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Al-Qaeda remains resilient and continues to cooperate closely with Lashkar-e-Taiba: UN report

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Al-Qaeda remains resilient, continues to cooperate closely with Lashkar: UN report

Press Trust of India

July 30, 2019

Al-Qaeda "remains resilient" and continues to cooperate closely with Pakistan-based terror outfits like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and the Haqqani Network, but the health of its leader Aiman Muhammed al-Zawahiri and how the succession will work are in doubt, according to a UN report.

This was revealed in the 24th report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team that was submitted to the UN Security Council Al-Qaeda Sanctions Committee this month.

The sanctions monitoring team submits independent reports every six months to the Security Council on the Islamic State, Al-Qaeda and associated individuals, groups, undertakings and entities.

Al-Qaeda remains resilient, although the health and longevity of its leader, Aiman Muhammed Rabi al-Zawahiri, and how the succession will work are in doubt, it said.

Al-Qaeda considers Afghanistan a continuing safe haven for its leadership, relying on its long-standing and strong relationship with the Taliban, it said.

Under Taliban patronage, Al-Qaeda is keen to strengthen its presence in Badakhshan Province, in particular in the Shighnan area bordering Tajikistan, as well as in Barmal, in Paktika Province, it added.

"Al-Qaeda continues to cooperate closely with Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Haqqani Network. Al-Qaida members continue to function routinely as military and religious instructors for the Taliban, the report said.

It further noted that the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) is reported to be moving towards a hub-and-spoke network in its remote provinces, a logical extension of the dispersed, delegated leadership approach.

Better established affiliates are taking on elements of responsibility for lesser ones, channelling funds and assisting with propaganda. Over time, this may have the effect of regionalising the agendas of these networks," the report said.

This has already happened in the case of Al-Qaida, which has long embedded itself in local issues and politics, bringing the group some successes but also some problems, as in Idlib, it stated.

Further, groups aligned with Al-Qaeda are stronger than their ISIL counterparts in Idlib, Syrian Arab Republic, Yemen, Somalia and much of West Africa. The largest concentrations of active foreign terrorist fighters are in Idlib and Afghanistan, the majority of whom are aligned with Al-Qaeda.

The report, however, noted that ISIL remains much stronger than Al-Qaeda in terms of finances, media profile, current combat experience and terrorist expertise and remains the more immediate threat to global security.

It also stressed that the ability of local authorities to cope with terrorist challenges in Afghanistan, Libya and Somalia remains limited.

Referring to the Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka that killed 258 people, the report said that despite the claim of responsibility by ISIL, member state investigations revealed that the ISIL core did not direct or facilitate the attacks, nor did it know about them in advance."

"It was a locally instigated and led attack inspired by ISIL ideology. The bombings aimed to boost the global image of ISIL after its military defeat in Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic," it said.

Regional Member States expressed concern about dynamics in the region, in particular in Sri Lanka, southern India and the Maldives, that could contribute to internal threats. Since 2013, approximately 170 Maldivians have travelled to Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic, and more than 70 have unsuccessfully attempted to travel, it said.

The report noted that as ISIL continues its evolution from a pseudo-state to a global network inspiring and directing terrorism, it may aim to build platforms for operations in areas in which it has not been active before.

The Easter Sunday attacks may serve as a blueprint for future ISIL terrorism in other unexpected locations. The return of foreign terrorist fighters to their home countries from Iraq and the Syrian Arab Republic may combine with indigenous radicalization in South Asia or elsewhere.

The Lanka attacks show the "continuing appeal of ISIL propaganda and the risk that indigenous cells may incubate in unexpected locations and generate a significant terrorist capability. "These and other ISIL attacks on places of worship, alongside the attacks in Christchurch in New Zealand in March offer a troubling narrative of escalating interfaith conflict, it said.

The report also noted that outside the core conflict zone, ISIL and Al-Qaeda are both contending for dominance and international relevance.

Some Member States describe the existence of a number of local conflict zones, each of which has its own gravitational pull, drawing foreign terrorist fighters who either come from the region or have ethnic or linguistic ties to it," it said.

Afghanistan remains the most established of these, and concerns remain about the short and long-term threats posed by ISIL and Al-Qaeda-aligned groups and foreign terrorist fighters who have established themselves on Afghan territory, the report said.

There are also growing concerns about West Africa and the Sahel, where ISIL and Al-Qaeda are both active and deconflict with each other in favour of destabilizing the more fragile regional States.

