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Alien's to attack earth in november this year?

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@imran they are religious.... Its been study'd about them for 5000 years.... They teached the secrets of universe to indians. They gave us mantra's that connects humans to planets and the mantras words never ends like word 'OM' (NASA confirmed word OM never ends). Elohim teached us about planets (india declared high tide in sea is due to moon 5000years ago while america said same thing just few decades ago). Indians been teached everything by Elohims and sirians. They should protect india....
Even in the ‘Star Wars’ movie itself, it has many references to an “India type culture”, and the wise master ‘Yoda’ and ‘Darth Veda’… naturally George Lucas (an insider) had to make the Veda reference “dark” or ‘darth’.
Darth Vader is an Indian!
I knew it.:victory:


America recently kept saying that china, india and russia can't land on Moon.... American astronaut armstrong gave an interview in which he told about Aliens threatning him from a distance on moon.... To be honest i doubt America ever landed on Moon.... America says look we got Flag on moon (not a big deal. india has a flag on moon without indian being on moon).... America says look at the FOOT PRINTS on moon and the Landing prints (again no big deal. A moon rover built for it can do that).... In the Video the american Flag blowing in wind.... Question is if there is wind up on moon then how come Foot prints still there? (funny isnt it?).... How come all the materials america braught on Earth from Moon got STOLEN? The truth is america did try to go up on moon but Aliens didnt let them land.... Aliens warned them to stay away. Recently indian chandrayan found water on Moon (american sattelite on back of indian lunar mission) and when the water found America was in joy and we all seen how happy was NASA kept thanking ISRO (funny.... They went on moon and cudnt find water while unmaned mission did the job).... The truth is we can Launch a Unmanned mission to other planets but not manned mission.... Aliens dont let us travel beyond our Planet. We need permission from them for safety of our manned mission. Soon it will change and we will step into next level of life (when good Aliens arrive this year) good Aliens if win battle against the bad aliens then we can step into next level of life which is exploring other planets (manned mission)....
YouTube - Astronauts Gone Wild - Lunar Landings are fake.[2004]
There were few battles between humans vs Aliens and Aliens vs Aliens.... But am confused about the battle that was faught in space.... There were few UFO's space and suddenly huge flash seen on left side.... Suddenly it hit a UFO and it tumbles and kept tumbling until its lights fades away.... Who shot that UFO? America? Or other UFO?.... There were few UFOs around it but they didnt try to escape. Were they confused what hit other UFO or did they gang up on the UFO and shot dead?.... Was it america using super weapon Blue Beam? The UFO acceslarated from 0 to 2500 miles in 1 second. Thats over 100 Gs.... Yet it cudnt get away by a weapon which had light speed.... Who Shot that UFO?.... And what was that huge Flash? Was it super weapon blue beam?
YouTube - Secret War In Space - NASA Coverup? - Rare Footage - Proof that UFOs are REAL - Aliens being Attacked by Humans
@isro2222; from where you are getting all these information's? And do you believe that the space shuttle Columbia disaster occurred due to Aliens interference ? Even thought its found that the disaster occurred due to the damage on the Shuttle's thermal protection system. But there are rumors that aliens shot the shuttle down to save Earth because Columbia was returning with some new discoveries and that scientist unknowingly changed the DNA structure of some bacteria in one of their experiments in a way that would have destroyed all earthly vegetation if the shuttle had landed.:lol:
@sajan i Doubt that space shuttle columbia tragedy was done by Aliens.... A brick from Columbia space shuttle came out as soon as it took off.... Now did someone loose the Brick on Space shuttle before launch i dont know.... Its unlikely Aliens did that. Aliens dont attack military and space missions because that might spark war.... Aliens only attacks when we try to poke our nose in their bussiness like America launched a nuclear Missile on Moon but it was shot dead by Aliens.... Moon is a base of Aliens and they keep eye on planet Earth from moon (they travel to moon from earth within few minutes).... To be Honest if Aliens wants then they can kill any sattelite or manned mission into our orbit.... They dont do that. This proves they dont want to harm humans (or provoke us yet). However the reptilians are the one who will launch an war on earth. They just waiting for back up (human population 7 Billion).... Reptilian did Threatned America in past but withdraw (unknown reason).... One thing confuses me is why america (NASA) ended space shuttle before november.... They do have new space shuttle but it wont fly this year....
Space Shuttle Discovery Takes Final Flight This Week, to Smithsonian | NASA Shuttles | Space.com
One thing is been proven and U.N Knows it is that reptilians live underground.... They just waiting for right time before making a move.... They live on Humans flesh and humans body juices.... The more we fear the more they get juices out of human body.... Recently russian scientists were digging deep pit inside earth.... About few km down they stopped digging because they heard HELL noise.... People (men and womens) were screaming as if someone Frying them on oil pan.... Like we heard about Hell where we get cooked eternity.... Now was it really HELL? or was it raptilians torturing us for our Flesh and juices? When russian scientist heard it then they started believing in Hell (before they didnt believe).... It made them alot scared. Please if anyone want to hear the sound of Hell (its just few seconds sound) then let me know.... I will add it for u all (not for faint hearted).... Reptilians are indeed evil aliens and their DNA is hybrid of dinosaur (thats why they love human flesh and love living underground)....
Iv been in the USAF for years now and not heard nor seen any UFOs or any plans about this....

