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Algeria's celebration of November first and the uninvited guest

A conscientious government would have done just that until a cure is found...But the assholes that we have at the head of the state including the one you have lack courage....that is our scrooge...and curse...to have cattle salesmen for presidents and kings...

So what you means by "Curse" is the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome SARS Co-V? I thought we were out of the medieval ages as to not call diseases as "Curse" but apparently not all of us.
So what you means by "Curse" is the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome SARS Co-V? I thought we were out of the medieval ages as to not call diseases as "Curse" but apparently not all of us.
I don't think he is referring to MERS
So what you means by "Curse" is the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome SARS Co-V? I thought we were out of the medieval ages as to not call diseases as "Curse" but apparently not all of us.
sorry, but we are still dealing with medieval thinking...You can't find more medieval than this...Taking a chance to infect millions of Muslims for the sake of observing a tenet of Islam is simply criminal...and indecent...Islam is a religion of peace and love of others,....

Algeria to re-edit the Oumdurman by frreying fans to Porto Allegre..

Ramadhan is here...
in the Bubble....
I dont see the the croissant...

the searing heat in Algiers...

poor Marie, can't handle it that Africa has two team in this elimination round..

Mokri recognizes, that the brothers are not mentally and intellectually fit to govern...
I see this thread appearing regularly since last year but i still dont get what deal is. :lol:

Algeria eliminated..
french policeman...ouf...thank God..

The Greens seduced the world
Players and Fans selfie

A petition being circulated to keep Vahid as the Fennek Coach..

And Bouteflika may have the last word...

For the rest of the Algerians during this month of Ramadan......The Greens performance are a good inspiration..
in the bubble...that's what I am doing...I am going for the overtime
Bouteflika asks the FAF president , to keep Vahid as coach of the Fennec..

Vox populi vox Dei, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika also said Halliloreste!
HuffPost Maghreb | By Tahir MalikPublished:07/03/2014 3:28 AM EST | Updated:03/07/2014 12:13 CEST


Vahid ThThe popularity of Vahid Halilhodzic who had many detractors in the Algerian press and in the Algerian Football Federation reached its zenith at the Brazilian world.

In the tense match which has long opposed some of the sports press, he wins by KO "opinion leaders" of the sports press are forced to deal with a low-profile coach who won the "battle hearts "in the Algerian public opinion.

This gave a viral slogan "Halliloreste" and petitions on the same way: have a coach Vahid remains in Algeria. Vox populi, Vox Dei ... Even President Abdelaziz Bouteflika is riding the wave of Vahidmania and resumes its popular "Halliloreste" account.

Yesterday, receiving the President of the Algerian Football Federation, Mohamed Raouraoua, whose relationship with the coach of the national team are, to put it mildly, "difficult", Algerian President relayed the "popular demand" : Vahid must stay.
In the presence of the Bosnian coach, the Algerian Head of State asked Wednesday night, the president of the Algerian Football Federation (FAF), Mohamed Raouraoua to keep Vahid,as ahead of the Greens.

"Vahid (Halilhodzic) should remain with us. This is a great team we have," said Mr. Bouteflika. Vahid Halilhodzic replied, smiling: "It was not always easy but we must continue this momentum .Thanks to our game, we have become the darlings of the Brazilians.".
his is not a response to the offer to stay requested by the Algerian president. But it's a total victory for coach Vahid who can stay ahead of the Greens, if so decides.
Vox populi vox Dei, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika also said Halliloreste!
the return of the Fennec parading thru Algiers....


The observation of ramadhan object to civil right and liberties...
The Fennecs ranked 13th of the best world teams by FIFA



the revolutionary family against Algerian soldiers parading in le Champs des Elysees on July the 14th, France independance day..

Algerian Salafist against the opening the Synagogues as announced by the Wakf Minister

Vahid quits the Algerian team...The Bouteflika's wish for him to stay is seen differently by the Press...
I can read here that Vahid said he enjoyed the result and to work for Algerian team
except one problem : press : he said he didn't like to be insulted
and it seems now he is leaving some journalists insult him again :(
Is El Arbi Hillel Soudani related to Sudan by any chance? Just wondering because of the surname.
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