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Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool

nice thread antibody :tup:.... You're the man!:)
Locally-produced gun delivered to HIT for tanks
By Kalbe Ali | From the Newspaper

ISLAMABAD, April 17: The first locally-produced tank gun is ready for delivery to the Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) for Al-Khalid and Al-Zarar tanks

So far the HIT used to get 125 millimetre `blanks` from France for the two main battle tanks (MBTs) of the Pakistan Army. Blanks are the final shape of the gun barrel prior to its finishing and its fitting into the tank is done at the HIT.

The first blank has been jointly produced at the Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC) in Taxila by experts of the HIT, the Peoples Steel Mills Limited (PSML) of Karachi and other defence-related organisations, in coordination with the army — the end-user.

An HIT official told Dawn that the army had given a go-ahead for the production of 50 125mm barrels for the two MBTs at the HMC after a joint team assured it of meeting strict standards.

According to sources, the army and the HIT wanted the barrels to fire at least eight rounds a minute, and for the automatic ammunition handling system, with 24-round ready-to-fire magazine of Al-Khalid tank.

The official said that the manufacturing of the first 125mm tank gun was an achievement of the Strategic Plans Division (SPD) set up in 2000 to improve the control of nuclear operations and monitor and develop coordination among various defence production and research organisations in the country.

The specialised weapons grade steel was manufactured at the PSML and the block of metal was retreated at the HMC which has such facilities under the heavy forge and foundry section. The block of specialised metal is pressed to become a five-metre-long square bar that is forged into a smooth bore 125mm barrel.

The HMC also has specialised facilities of large vertical furnace where the blanks are given heat treatments several times. Since it was the first job for the HMC, experts from other defence organisations monitored the process which took almost two to three months to complete.

The HIT has finalised a deal Rs200 million for 50 barrels which is slightly less than the cost of each barrel procured from France.

The official said that after the completion of 50 tank barrels, the HMC would consider producing artillery guns for the Pakistan Army.

Al-Khalid is a product of a joint venture between Pakistan and China. It has been in use of the army since 2001. Al-Zarar is an upgradation of T-59 tanks. The new barrels are likely to be part of the project for upgraded variants of Al-Khalid II and III now under way at the HIT.
Locally-produced gun delivered to HIT for tanks | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
Some information on AK-1 by XYON
I did post this photo in one of my posts earlier in the AK-II discussions here! I though you got it from there! Where did you get this photo if not from my post? Just curious!

Not divulging into some critical changes owing to security, I can say that lessons learned from AK are being improved in AK-I. The biggest improvement is in the engine, a more modern FCS (French is being considered), locally developed IBMS, driver night vision sight (larger FoV), improved track and track pads options, improved Laser Threat Sensors more accurate gun laying, improved side skirts etc etc.

The program however is moving slow these days owing mainly to restricted funding from GoP & change in the HIT top leadership. The AK-1 is yet to be handed over to PA for trials. This was to be done in December 2008, but it has been delayed by a few months owing to completion of a few upgrades etc.
and Interestingly
In February 2002 Ukraine announced that the Malyshev plant would provide another 315 engines for Al-Khalid tanks over three years. The contract's estimated value was $125-150 million. Pakistan's Army reportedly hopes to produce a total of 300 more tanks by 2005. According to a 2001 report, Pakistan planned to add another 300 indigenous Al-Khalid tanks to its armoured corps by 2007.

Ukraine is a key partner in the production of the Al-Khalid tank which is a joint venture between China, Pakistan and Ukraine. Ukraine is also providing assistance to Pakistan in the Upgrade/Re-Build its T-59 tanks to the Al-Zarar Configuration, which is intended to match the T-80UD tanks.

Ukraine possesses one of the most reliable tank engines in the conditions of hot climate. It is the result of the strategy of tank building development. At one time Ukraine and Russia, as two great tank powers, took two different ways of tank engine development. Ukrainian constructors chose the Diesel direction, while Russian ones the gas turbine, like many other countries. Now, according to the words of the chief designer of Ukraine armored troops, head of the Kharkov machine-building design office lieutenant general Mikhail Borisyuk, when the principal prominent buyers of armored equipment are located in countries with hot climate, the stability of engines with the ambient air temperature higher than 50 degrees has become one of the key factors for tanks reliability. In the extreme conditions of hot climate gas-turbine engines of China and Poland, created on the base of B-1, B-2 engine types, Russian engines, having had serious problems during testing in India, started to receive transient errors. At the same time Ukrainian engines on the tanks T-80UD, provided to Pakistan, showed high reliability.

