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Al jazeera Report about organized troll factory against Iran

He wrote a book about democracy and the entire book could practically fit in under 10 normal standard size pages!!! So more like a 1st or 2nd year collage essay and not really a good one at that! Writing 10 pages is probably the hardest thing he has ever done in his life!

They say he has a construction company which is fairly easy when your family has so much money that they didn't actually have to work for you just hire an experienced manager to head up your company, a financial advisor for your financial affairs, a lawyer for legal & a personal assistant for your daily affairs and they'll do all the thinking for you and it's really as simple as that! And their type of company just goes and buy's land and pay's another contractor to build on that land and real estate company to sell it and with larger investments you more than double your money in under 5 years maybe 10 in the worst case scenario in bad economic conditions and with the type of money these people left with were talking $100 million USD investments with net returns well over 100% within 10 years in the worst economic conditions and he himself wouldn't need to show up any more than 12 days out of the year and that's the most common occupation for rich lazy people.
And of course ask the animals who support him if they say Iranian mullah became rich after they were poor religious clerics ask them how did their prince got all that money since is grandfather was not poor guy who build his own business from zero like Donald trump grandfather but his grandfather was illiterate stabler soldiers who came to power by coup

And if they ask that the Mullahs came to power by claiming they are revolutionaries to defend Islam isn’t his grandfather came to power by saying he is democrat who would protect the constitution of the 1906 and to get rid Iran from the qajar corruption and foreign influence despite the fact his grandfather was corrupt and loyal to the West
And of course ask the animals who support him if they say Iranian mullah became rich after they were poor religious clerics ask them how did their prince got all that money since is grandfather was not poor guy who build his own business from zero like Donald trump grandfather but his grandfather was illiterate stabler soldiers who came to power by coup

And if they ask that the Mullahs came to power by claiming they are revolutionaries to defend Islam isn’t his grandfather came to power by saying he is democrat who would protect the constitution of the 1906 and to get rid Iran from the qajar corruption and foreign influence despite the fact his grandfather was corrupt and loyal to the West

Even if his grandfather was an improvement in some area's compared to the later Gajar rulers the fact that they keep pointing to him say's it all!!!! Basically these people's only achievement is a guy that didn't build a single dam in Iran or even help start a single major domestic industry in Iran! And how exactly they rationalize that into a new Pahlavi government is beyond me! Plus don't even get me started on Reza Pahlavi this is the same guy that tried to force his own ideology on Iranians by brute force and he was a Paranoid Schizo that though people had placed listening devices in his head and unlike good leadership skills that don't get passed on by Genes Paranoid schizophrenia is genetic! Not that his grandpa was a good leader at all far from it and the biggest project they credit him for was a railroad that he didn't even start but yes he did finish it by paying foreigners to finish the project. If that moron was a good leader Iran would have started it's own Car industry, aviation industry, weapons industry, Naval Industry..... by 1940 hell even if his father had managed to started production of a 20's era cars & ships by 1940 you could have argued that he was a good leader but that MORON didn't even start so much as proper steel company in Iran so every day that fool was in power we were falling backwards. The Pahlavi's were morons the whole lot of them especially the grandfather!

And you can go down the list compare what the Pahlavi's did in 50 years compared to what the Islamic Republic has achieved so far from Every type of infrastructure to Every Industry imaginable to Education.... And except for building a bunch of Air Force Bases to buy and house American weapons the Islamic Republic wins hands down by a vast margin in every category it's not even close
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I agree, he is no leader....only his grandfather, his father was also too wrapped up in the dream world of a monarch to be an effective leader. I don't think he was bad but his handlers actions and his lack of management skills were the reason the country slipped into revolution.

