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Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool

Pakistan Army has signed the deal with Chinese company I want to know what is the deal is the deal of that they will develop this tank or the deal if of starting of serial production ?
Here is opinion published by "Strategy Page" about Al Khalid tank

The Pride Of Pakistan Gets No Respect

November 30, 2012: China has agreed to help Pakistan find export customers for its Al Khalid tank. Pakistan developed this tank with Chinese help and began equipping Pakistani Army units with it back in 2001. But export sales have been scarce. Only Sri Lanka agreed to buy, and only 22 tanks and that deal has yet to be finalized. Meanwhile China has sold several hundred of its version of the Al Khalid (the MBT-2000) to Morocco and Bangladesh.
It wasn’t supposed to work out this way. Pakistan, after all, has more recent experience in mechanized warfare. In fact, China has not fought a major campaign in over fifty years, and only two minor ones (mountain warfare with India in the 1960s, and some border battles in the jungles with Vietnam in 1979). China has done some air and naval skirmishing with the Taiwanese, but nothing as intense as what the Pakistanis have gone through as recently as 1999 (another mountain battle, with India). China has more money and industrial infrastructure than Pakistan, and this has helped Pakistan build up its military-industrial capabilities.

Back in the 1980s, when the two countries began this co-production deal, apparently they believed that Pakistan's stature in the Moslem world would provide a marketing advantage. Alas, the end of the Cold War, plus the spectacular performance of U.S. weapons in the 1991 Gulf War, made "cheap and simple" a much harder sell, especially if it was based on Russian designs. The end result is that China is getting some more arms exports because it is better at making sales. Pakistan has not been a total loser as they have been able to build up its arms production capability.

Meanwhile China is now offering a new tank, the MBT 3000, for export. The Chinese Army will begin receiving the MBT 3000 in two years. The 3000 appears to be a MBT 2000 with a slightly more powerful engine, more armor, improved suspension and running gear, and better electronics. While none of the individual changes is radical or greatly improved over MBT 2000, the total number of improvements is substantial.

The Chinese MBT 2000 (also known as the VT1A) tank is an export model of the Chinese Type 98/99. The MBT 2000 also looks similar to the Type 90/Al Khalid. The Type 98/99/90/MBT-2000 vehicles are all "improved T-72s." There were lots of improvements, though many of them similar to what's found in the Russian T-80UM2. The workmanship on these vehicles is a little better than on the T-80UM2 but the Chinese don't have as much experience building tanks. This has shown itself in the numerous technical glitches that have shown up.

The basic T-72 design has been around for over 30 years and has proved reliable, although not particularly effective on the battlefield. That was mostly due to poor crews. The Chinese have moved to volunteer crews and more intensive training, which make any tank more effective. The MBT 2000 is a 49 ton tank with a 125mm gun and a three man crew (plus an autoloader). The MBT 3000 weight only goes up to 51 tons but overall performance and reliability is greatly improved.

Armor: The Pride Of Pakistan Gets No Respect

HIT didnot advertised AK and AK1 because they were preety bzy in completing PAK Army orders...
they are still bzy bt it is tym for exporting AK...
and HIT is now making steps for exporting this product along chinees....
well thats now a worthy article..
just written to fill paper...
Pakistan is exporting AK to some countries.....
and some countries army is just waiting AK1 to be get revealed....
well in the the writer should also compare arjun exports..:p
JK=just kidding:D
well wait and watch
Modernization of Al-Khalid Main Battle Tank (MBT)

Oleh Shevchenko, Chargé d'affaires Embassy of Ukraine has informed the media that Ukrainian companies will takepart in the modernization project of the Al-Khalid main battle tank (MBT) of the Pakistan Army.

Oleh Shevchenko said, "We will continue co-operation in developing technology for manufacturing military hardware, first of all in shape of Al-Khalid Project".

Upgraded Al Khalid MBT with combination of new armor and optional Explosives Reactive Armor (ERA) can withstand all known 120mm and 125mm rounds. Upgrade also includes improved transmission and electronic turret control for the Al Khalid Tanks. Tank also offers improved protection for the NBC (Nuclear, Biological & chemical) warfare.