Sorry but this is all fake.... nice story tho
@Ulysses who trust america and americans?.... I know it hurts to america they ain't super power.... To Aliens the super power america is just a cattle nation.... There are many evidence i gave in this thread about american former military generals, soldiers, NASA, SETI, U.N etc etc has to say about Aliens and UFO's.... It doesnt matter if u believe or not.

@Ulysses it doesnt matter what u say.... Many top ranking military personals, politicians, ex presidents, defence ministers, scientists, astronauts knows the truth....
US Knows that Aliens Exist
Governments and Officials Admitting Aliens Are Real | Peace . Gold . Liberty | Ron Paul 2012
Editor: UFOs aren’t as ‘scary’ as ex-military men who believe in them | The Raw Story
Aliens 'hit our nukes': They even landed at a Suffolk base, claim airmen | Mail Online
There are many things im not allowed to say as its known what I do.

But what I can say is that it will not be a good idea for the people of this world to know about these sort of things.

We recommend just go on with your daily lives and things will work out :)

I also want to throw in that we as Humans have to give credit for ourselves and our technology.
@Ulysses exactly.... This is the reason why America hasn't declared openly Aliens exist.... They dont want humans to live in panic. What can we humans do knowing Aliens exist? We can just get panic and nothing else. Even American military knows they cant do anything about Aliens. What u said is very true.... Telling humans about Aliens wont do good. It will only create panic and economy of world will suffer....
What did russian scientist heard 14 km deep inside earth?.... Was it hell voice or Reptilians torturing humans?.... As we all know that earth core is about 5100 km to 6250 Km deep.... Reptilians live 15 to 150 km inside earth.... infact they have whole city inside Earth like we got top of Earth.... The opening of underground city is near mountains.... What did russian scientist heard 14km inside earth? May be its Hell but for me its more likely it was a reptilians torture chember.... You decide....
Researchers Record The Screams of the Damned
U.S.A is desperately trying for permanent airbase on moon and other planets but still mission is not accomplished as they have dirty aims to rule the world from moon and from other planet and to put nuclear powered machines into the planet with hypersonic gladiators.
In Islam, as mentioned seven Sky, Hazrat Mohammad Crossed seven skys and met Directly with Allah.
After this no human has crossed those seven sky.
Moon is just the part of First sky.:coffee:
I heard million times that Moon was never part of Earth.... Moon was braught here by Aliens (i laughed before hearing this) and Moon is a Sattelite itself.... Moon is older then Earth and Moon plays with our emotions feelings (its confirmed and no secret anymore).... Moon has power to pull Sea water upwards.... (that gives Aliens full control of Earth as we got sea on Earth and Moon is magnet....). Its laughable but if u learn more about it am sure u will change ur mind.... Must Read....
What is the Nature of the Moon?
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