On September 23, 2004, Pakistan received an additional consignment of Al-Khalid MBTs. The Al-Khalid MBT has a combat weight of 46 tons and carries a crew of three. It had a combat range of 400Km and is fitted with thermal night-vision devices. It is powered by a 1200 HP water-cooled diesel engine and has a maximum speed of 65-70Km/hr with an acceleration of 0-32Km/hr in 10 seconds. It's armor is made of composite material as well as explosive reactive armor.

Al Khalid MBT-2000 / Type 2000 Main Battle Tank - PakTribune
VT1A main battle tank, a twin young brother of Al-Khalid MBT?
September.15 (China Defense Mashup reporting by Johnathan Weng) -- After the latest MBT-2000 tank for Pakistan, another new armor combat vehicle, called-as VT1A main battle tank, now has been opened by one Chinese magazine "Ordnance Knowledge", which has been known as a state-run magazine under NORINCO Group.
The magazine announced that VT1A tank can be exported to foreign countries and provides some specifications:

Full Weight: 49 tons
Height: 2.4 meters (up to turret top)
Width: 3.5 meters
Length: 10.33 meters (gun forward)
Crew number: 3 (with autoloader)

Power: 1200 hp water-cooled turbocharged diesel engine
Power-weight ratio: 24 hp/ton
Maximum highway speed: 69 km/h
Max operational range: 450 km
Armament: 125 mm smoothbore gun, 7.62 parallel machine guns, 12.7 antiaircraft machine gun
Maintainability: integrated power system
Fire Control System: scan-targeting type.
Protection: Main armor + modular composite reactive armor

So, the next is the question why this VT1A tank looks so similar to Pakistan Al-Khalid MBT?

An evolution of Chinese and Soviet tanks, the Al-Khalid's final tank design resulting from a decade of co-operative development was designated Type 90-IIM. Chinese company Norinco showed the new Type 90-IIM during the March 2001 Abu Dhabi Defense Expo, under the export name MBT 2000. The version powered by the Ukrainian engine, intended for domestic production in Pakistan, was named Al-Khalid. For this achievement, Pakistan spent more than US$20 million over ten years on the co-development of a model suitable for their needs and on creating a capability to manufacture it locally.

But the appearance of VT1A tank just indicates that NORINCO wants to provide MBT 2000 technology for other developing countries, such as Sri Lanka. But Pakistan would get its payment for the selling of this twin young brother of Al-Khalid MBT?

VT1A main battle tank, a twin young brother of Al-Khalid MBT? | China Military Power Mashup
On 1 October 1988, it was announced that Pakistan would manufacture a new MBT (MBT 2000) with the assistance of the People's Republic of China and with the Heavy Rebuild Factories in Pakistan carrying out the programme.

The project was approved by the Defence Committee of the Cabinet on 16 January 1990 and the contract with China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) was signed in May 1990.

Rather than build a new MBT from scratch, Pakistan elected a four-phased approach:

(1) Upgrade the existing Type 59 MBT. Some of these have been fitted with a 105 mm rifled tank gun and are then known as the T-59(M). Details of the Type 59 are given under China

(2) Assembly/manufacture of the Type 69-II MBT; this has 50 per cent of its components from the Type 59 and 50 per cent new components. Production ofType69-ll hulls commenced in Pakistan in 1993 with the turrets still coming from China. The Pakistan designation is the Type 69-IIMP with the engine developing 580 hp. Details of the Type 69 are given under China

(3) Co-production and manufacture of the Type 85 MBT; this has 20 per cent components from the Type 59, 30 per cent components from the Type 69-II MBT and 50 per cent new components. Co-production of the Type 85 has now commenced and a batch of these vehicles has already been supplied from China. In Pakistan service these are designated the Type 85-IIAP. Details of the Type 85 are given under China

(4) Production of the MBT 2000 with 45 per cent of its components taken from existing vehicles (10 per cent Type 59, 15 per cent Type 69-II and 20 per cent Type 85) and 55 per cent new components.

