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Al-Qaeda elements in Pakistan to be attacked: Obama

I think that an Obama-Biden presidency will be better for Pakistan. On the other hand, McCain-Palin (she is a religious nutcase :devil:) offer nothing new they will follow Bush’s failed foreign policy, which has been disastrous for Pakistan and for our region as a whole.
Dr. Khalid Luqman endorses Senator Barrack Obama for US presidency

October 30, 08

Dr. Khalid Luqman, Convener, Coalition of Pakistani Americans endorsed today, Sen. Barrack Obama for the office of US President in the upcoming Presidential elections. He also urged the Pakistani American community to support and help the Democratic Party candidates across the USA.

Dr. Luqman has emphasized that President Bush along with his Republican Party have wrecked havoc in the economy, as well as caused irreparable harm to American standing abroad. Through his irrational and unjustifiable Iraqi invasion, the world has become less safe and more vulnerable to terrorism.

Furthermore, President Bush has destroyed democratic institutions arround the World, specially Pakistan, where he favored a military dictator Musharaf while ignoring the wishes of the Pakistani people for eight years. Now, Pakistan herself has become a target of terrorism due to his irresponsible policies.

President Bush has endorsed Senator McCain, which implies that Senator McCain will carry out a similar agenda to President Bush. Senator Obama is favored to bring a change of hope and prosperity in US, as well as a promise of peace in the world. Thank You. Dr. Khalid Luqman
This is completely retarded, some Pakistani patriot this idiot is...Musharraf or no Musharraf, he is supporting a foreign politican who has threatened to bomb his country. Looks like this "Khalid Luqman" as been hanging out with too many Indians...
This is completely retarded, some Pakistani patriot this idiot is...Musharraf or no Musharraf, he is supporting a foreign politican who has threatened to bomb his country. Looks like this "Khalid Luqman" as been hanging out with too many Indians...
Khalid lives in the US, so how is Obama a "foreign politican".?

"If we have actionable intelligence about high-value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will, Obama.
What’s wrong with that statement?
He is a foreign politican to Pakistan.

Everything is wrong which that statement, first all because it is a lie. Early on Obama said that he would strike Al-Qeada in Pakistan, then he add "only if Musharraf cant or wont act." Its a lie, you seriously think Obama will bother to inform the Pakistani military if he "thinks" he has spotted an Al-Qaeda high value target? Obama is an idiot, he doesnt know anything about Pakistan, and neither does he respect it. His statements that Pakistan is preparing for war against India are pathetically unbalanced and callous even. Atleast McCain has been to Pakistan and Waziristan and appreicates the problems we face there, appreciates the history of the region and the blood we have spit to try and keep the borders secure. How can any true Pakistani having half a brain still think well of Obama, is beyond me.
He is a foreign politican to Pakistan.

Everything is wrong which that statement, first all because it is a lie. Early on Obama said that he would strike Al-Qeada in Pakistan, then he add "only if Musharraf cant or wont act." Its a lie, you seriously think Obama will bother to inform the Pakistani military if he "thinks" he has spotted an Al-Qaeda high value target? Obama is an idiot, he doesnt know anything about Pakistan, and neither does he respect it. His statements that Pakistan is preparing for war against India are pathetically unbalanced and callous even. Atleast McCain has been to Pakistan and Waziristan and appreicates the problems we face there, appreciates the history of the region and the blood we have spit to try and keep the borders secure. How can any true Pakistani having half a brain still think well of Obama, is beyond me.
Listen, just because I have different opinions than yours, doesn’t give you a right to insult me, I don’t insult people and I don’t take insults from anyone, so you better watch your mouth.

I never ever meant to insult you, I'm sorry if you feel that way. When I said that how any Pakistani with half a brain could think well of Obama is beyond me, I meant it. It is beyond me, so I expected you to just explain to me instead of taking insult.
first of all i want to start off that a black "n1gger" cant lead a country that is controlled by whites they are going to be so raged its going to start a civil war in US its a long term damage US is about to do itself

Your intellect never ceases to amaze me.