Lashkar-e-Taiba (QDe.118), listed on May 2, 2005

Is it something new that Sanction Committee submitted its report in this regard. Can't find the report or it isn't published but will have to see the outcome & findings in view of the facts that are mentioned to establish the link as such.
Lashkar-e-Taiba (QDe.118), listed on May 2, 2005

Is it something new that Sanction Committee submitted its report in this regard. Can't find the report or it isn't published but will have to see the outcome & findings in view of the facts that are mentioned to establish the link as such.
Just Bharati propaganda.LeT is working for Pakistan according to Bharatis and is hand in gloves with same AQ which has killed thousands of Pakistani civilians:cuckoo:
Logic makes no sense for them.
@The Eagle @nick_indian

I found the report.

From the report:

Page 3
Twenty-fourth report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team submitted pursuant to resolution 2368 (2017) concerning ISIL (Da’esh), Al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities.

Al-Qaida (QDe.004) remains resilient, although the health and longevity of its leader, Aiman Muhammed Rabi al-Zawahiri (QDi.006), and how the succession will work are in doubt.

Page 16 / 17
63. Al-Qaida considers Afghanistan a continuing safe haven for its leadership, relying on its long-standing and strong relationship with the Taliban leadership. Under Taliban patronage, Al-Qaida is keen to strengthen its presence in Badakhshan Province, in particular in the Shighnan area bordering Tajikistan, as well as in Barmal, in Paktika Province. Al-Qaida continues to cooperate closely with Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (QDe.118) and the Haqqani Network (TAe.012). Al-Qaida members continue to function routinely as military and religious instructors for the Taliban.

Link to the report:
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Al-Qaida continues to cooperate closely with Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (QDe.118) and the Haqqani Network (TAe.012).

How did they came to his conclusion. There is no further information on it.
This doesnt make ISI or Pakistani military or govt look good...i dont want to connect the dots here....smh
How did they came to his conclusion. There is no further information on it.


I also could not find more information on how they came to that conclusion.

I did however find this:

Page 23
V. Monitoring Team activities and feedback
100. Between January and June 2019, the Monitoring Team conducted 32 country and technical visits. It continued to promote the sanctions regime through its participation in 30 international conferences, meetings and workshops, including those of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, INTERPOL, the Financial Action Task Force and similar regional bodies, the Global Counterterrorism Forum, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The Team held its seventeenth regional meeting for the Middle East and North Africa. It also participated in the regional meetings of the Multi-Agency Task Force of the Middle East and North Africa Region, established by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. The Team continued its engagement with entities and associations in the financial, natural resources, antiquities, defence and information technology sectors. During the reporting period, the Team participated in meetings organized by the Office of Counter-Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, including the joint special meeting on links between international terrorism and organized crime. The Team also cooperated closely with the Executive Directorate in the production of mandated reports of the Secretary-General. The Team remains a member of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact, participating in meetings of its working groups.

So, I think through their activities such as country and technical visits, participation in conferences, meetings, workshops, working groups and engagement with entities and associations in different sectors they are able to acquire information which they analyze and which then will produce the conclusions that are published in these reports.

I also could not find more information on how they came to that conclusion.

I did however find this:

Page 23
V. Monitoring Team activities and feedback
100. Between January and June 2019, the Monitoring Team conducted 32 country and technical visits. It continued to promote the sanctions regime through its participation in 30 international conferences, meetings and workshops, including those of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, INTERPOL, the Financial Action Task Force and similar regional bodies, the Global Counterterrorism Forum, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The Team held its seventeenth regional meeting for the Middle East and North Africa. It also participated in the regional meetings of the Multi-Agency Task Force of the Middle East and North Africa Region, established by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. The Team continued its engagement with entities and associations in the financial, natural resources, antiquities, defence and information technology sectors. During the reporting period, the Team participated in meetings organized by the Office of Counter-Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, including the joint special meeting on links between international terrorism and organized crime. The Team also cooperated closely with the Executive Directorate in the production of mandated reports of the Secretary-General. The Team remains a member of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact, participating in meetings of its working groups.

So, I think through their activities such as country and technical visits, participation in conferences, meetings, workshops, working groups and engagement with entities and associations in different sectors they are able to acquire information which they analyze and which then will produce the conclusions that are published in these reports.

I read thier previous 2-3 reports and there was no mention of lashkar-e-taiba. Dont think this report takes into account the recent crackdown on the organisation.
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