The Heavy Rebuild Factory (HRF) at Taxila, also known as P-711, has been established and running for some time. It was then decided to build additional facilities for specific components: P-882 All types of AFV hull P-883 All types of turret P-884 All types of engine from 520 to 1,500 hp P-885 Progressive manufacture of guns from

105 mm to 203 mm P-886 Flexible machining centre

The first prototype of MBT 2000, which is also referred to as the Al-Khalid or P-90, was completed on schedule in June 1991, with trials being carried out in 1992.

When production does eventually start, it is expected to be at a low level and eventually increase to around 200 vehicles a year.

It is expected that initially 65 to 70 per cent of the key components will be made in Pakistan, 20 to 25 per cent will be supplied by China and the remainder will come from other countries.

Early in 1994, it was disclosed that Perkins Engines Company of the UK had completed tests of a new integrated power pack for an MBT in the 50 tonne range and this was believed to be for the MBT 2000 project. Two power packs were supplied under contract to Pakistan.

This power pack consisted of a Perkins Engines Company CV-12 diesel developing 1,200 hp (as installed in the Challenger 1 and Challenger 2 MBTs) coupled to the French SESM ESM 500 automatic transmission (as installed in the Leclerc MBT used by the French Army). This power pack has also been installed in prototypes of the NORINCO Type 90-II MBT which is understood to be the Chinese designation for the MBT 2000 (Al-Khalid).

By early 1999 there was no firm date as to when the MBT 2000 would enter volume production. The decision to procure 320 T-80UD MBTs from the Ukraine (please see separate entry) is understood to have taken place because of the delays in the MBT 2000 programme.

Pakistan Ordnance Factories is now making 125 mm ammunition (projectile and charge) for the 125 mm smooth bore gun installed in the Chinese Type 85-IIAP and the Ukrainian T-80UD.

Late in 1998 the Ukrainian DINAU news agency in the Ukraine stated that the Malyshev Plant in Kiev had started work on the technical aspects of a joint Ukrainian/Pakistan/Chinese Main Battle Tank (MBT).

The feasibility of this project is said to have been discussed during a visit to the Malyshev Plant by a military delegation from Pakistan.

It is possible that 125 mm armed turrets supplied by NORINCO will be integrated in Pakistan with the chassis supplied by the Malyshev Plant.


The layout of the MBT 2000 is conventional, with the driver's compartment at the front, turret in the centre and the power pack at the rear. In many respects the MBT 2000 appears to be almost identical to the Chinese NORINCO Type 90-II MBT.

The turret and hull are of all-welded steel armour construction and an additional layer of composite armour has been added over the frontal arc, to which explosive reactive armour can be added if required. Turret thickness at the front is estimated to be 600 mm with the glacis/nose estimated to be 450 to 470 mm.

The armour is of modular design enabling the userto change the damaged modules or replace the existing models with new armour packages as the threat evolves or as new technology becomes available.

Main armament is a 125 mm smoothbore gun fitted with a thermal sleeve and a fume extractor. This can fire APFSDS (muzzle velocity 1,760 m/s), HEAT (muzzle velocity 850 m/s) and HE-FRAG (muzzle velocity 950 m/s). The gun is fed by an automatic loader enabling the crew to be reduced to three - commander, gunner and driver.

A 7.62 mm machine gun is mounted coaxially with the main armament and a 12.7 mm machine gun is mounted on the roof for anti-aircraft and local defence. Mounted either side of the turret, towards the rear, is a bank of four electrically operated forward-firing smoke grenade dischargers. A turret basket is provided at the rear.

The computerised fire-control system includes a stabilised range-finder sight, computer, commander's control panel, laser range-finder, crosswind sensor, tilt sensor and angle velocity sensor. This allows the MBT 2000 to engage moving targets under day and night conditions.

