.... Please think again beyond books.... Sorry if i hurt ur feelings but its the truth that lord shiva is a annunaki the shapeshifter.... he is immortal and on planet nibiru.... About him drinking poison is just a showoff to humans that he care about them.... Now i want to ask u that do u know what moons effect on human does?.... Moon is hollow sattelite brought by annunakis who looked like humans but they are reptilians.... Moon is braught to suck up our emotional feelings. Most mental people are mental due to moon energy rays.... Now for a moment lets forget my point of view and ur point of view.... Lets talk about science point of view.... What does scientific study says about moons effect on humans? Here it is....
Article: A Full Moon
Strange Things Do Happen at Full Moon | LiveScience
Does the Full Moon Really Make People Crazy?
now tell me why would lord shiva adore planet moon?.... Ofcourse moon is energy source for lord shiva. Moon collects our emotions negative energy and then greys (who are created by annunakis) suck up our negative energy out of moons core (check huge base with biggest machines sucking up something from moon) and then greys forward this to our 12th planet nibiru which is home of annunakis and then annunakis suck up the energy as food source.... Am asking u why lord shiva loves reptilian (king cobra) and evil moon?.... Please think beyond whats written in the books. We dont know who wrote the book.... Anyone who wrote it can make any reptilian as our savior. Our true saviors are humanoids....
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