Pakistani Al Khalid Tanks are equipped with Integrated Battle Management System (IBMS) and new active threat-protection system. Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) has also increased Al Khalid's weapon carrying capability and now it will be able to carry 49 125mm HEAT & APFSDS (Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot) and Naiza 125 mm DU rounds, 1,500 12.7mm and 7,100 7.62mm rounds
Does anyone want something to be edited / updated in the first 3 pages of this thread ? Any ideas ?

please PM me
ISLAMABAD: State-run companies of Pakistan and China today signed a contract for manufacturing the Al-Khalid-I tank, the latest version of the combat vehicle jointly developed by the two countries.

The Al-Khalid tank was developed in the 1990s and introduced in 2001.

The new version has improved capability and systems, an official statement said.

The contract for making the new tanks was signed by Pakistan's Heavy Industries Taxila and China's NORINCO at the Ministry of Defence Production.

The joint marketing of the Al-Khalid tank with China would open up potential markets, the statement said

Pakistan, China sign contract for manufacturing Al-Khalid-I tank - The Economic Times

Mon, Dec 31, 2012 17:10 CET
Pakistan and China today signed a contract to manufacture a version of the jointly developed Al-Khalid-I tanks.

First developed in the 1990’s, the tank was introduced in 2001 with the new version equipped with has improved capability and systems.

The contract was signed by Pakistan's Heavy Industries Taxila and China's NORINCO at the Ministry of Defence Production.

The joint marketing of the Al-Khalid tank with China would open up potential markets, the statement said.
China, Pakistan To Manufacture New Version Of Al-Khalid Tanks : Defense news
ISLAMABAD: State-run companies of Pakistan and China today signed a contract for manufacturing the Al-Khalid-I tank, the latest version of the combat vehicle jointly developed by the two countries.

The Al-Khalid tank was developed in the 1990s and introduced in 2001.

The new version has improved capability and systems, an official statement said.

The contract for making the new tanks was signed by Pakistan's Heavy Industries Taxila and China's NORINCO at the Ministry of Defence Production.

The joint marketing of the Al-Khalid tank with China would open up potential markets, the statement said

Pakistan, China sign contract for manufacturing Al-Khalid-I tank - The Economic Times

Good news..the janes source also indicates a improve engine,

seems like they re-upgraded the proposed AK1 further with new engine beside from other changes like thickened side skirts,sagem matis thermal imagers and other changes like improved increased ammo capacity etc
HIT Al-Khalid

Notes: Also called the MBT-2000 (particularly during development), the Al-Khalid is touted as Pakistan’s first indigenous tank design, but is believed to incorporate much of its design from Type 90-IIs, Type 85s, and some other equipment supplied by China for analysis. Regardless of the origins of the Al-Khalid, it is essentially vehicle dissimilar enough to other tanks to be considered a new design, if not a completely independent one. The Al-Khalid was developed over the period from 1990-99, with production and fielding beginning in 2001. Most Western observers agree that the Al-Khalid is a surprisingly modern and effective design. Some 300 are in service with Pakistan, and they intend to being that total to 600. In addition, 22 Al-Khalids started being delivered to the Bangladeshi Army beginning in May 2008, and the Saudis are reportedly giving the Al-Khalid a hard look to supplement their M-1A2 Abrams tanks.

The design places the driver in the center front of the hull; he has a hatch which opens slightly upwards and to the left as to not interfere with turret rotation if the hatch is open. He has vision blocks giving him views to the right, left, and front; the frontal vision block can be replaced with an IR vision block. The gunner has his own hatch, as the Al-Khalid uses an autoloader instead of a loader crewmember, and has vision blocks that allow vision to the front, rear, and right side. The gunner is equipped with a full night vision suite, including a 2nd-generation thermal imager developed by France. The gunner also has an image intensification scope and a conventional telescopic sight; all of which are stabilized. The commander has his own thermal imager, image intensifier, and conventional telescopic sight, in a separate sensor head that gives the Al-Khalid a hunter-killer capability. The commander also has emergency controls for the main gun and coaxial machinegun. The Al-Khalid has a ballistic computer of French design, along with a laser designator of Chinese design.