The complete power pack, which consists of the engine, transmission and cooling system, can be removed from the vehicle in 30 minutes to facilitate field replacement. Prototype diesel engines develop 1,200 hp but it is hoped to install 1,500 hp engines at a later date.

Suspension is of the torsion bar type with six large dual rubber-tyred roadwheels, idler at the front, drive sprocket at the rear and track-return rollers. The upper part of the suspension is covered by a track skirt with a wavy lower part.


There are no known variants of the MBT 2000.

Property Value
Crew 3
Weight (kg) 48000
Length (mm) 6900
Trench (mm) 3400
Height (mm) 2300
Max. road speed (km/h) 62
Max. road range (km) 400
Vertical obstacle (mm) 850
Trench (mm) 3000
Gradient (%) 60
Engine power output (h.p.) 1200
Number of forward gears 7
Number of reverse gears 3
Main weapon caliber (mm) 125
Auxiliary gun calibre (mm) 7.62
AA gun caliber (mm) 12.7
Ammunition of the main gun 39
Planes of gun stabilization 2

Has folowing part:
Part Amount
6TD-2 (Power pack) 1
? (Running gear) 1

Al-Khalid Quantities:
Country Quantity
Total: 300
Army Guide - Al-Khalid, Main battle tank
a very nice and informative thread indeed but there is a slight problem.
we already have threads running on Al-Kalid tank. creating a new thread creat lot of trouble as the information is scattred in multiple threads and also many thing are repeated over and over again.

i will suggest that we MODs must merge this with:

this will add to infomration already existing on the thread and will help in compiling the required info at one place.
there are over a dozen threads running on Al-Khalid! :undecided:

thanks and best regards!

just to clarify my above post, i dodnt meant to disrespect this thread in anyway. i really belive that this is priceless information and realy good stuff being put up here by ANTIBODY. my point was that multiple threads must be merged.

anyways, to add something regarding Al-Khalid future, it is bright. the Al-Khalid 2 has been worked on and all pre-production work/research is complete. however, HIT do not plan to start production anytime soon. reason being Al-Khalid 1 succes and finincial issues. PA is more then satisfied with the AK-1 performance. at present it is the most heavily weaponized per tonnage tank in the world and have the fire power to beat any type or armour. on defensive grounds, the newly and indegeniously developed armour is also great and givis sufficient protection to men in machine. AK-2 will start rolling only when the adversay comes up with somthing much more potent then they currently have. this is one reason that nothing much is know about the Ak-2.

thanks and best regards!
for locally produced Gun, it is being made in HMC. My father is part of project and this Gun is something with no internation links. i will have some inside info regarding the gun material and power but have to talk to Dad before posting that and the pics.
have visited the facility many times, one thing that might intrest you is that it is tested (prior to delivery) in much sever conditions then it will face of battle field (temprature, pressure and dust mainly).
HIT asked for intensive testing and it is claimed to be the most vigourously tested smooth bore gun!

thankyou sir! ive just noted the peruvian forums have done quite a bit of info pooling to defend the vta vs the leopard-- but the info is in spanish and most of the old generation equipement in ak has been replaced by western stuff , so our ak would be at a far better position than the vta

tank protection level
Tank Protection Levels

Al Khalid

vs KE (mm)
Turret: 645
Glacis: 435-455

vs CE (mm)
Turret: 1060 (1160 w/ERA)
Glacis: 540 (670w/ERA)

AT Round penetration estimates:
Pakistani Niaza 125mm DU 550mm at 2km


naiza DU round
Integrated Battlefield Management System
The tank is equipped with the "Integrated Battlefield Management System" (IBMS), named 'Rehbar', a digital communications system developed domestically by HIT and CARE (Centre for Advanced Research in Engineering).It comprises a flat-screen display mounted inside the tank which communicates with those of other vehicles, including command posts such as the HIT Sakb. It uses a data-link to facilitate secure communication of battlefield information between units, including tank video footage and information from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).

The IBMS uses VHF and UHF communications and each vehicle can act as a relay.


