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Aliens exist but are yet to visit earth

Hey, guys! Did you know that big asteroids strike all planets in our solar system with some regularity (like every 100 million years plus/minus) Every time they strike the Earth, it resets the species clock. Probably something similar happens in the other sun systems in the universe. This means that intelligent life (like us) may only have the time between asteroid strikes to perfect enough technology to communicate, or harder, to visit, other intelligent life before the asteroids smack them back into the "stone" age again. So, in the meantime, science fiction is all we have.

Suppose a species living for say a few thousand or more years as advanced civilization (like us). Then it is entirely possible for such a species to build mechanisms to deviate asteroids. Thus they can avoid the resetting of species clock and live on and become more advanced.

There billions of galaxies each with billions of stars. According to Drake equation there are at least 10,000 advance civilizations in our Milk Way galaxy alone.

The drake equation does not give an accurate estimation for advance civilization because it does not take into consideration many factors, including the ones that Developereo mentioned in his post.

The Drake Equation is probably the biggest piece of junk in modern science. For most of the terms in the equation, you can put in any number from one billion to one billionth, and you will end up with any final answer you want.

Since all we have is one data point (Earth) for our guesses, there is absolutely no way to justify any number you plug into the equation.


According to some theories, multicellular life, let alone intelligent life, is a freak of nature. Earth got lucky because of a combination of factors including just the right sized moon to create tides and regulate the axial tilt (= stable climate), Jupiter to sweep up the otherwise constant barrage of comets (= relatively long span without mass extinction events), and any number of other chance factors that just happened to work out on Earth.

I saw a documentary where they were discussing the Drake equation and someone came up with another equation which builds up on the Drake equation and takes into consideration all of the factors you mentioned. The estimation for number of advance civilization they came to was not 10000 as Drake equation suggested, but closer to 1-10 or so. This I believe is a much more sensible number.

The Sci Fi FTL engines, easily possible.

We all know E= m x (c x c). Taking c as speed of light or just the goal speed, the energy required to go at that speed means the mass of the object multiplied by Speed of light x Speed of light.

c = sqrt(E/m). If m = 0 (or nearly zero) then that means Infinite speed can be achieved with the tiniest amount of energy.

If Aliens are not corporal beings or have devised ways of becoming non-corporeal then its a good possibility they can achieve FTL. Basically we humans can't even achieve FTL, till we are able to make our masses 0, since that would put an unimaginable amount of exertion on our bodies.

It will be quite prudent for anybody to say with certainty that Aliens haven't visited us yet.

The equation you are actually looking for is

One cannot use E=MC^2 for objects with definite mass travelling at speeds a significant fraction of speed of sound. Instead one has to use the above relativistic formula.

As for FTL, it is theoretically possible for information (including objects) to be transmitted faster than light without actually travelling FTL. Worm holes is one such way.
Another way suggested by a physicist is to bend spacetime in front and back of the aircraft. Space would be shrunk at the front of the aircraft and made to expand at the rear. This would propel the aircraft faster than light. The aircraft however would not itself be travelling FTL in its own frame of reference. However in external frame of reference or to an outsider it would appear as if the aircraft is indeed moving FTL.

It is called Alcubierre drive.
There are some theories that there could be bacterias living under the ice of Europa. So that will be a BIG news. Finding Life outside of our planet. :tup:

There will be three levels of public response to any discovery of ET life.

If all we find are single celled or microscopic life, the general public will soon forget it after the initial hoopla.

If we find animals but no intelligent life, there will be a little more excitement but, that too, will taper off after a while.

Human consciousness and society will only change fundamentally if we find recognizably intelligent extraterrestrials.

I saw a documentary where they were discussing the Drake equation and someone came up with another equation which builds up on the Drake equation and takes into consideration all of the factors you mentioned. The estimation for number of advance civilization they came to was not 10000 as Drake equation suggested, but closer to 1-10 or so. This I believe is a much more sensible number.

My criticism of the Drake Equation is not just that it doesn't take into account more factors; even the factors it includes are meaningless because we have no way to justify any number we plug in.

For example, it talks about the percent of habitable planets that actually develop life. What number do we put in? 1, 10, 0.000000001? How can we possibly justify our choice?

Similarly for most of the other terms in the equation: the percent that develop 'intelligence', the percent that develop technology, etc, etc.

It is an absolutely rubbish equation that is only useful for pop science shows and small talk at parties.
brings us to the question, should aliens submit to the will of Prophet Muhammad? I mean, is Islam inclusive of 'human like non-human beings' as well?
brings us to the question, should aliens submit to the will of Prophet Muhammad? I mean, is Islam inclusive of 'human like non-human beings' as well?
Whats the purpose of this post..../????

Answer is Yes....Islam is not for the world but for whole universe......
brings us to the question, should aliens submit to the will of Prophet Muhammad? I mean, is Islam inclusive of 'human like non-human beings' as well?

Yes, because Islam is universal, and all ET's carry a copy of Quran (wherever they go)
And why must the requirements be the same for us and aliens? You guys seem to take it for a given that all life will be Carbon based or something. Like Developereo already posted, we only have one data point to base our calculations off of, so its not that accurate. Carbon chauvinism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am absolutely one of those carbon chauvinists. The logic is very simple. Life, by definition, contains information, vast amounts of it, coded within some sort of chemical messenger. In our case, it's RNA/DNA. Only Carbon has the ability to form long chains to transmit that information, to create functional enzymes and proteins and such. Silicon is a distant second, and every other element fails miserably.

You just aren't going to have life based on Helium. Or Iron.

Once we're past chemical life, now we're into the spiritual realm where everything is possible.

So since we're stuck mainly with carbon, the conditions on the planet have to be suitable for carbon chemistry, and that means a world pretty darned close to ours.
Search ancient astronaut theory on video sites and on search engines. You can find dozens of documentaries and other material on this subject. There are also theories that Hitler's regime built war machines based on alien technology
Each time I see a discussion on aliens, I see it going only in one direction, with boundless assumptions. To make a meaningful progress on the subject, we will have to take philosophy along with science.

To know about aliens, we have to define an alien first.

In simplest terms:

Aliens = Life beyond Earth.

Now this definition begs us to define Life... And that's where humans are stuck. From Plato to Einstein, numerous efforts were made to define life. However, every now and then we are faced with examples that belie our definitions.

So what should be an alien, a plant with DNA that grows out of itself in habitable environment, and dies without it? Or a virus with an RNA that remains dead till it finds a suitable place to work on? Or may be a star that has none of it, but goes through an entire life cycle and dies in the end to give birth to new stars?

To avoid this riddle, people of science decided to look for 'intelligent life'. And hence began the program called SETI. But how would we know of an intelligent life form, when we really encounter it? It is very similar to the ants being oblivious to human presence, simply because they are not smart like us. Similarly, if we are not smart like the aliens, we may be unable to even detect them when they are around us making huge efforts to make contact with us.

I have often heard a joke that the biggest proof that intelligent life is out there, is that it has decided not to contact us. But to me, this joke seems to be the sad reality. If the aliens are able to contact us, then they certainly are smarter than we are. If they are smarter, why would they want to make such huge efforts to contact us? I mean... would you spend trillions of dollars in a research if you found out that there are some primitive apes on a planet 100 light years away?
i believe in Hollow earth theory and i think aliens come from this hollow part of earth..
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