The main gun is a version of the Chinese ZPT-98 gun, though the barrel has a length of 48 calibers. The gun is fed by an autoloader that has a capacity of 24 rounds, with additional ammunition being stored in the hull of the Al-Khalid. In addition to being able to fire indigenous and foreign 125mm rounds, the gun can also fire a Chinese license-produced version of 9M119 Reflecks (AT-11 Sniper) gun-launched ATGM. The autoloader is improved over that of the Al-Zarrar, able to handle newer long-rod penetrators. (ATGM rounds must be hand-loaded.) The laser rangefinder acts as a designator when the 9M119 ATGM is fired. The commander’s machinegun can be aimed and fired from under armor. On each side of the turret is a cluster of five smoke grenade launchers. The Al-Kalid has a feature found in most of the newest generation of tanks: a battle management system called Rabhar by the Pakistanis. This is a computerized system that not only monitors the state of the tank and feeds the appropriate information to the crew, but also plots the location of enemy and friendly units and keeps them updated as new information becomes available. It also passes orders from higher headquarters down and allows the commander to give orders to subordinate units, as well as providing any other intelligence and information the commander may require. This system also has GPS, with inertial navigation as a backup. The tank’s electronic systems are connected to large batteries for "silent watch" use.

In development, the Al-Khalid was powered by an MTU-396 diesel engine with a German LSG-3000 transmission. Germany placed an embargo on these items in the mid-1990s due to their stance on development of indigenous nuclear weapons, and this led to the Pakistanis fitting the Al-Khalid with a license-produced Ukrainian KMDB 6TD-2 1200-horsepower engine and a French SESM ESM-500 fully-automatic transmission. This engine had the virtue of being smaller than the German engine, yet provided the same 1200 horsepower. The Al-Khalid can carry auxiliary fuel tanks at the rear a la Russian/Chinese tanks, though in practice they are little used except in long road marches.

Armor protection is modular, allowing for quick battle damage repairs and improvement as more advanced armor becomes available or heavier armor is desired. Frontal armor is composite and of Pakistani design, with side armor being spaced; it is of a more modern design than that on the Al-Zarrar and lighter in weight. The turret front, turret sides, glacis, and hull sides have lugs for ERA. Attention was paid to land mine damage in the form of thickened floor armor. The ammunition is carried in armored bins, and virtually the entire vehicle has thick Kevlar anti-spalling blankets. The engine also has a thick bulkhead separating it from the crew compartment. An automatic explosion and fire suppression system is provided, and the crew has an NBC overpressure system; the engine compartment and ammunition bins have their own systems of the same sort. The Al-Khalid has a laser detection system that can automatically trigger smoke grenades to block the laser, and a radar warning system that can give the crew a chance to take evasive action.

Twilight 2000 Notes: Though the Pakistanis were able to field some Al-Khalids in the Twilight 2000 timeline, only some 50 or so were available for the Twilight War.

Pakistani Tanks

22 stored in the carosel, rest are in the armoured bins at the back, side, no round is left exposed in the turret.

well the turret of AK is already bigger than the one on the t-90MS

cant we modify AK series with bustles?such as in the t-90ms

Armor protection is modular, allowing for quick battle damage repairs and improvement as more advanced armor becomes available or heavier armor is desired. Frontal armor is composite and of Pakistani design, with side armor being spaced; it is of a more modern design than that on the Al-Zarrar and lighter in weight. The turret front, turret sides, glacis, and hull sides have lugs for ERA. Attention was paid to land mine damage in the form of thickened floor armor. The ammunition is carried in armored bins, and virtually the entire vehicle has thick Kevlar anti-spalling blankets. The engine also has a thick bulkhead separating it from the crew compartment. An automatic explosion and fire suppression system is provided, and the crew has an NBC overpressure system; the engine compartment and ammunition bins have their own systems of the same sort. The Al-Khalid has a laser detection system that can automatically trigger smoke grenades to block the laser, and a radar warning system that can give the crew a chance to take evasive action.

Pakistani Tanks
Ok I am not sure if I am right but in Pak army selection board in Shah rah-e-Faisal There is some new tank in the billboard For a while i thought it was german leopard shown mistakenly but it is quite different Any one know ?
Other than badmouthing and cursing others why don't you post credible proofs backed with proper assessment.

That is an armor module which is filled with composites only in the front as shown in the picture... the hollow space is to attach that heavy module properly to the turret without that it is likely to fall off while the tank is moving on rough terrain.

Modern MBTs like Arjun, Leo 2, Challenger, T-90S use hollow wielded blocks and fill them with composites... rather than using modules which would require bolting them up with some space to distribute the mass accordingly on the turret side Holding the large+heavy armor module block... as you can see in ZTZ99 and Al Khalid.

For the last time from my side, keep this thread info related, discuss your fantasy parade else where, i dont have time to repeat the same story, go through the info pool from 1st page if you are serious about information on AK.
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