It is something similar to the U.S. Blue Force data-link capability.
for locally produced Gun, it is being made in HMC. My father is part of project and this Gun is something with no internation links. i will have some inside info regarding the gun material and power but have to talk to Dad before posting that and the pics.
have visited the facility many times, one thing that might intrest you is that it is tested (prior to delivery) in much sever conditions then it will face of battle field (temprature, pressure and dust mainly).
HIT asked for intensive testing and it is claimed to be the most vigourously tested smooth bore gun!


the first batch of 50 barrels have been delivered to HIT from HMC. it cost HIT around 200 million that is slightly lower then what it was earlier when the guns were imported.
more importantly, Pakistan is now capable to manufacture another key part of the tank locally that will help in evaluation of Ak-II. also after the successful completion of the job, HIT have shown intrest in manufacturing an indigenous artillery gun and also self propelled artillery in collaboration with HMC. talks are underway and HIT is exploring different specification than PA want in these artillery guns.
the HMC made guns are to be fitted on the AK-I tanks.

Any update on Turret design ?

that will come in Ak-II, a low profile turret with decrease height and better angular protection!
Pakistan’s Military Advantage: Al-Khalid Tank MBT-2000
By Ammar Faheem

The Al-Khalid tank belongs to the category of Pakistan’s indiginously developed defense equipment which has always been a source of Pride to the Pakistani nation and the Pakistani armed forces. The Al-Khalid is a major achievement of the Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT).

The information presented in this column has been collected from various reliable sources of information available on the internet and aims at giving you an insight into Pakistan’s technological supremacy over the Indian military, which is a recognized fact.

The Al-Khalid is a ‘main battle tank’ (MBT) and its development began as far back as in 1988. The design and manufacturing of the tank was a joint effort of Pakistan and China.

Interestingly, the Al-Khalid is lighter and smaller in size compared to tanks of its class found in the west and is based on the Chinese type-90 main battle tank project.

Weighing around 46 tons, the Al-Khalid is easier to transport as compared to other major tanks in use by strong militaries across the world. The tank has a length of 10.07 meters, a width of 3.50 meters and a height of 2.40 meters. The tank can accommodate a crew of three personnel. The tank can easily pass through water obstacles of up to 5 meters deep, thanks to a built in snorkel system.

The Al-Khalid comes with a 125mm smoothbore gun which can also fire certain missiles. It is also equipped with a 7.62mm-coaxial machine gun, a 12.7mm externally-mounted air-defence machine gun that can be fired with the hatch closed, and smoke grenade launchers.

The gunner is provided with a dual magnification day sight and the commander with a panoramic sight for all-around independent surveillance. Both sights are dual-axis image stabilized and have independent laser range-finders. The commander has the ability to acquire a target independently while the gunner is engaging another one thus giving it true hunter-killer capability. The automatic target-tracking system is designed to work when tank and target are both moving. It has a combat range of 400-500 Km and is fitted with thermal night-vision devices.

The Al-Khalid has a high power-to-weight of 26 hp/tonne and a 1200hp water cooled diesel engine giving it a maximum speed of up to 72 km/h and acceleration from 0 to 30 km/h in under ten seconds. Ukraine is a key partner in the production of the Al-Khalid tank as the engine deployed in the tank is produced by Ukraine.

It has a modular composite armour and explosive reactive armour, nuclear-biological-chemical defences, an effective thermal smoke generator, internal fire extinguisher and explosion-suppression system. It also has advanced laser detection system.

Al-Khalid is the only tank in the world, apart from French tanks, which can auto-track enemy tanks.

The Al-Khalid tank was first introduced for use by the Pakistan Army in 2001 and continues to be one of the strengths of the Pakistan military. As of now, it is estimated that the Pakistan army has more than 300 Al-Khalid tanks.

i will remove the repetitions when i get some time -- updated initial posts

old Al-Khalid...

