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Algeria's celebration of November first and the uninvited guest

@ blackeagle,

BLA BLA.......
I know you will show up somewhere, that why I left you a 20 min film, and in Arabic...to learn about Algeria and her people. That will have saved you a lot of calories for the lean times that are approaching the " will do anything" for food..kingdom
Is that all you have? It seems you haven't read the thread! 90% of the contained infos come from Algerian newspaper.
The slums are the direct cause of the Arabs states fundinding the FIS and the GIA, in the 90's and displaced these people form their farms and small villages. I am glad you posted that video, that what the Arabs of service , your wren included, do to other muslim nation that were standing to European and American dominance. Algeria was first, and your kind failed miserably to put Algeria on her knees. You succeeded in Libya, and I see that in Syria your are not doing that hot, since yourself stopped fabricating and counting all day long the Syrian tanks your supposed bearded hyenas destroyed.
Going back to the slums, all those unfortunate people have been relocated and in brand new apartments complexes.
Bouteflika full throttle since his last tune up in Grenoble, France.

Saidani the FLN big kahuna, struggling to keep the presidential coalition around Bouteflika.

Benflis and the opposition mouvement met with the European delegation

Private schools under the microscope

Mali-Algeria , CAN 2015

This thread Ceylal, Algeria fearing poor little Morocco yet you think you can teach all of us.
This thread Ceylal, Algeria fearing poor little Morocco yet you think you can teach all of us.
I didn't know that you have great sense humeur! Is this your joke of the week?
Erdogan's visit to ketchaoua Mosque, built during the Ottomans.
The film "EL WAHRANI" on the Algerian war of independence has the local salafi up in arms.

Tunisian vote success seen by Bouteflika.

The Tunisian favorite is 88 years old
Bouteflika: I want the same, pills like his..
Algeria in the 70's




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Following a poll, Algerians are the happiest of the Maghreb

in the bubble..who wouldn't with 1600 kms wide coast.
Eradication of shanty town and relocation continues..

After the march of the Algerian police..

Police unit re-assignement and dissolution of the republican guard corps.

African cup's drawing results...Algeria, Ghana, South Africa and Senegal in the same group.
The year 2014 , event that marked Algeria...

World cup, death of Ebosse, qualification to CAN15
Boteflika re-election, Air Algeria crash and opposition movement to Bouteflika's rule..
Al mawlid ennabawi celebrated in the Hoggar..
elmawlad ennabawi fihoggar.jpg
Arab Spring in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Syria
Waiting on Bouteflika's beefed up constitution...
Today :rememberingSakiet Sidi youcef Bombardment, Feb 8, 1958

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