Dude his grandfather was the furthest thing from a good leader you can get! He was in power from 1925-41 and what exactly did he build?
Just check up on how Iranians lived during those times! Also, most of the worlds technological development started around 1850's with industrial steel production and 1900's with the invention of the car and airplanes and from then to today Phalavis have been in power more than any other administration so the fact that we were so technologically backwards by 1980 is directly due to the Pahlavi leadership and his son achieve far more than he ever did although still a joke by comparison to the Islamic Republic!
He didn't build a single dam or bring so much as a modern industrial steel production to Iran let alone cars or airplanes or any other major domestic industry....
What exactly did he do for 16 years? Nothing he just paid foreigners to finish a rail project that was started by the Ghajars!!! And paid foreigners to build a few roads and built a single university! Being better than previous moron Ghajar leaders in a few aspects doesn't make someone a good leader!
And he paid attention to Iranian Jews and they say he was the 2nd most liked Iranian leader after Cyrus the Great among Jewish people. And that I'm sure gets him a lot of nonsense publicity that gives people the illusion that he was a good leader when he really wasn't.
Dude his grandfather was the furthest thing from a good leader you can get! He was in power from 1925-41 and what exactly did he build?
Just check up on how Iranians lived during those times! Also, most of the worlds technological development started around 1850's with industrial steel production and 1900's with the invention of the car and airplanes and from then to today Phalavis have been in power more than any other administration so the fact that we were so technologically backwards by 1980 is directly due to the Pahlavi leadership and his son achieve far more than he ever did although still a joke by comparison to the Islamic Republic!
He didn't build a single dam or bring so much as a modern industrial steel production to Iran let alone cars or airplanes or any other major domestic industry....
What exactly did he do for 16 years? Nothing he just paid foreigners to finish a rail project that was started by the Ghajars!!! And paid foreigners to build a few roads and built a single university! Being better than previous moron Ghajar leaders in a few aspects doesn't make someone a good leader!
And he paid attention to Iranian Jews and they say he was the 2nd most liked Iranian leader after Cyrus the Great among Jewish people. And that I'm sure gets him a lot of nonsense publicity that gives people the illusion that he was a good leader when he really wasn't.
Not exactly, true, you're quoting revisionist history here, I don't care to defend him but he did build a dam and most importantly he bulit our first rail system which was vital to development. At the time of Reza Shah Iran was nothing more than a satellite and a cash register for the west. He at least did what he had to do to keep Iran from becoming a colony like all of our neighbors.....don't forget who lives up north and what they did to the countries in the Balkans. I have not lived in Iran for 35+ years, so I'm not the best person to correct you.

To keep on topic of this thread, I want to post an article. Yes, it's from a Zionist source but the content is still true....this is what happens in the USA if a congressman or Senator goes against Israel. Now ask yourself how is it that they yield this kind of power in Washington without the FBI or Justice Department investigating them....? Also why is that Muslim/Arabs that control almost 70 percent of the world's oil get insulted and humiliated in Washington. I will answer the last one, because they are losers...losers who cannot unite and reach accords amongst their Muslim brothers. They piss away their resources and capital fighting other Muslims, instead of cooperating and getting concession and respect from the West. I wish as Iranians we could move away from this crappy neighborhood.

Not exactly, true, you're quoting revisionist history here, I don't care to defend him but he did build a dam and most importantly he bulit our first rail system which was vital to development. At the time of Reza Shah Iran was nothing more than a satellite and a cash register for the west. He at least did what he had to do to keep Iran from becoming a colony like all of our neighbors.....don't forget who lives up north and what they did to the countries in the Balkans. I have not lived in Iran for 35+ years, so I'm not the best person to correct you.

To keep on topic of this thread, I want to post an article. Yes, it's from a Zionist source but the content is still true....this is what happens in the USA if a congressman or Senator goes against Israel. Now ask yourself how is it that they yield this kind of power in Washington without the FBI or Justice Department investigating them....? Also why is that Muslim/Arabs that control almost 70 percent of the world's oil get insulted and humiliated in Washington. I will answer the last one, because they are losers...losers who cannot unite and reach accords amongst their Muslim brothers. They piss away their resources and capital fighting other Muslims, instead of cooperating and getting concession and respect from the West. I wish as Iranians we could move away from this crappy neighborhood.