  • IBMS
  • Digital com systems
  • It uses a data-link to facilitate secure communication of battlefield information between units, including tank video footage and information from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)
  • UAV conectivity=HIT
  • Advanced western digital fire-control system
  • 3rd gen imagery systems=Sagem
  • NBC
  • GPS or some other advanced system=not known to me!
  • Jammers and sensors=HIT,Ukraine
  • Pakistani DU round, the Naiza 125 mm DU round (armor penetration: 550 mm in RHA at 2 km
  • HE-FS
  • Ukrainian 125mm Gun=produced by HIT
  • ATGM=
  • Gun-launched, laser-guided anti-tank guided missiles can also be launched the Russian-designed 9M119 Refleks and the Ukrainian designed Combat,modified in Pakistan to incorporate a larger warhead.
  • muzzle reference system
  • dual-axis stabilization system.
  • electro-hydraulic power drives
  • 24-round ready-to-fire magazine
  • Load and fire at a rate of eight rounds per minute.
  • dual magnification day sight=Western
  • panoramic sight for all-around independent surveillance=Western
  • Both sights are dual-axis image stabilized and have independent laser range-finders.


Courtesy Nabil-05 at PDF

  • AK-1 does have active protection system imported from Ukraine and integrated in HIT and it is now a standard fit on AK-1 by the name of VARTA (guards). Other changes are...
  • Sagem Matis TI (3rd Gen)
  • Turret control all electric instead of semi-electric previously
  • Increased ammunition to 49 rounds (main gun)
  • new ballistic computer with new sensors
  • Second Generation IBMS (indigenous)
  • Indigenous ERA along with composite armor (750 mm turret thickness without ERA) more than 1100 mm with ERA
  • Main gun improved based on Ukrainian KBA 125 series previously, now completely modified and built in HIT facility with increased accuracy, barrel life and range.
  • Improved suspension with hydraulic assistance more than previous version.
  • Much higher automation and protection for crew, new NBC developed indigenously, tracks, thicker side skirts. Better cooling for crew comfort, also a new DU shell developed based on French and Korean shells with higher penetrations at POF.
  • Improved autoloader with electric control.
Links to pakistan companies involved in AK production


IICS - Defence Products

"An advanced laser detection system from Al Technique Corporation (ATCOP) is present, the ATCOP LTS 1 laser threat warning system developed by Institute of Industrial Control Systems. LTS 1 consists of a mast-mounted sensor and operator's control box, which includes a display showing threats 360 degrees around the tank. It can detect laser rangefinders and laser target designators as well as respond automatically by triggering acoustic alarms, smoke generators and other countermeasure systems. LTS 1 can detect laser devices operating in the 0.8 to 1.06 µm waveband, has a 360° field of view in azimuth (resolution of 15°) and a field of view in elevation of -15° to +90°"


"Laser Threat sensor LTS786P is an early warning device which gives audio and visual alarms of threat by sensing a laser beam aimed at it from any direction. The exact location of the threat (in-coming beam) is indicated by nine LEDs, covering all directions above horizon. It has the capability to differentiate between a laser Range Finder, Laser Target Designator or a Laser Target Tracker Signal. In addition, provision of sensor output signal, interfacing for appropriate counter-measures, is also available. It can be used on stationary or moving objects of any size or shape."


Response: Enhanced for Nd:YAG Laser Signal
Range: >10,000 m
Field of view: Capable of detecting any signal
aimed towards LTS786P
Detector type: Silicon Photodiode
Size (approx): 214 x 134 mm (sensor Head)
126 x 123 x 100 mm (Display Unit)
Weight 2 kg (sensor Head)
(Approx): 1 kg (Display Unit)
....Of course, Pakistani tank Al-Khalid has certain prospects on the market, first of all, in Moslem countries but they are not obvious. This tank was developed by Pakistani and Chinese designers on the basis of Soviet tank Ò-80UD with active participation of Ukrainian specialists. T-80UD became the progenitor of not only Al-Khalid but also Chinese tank type 90-II.

Ukrainian tanks of T-84 family may become much more serious competitors for the manufacturers from Russia and China. In Ukraine they are series-produced under Oplot and Oplot-M (the first 24 tanks of this model were ordered) names. They represent further development of T-80UD Bulat tanks but are equipped with more powerful diesel engines (1,200 h.p.), 125-mm gun made in Ukraine, integrated ERA of new generation Nozh-2, Varta system for combating of guided antitank weapons of the enemy, combined panoramic commander's sight with independent day and thermal-imaging channels, separate commander's thermal-imager (independent from the gunner) and laser range-finder, new radio communication systems and other kinds of modern features..............................................

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