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Al-Sadr in Iran

At the end of the day Sadr is independent and not tied to either side.

Nonetheless, he knows the Shiite power factions and how they work. So he has to walk a delicate balance between independence and not pissing off too many people.

It’s just like the Mafia was back in the day.
At the end of the day Sadr is independent and not tied to either side.

Nonetheless, he knows the Shiite power factions and how they work. So he has to walk a delicate balance between independence and not pissing off too many people.

It’s just like the Mafia was back in the day.
Time has also caught up with Sadr. Back then during the hey day of the 2nd Iraq war, Mahdi army was the main proxy Iran could use in Iraq(probably only Badr was the alternative), not anymore. Iran has built up alternatives to Al-Sadr, so he doesnt have the leverage he used to have. if he plays around, he will get burned.
date of meeting, his place and arrangement of people, the whole picture is a message to Americans.

Just think of this, almost a week ago, this meeting occurred, and after a couple days, Saudi's Aramco was hit, but no one knows from where, the houthis are claiming they did it, but then there are people who are saying it was iran, but it couldn't be done directly, and there are reports of people seeing drones flying over Kuwait going from iraq to saudi. And finally the fact that Al Sadr is sitting besides soleimani.

Connecting all these up might be an answer to the question that who performed the attack exactly, which there is a probability it was done from iraq, and if so, then it couldve been Al Sadr who did it.
Just my thoughts, what do you guys think.
Time has also caught up with Sadr. Back then during the hey day of the 2nd Iraq war, Mahdi army was the main proxy Iran could use in Iraq(probably only Badr was the alternative), not anymore. Iran has built up alternatives to Al-Sadr, so he doesnt have the leverage he used to have. if he plays around, he will get burned.

Mahdi Army is still formidable as it’s drawn from the slums and forgotten of Baghdad.

Sadr still has power and as long as Sistani is Alive he will be a bulwark against Qom taking over Iraq.
Mahdi Army is still formidable as it’s drawn from the slums and forgotten of Baghdad.

Sadr still has power and as long as Sistani is Alive he will be a bulwark against Qom taking over Iraq.
For all practical purposes, Qom has already taken over Baghdad. Sistani holds religious supremacy power. Agreed, but power in our world today is based on money, men and guns. Even Sistani's fatwa that started PMU required Iranian weapons and military know how to be effective. If Sistani made that call and Iran didn't support, Iraqi govt would still be fighting ISIS all over Iraq today.
Mahdi Army is still formidable as it’s drawn from the slums and forgotten of Baghdad.

Sadr still has power and as long as Sistani is Alive he will be a bulwark against Qom taking over Iraq.
Who supplies current Mahdi army with weapons, intelligence and training? pls dont give that lame excuse some people in denial use for Houthis- "they make their own weapons and train themselves". fat lie! Mahdi army is probably average capability militia right now,but probably have good #s of ground soldiers. pls dont live in history. Sadr's power stems from inheritance, but its mostly religious. He cant struggle successfully in Iraq against Iran and you and i know that.
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