Given the current poll figure we will see what happens afterall the US is the bastion of democracy in the world isn't it?
Obama piece of **** does not know that if he will attack Pakistan, Pakistan Is not like Iraq or Afghanistan, Pakistan will "KICK HIS BLACK BUTT REAL BAD"

wow. you are an illiterate and a racist.

it was actually mccain who announced obama's declaration of war against pakistan. you have swallowed the republican attack hook line and sinker
Obama will be jew supported president.

He will formulate policies anti muslim to please jews lobby.

He has already treatened that US may attack directly if required.

Pakistan armed forces should be ready for that attack.

Question how much china can support pakistan in case us attack???

America wants permanent base in gawader to monitor hurmaz and to prevent china influence in arabian sea.


i hope all this coffee you're drinking is decaf.

fyi. the US has already attacked directly inside pakistan. i believe it was the army that dropped the bomb earlier this year from an unmanned plane. this of course makes mccain's attack all the more ironic. however it doesn't make obama a neocon.

in my view, obama is one of the best democrats america could have nominated this year. his campaign is a grassroots movement. it is entirely funded by unaffiliated americans. over one million contributors as of last july, most of them contributing under $100. in other words, obama is no one's puppet.

this in contrast to mccain who has former contract lobbyists directing his campaign (i can only guess how many would be given jobs in his administration).
My dear,

US is land of burger,wisky maffia

Pakistan is land of fear less warriors,read history of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

You cant get control of land with these toys US using to creat fears in heart of people.

Child born in pakistan will the sound of bullet they never get afraid f these toys.


you missed the point. people have expressed the fear that a president obama will launch a full-scale invasion of pakistan, when in fact the republican party is just playing politics of fear.

regardless, i do not believe pak and nato interests are so conflicted. i have heard from some :pdf: members how u.s. wrings taliban out of afghanistan into pak via the khyber pass and other routes. one member said many pakistanis feel "squeezed" between taliban and us.

for sure, security in afghanistan requires at least two things: economic development away from the opium industry, and more control over the border w/ pak. to achieve either, more boots on the ground are required.

obama has pledged to send 10,000 additional american troops to afghanistan, many redeployed from iraq as we handoff the brunt of security responsibilities to the iraqi gov't. there is a ~16 month timeline associated with this. simultaneously, however, the europeans will be drawing down from nato (they have already begun), and so the gross number of nato troops in afghanistan 16 months from january 4 is hard to predict at this juncture. one thing is for certain, in order to secure the border pak will have to impose law in some of the lawless havens for taliban in fata. if it does not, then u.s. will launch more hot-pursuit cross-border raids with uav. this is not an ideal way to do things for anybody.

besides, cutting down the flow of taliban into fata will have stabilizing effects in both countries. but the u.s. is not so naive to believe the pak gov't can assist nato and avoid negative political repercussions (that is why i suspect GoP is feeding its populace the propaganda filling these msg boards about RAW support for the taliban it captures), and so as a deal sweetener, u.s. will increase its aid. i suspect pak diplomats and american presidential campaigns are in advanced stages of bargaining the exact price for a security arrangement (maybe one resembling this).

at least, that is my reading of the security dilemma.
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My dear,

US is land of burger,wisky maffia

Pakistan is land of fear less warriors,read history of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

You cant get control of land with these toys US using to creat fears in heart of people.

Child born in pakistan will the sound of bullet they never get afraid f these toys.


man you never cease to amuse to me. US is the land of 'Burger and Whiskey Mafia' and Pakistan is the land of warriors...

Pakistan depends on outdated 'toys' from those burger and whiskey folk for its military. does the F-16 ring a bell?

You are an ignorant racist, Pakistan and the world in general will be better off without people like you.
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