Iran had it's 1st rail before Reza Shah took power and he only finished the Trans Iranian railroad that the Qajars had started AND HE DID NOT Build a single dam in Iran
And the only revisionist history is what you see below where they act like Reza Shah was in Power during WW1 when both the British and Russians were building rail in Iran where in reality Reza shah came to power 6-7 years after WW1 had ended and if you read the article you'll see the project was there for a long time so it sure as hell wasn't his idea nor was it started during his rule
Also here is the history of rail in Iran with clear dates as to when what was built

And people act like Reza shah when out there with a shovel and started building the rail himself also the Qhajars tried to get a loan from outside for the project while Reza Pahlavi paid them with Iran's own money which is a idiotic thing to do also most of materials were being imported

The Pahlavi's were in power for over 50 years and here

Reza shah only opened 1 university his son 15 for a total of 16 by 1979 and that's a over 50 year timespan
And now look at this

These people didn't really do anything but buy a bunch American weapons and pay foreigners to come and build a handful of things for them they were all morons especially Reza Shah
These people didn't really do anything but buy a bunch American weapons and pay foreigners to come and build a handful of things for them they were all morons especially Reza Shah

Again, I don't care for him personally, he was a despot, but he came at a time when we needed a despot. One should give the man the credit he deserves. Iran was in chaos when he took over, we were being run over by the British from the South and East, and by the Soviets from the North, no army, no organized government, no infrastructure and no institutions.....in short our leaders were useless during the Qajar period. In fact we still don't have good leadership....if only we could have a strong man rise as President. one thing is for sure we have so many fools and cloth heads in the government now that Reza Shah looks like Churchill compared to them.
PS: I'll give you the point about the dam, I may have been remembering his son.
From Wikipedia:

"In the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, Persia had become a battleground. In 1917, Britain used Iran as the springboard for an attack into Russia in an unsuccessful attempt to reverse the Revolution. The Soviet Union responded by annexing portions of northern Persia, creating the Persian Socialist Soviet Republic. The Soviets extracted ever more humiliating concessions from the Qajar government, whose ministers Ahmad Shah was often unable to control. By 1920, the government had lost virtually all power outside its capital: British and Soviet forces exercised control over most of the Iranian mainland."

"By 1923, Reza Khan had largely succeeded in securing Iran's interior from any remaining domestic and foreign threats."
"While the Shah left behind no major thesis, or speeches giving an overarching policy, his reforms indicated a striving for an Iran which—according to scholar Ervand Abrahamian—would be "free of clerical influence, nomadic uprisings, and ethnic differences", on the one hand, and on the other hand would contain "European-style educational institutions, Westernized women active outside the home, and modern economic structures with state factories, communication networks, investment banks, and department stores."

"During Reza Shah's sixteen years of rule, major developments, such as large road construction projects and the Trans-Iranian Railway were built, modern education was introduced and the University of Tehran, the first Iranian university, was established.[31] The government sponsored European educations for many Iranian students.[32] The number of modern industrial plants increased 17-fold under Reza Shah (excluding oil installations), and the number of miles of highway increased from 2,000 to 14,000."

"Reza Shah initiated change in foreign affairs as well. He worked to balance British influence with other foreigners and generally to diminish foreign influence in Iran.
"He previously hired American consultants to develop and implement Western-style financial and administrative systems. Among them was U.S. economist Arthur Millspaugh, who acted as the nation's finance minister. Reza Shah also purchased ships from Italy and hired Italians to teach his troops the intricacies of naval warfare. He also imported hundreds of German technicians and advisors for various projects. Mindful of Persia's long period of subservience to British and Russian authority, Reza Shah was careful to avoid giving any one foreign nation too much control. He also insisted that foreign advisors be employed by the Persian government, so that they would not be answerable to foreign powers. This was based upon his experience with Anglo-Persian, which was owned and operated by the British government."

From Iranicaonline:
The concentration of funds through the state budget and monopoly trade companies played an important part in financing fixed investment during the 1930s (Karshenas, 1990, p. 75). This was particularly important given the absence of any modern credit organization and the absence of large-scale accumulation of money capital in the hands of Iranian merchants. The pace of capital formation particularly accelerated in the latter half of the decade. The major part of investment during this period was concentrated within the state sector. Transportation and industrial sector apportioned more than 40 percent of the total government expenditure during the decade (Moghaddam, 1956, pp. 158-69). About 60 percent of government investment was in roads and railways, which greatly contributed to the integration of the national market. Charles Issawi estimates that the average duration of a journey had fallen to about one-tenth of what it had been before the First World War, and the cost of transport was cut by some three-quarters by the end of the 1930s (Issawi, 1971, p. 375). This was important for the development of the ‘national economy’ and the enlargement of the domestic market—both of which were critical to the emergence of the nascent industrial sector under Reza Shah.

Oh, you're also wrong about him not starting the Iron industry, in fact he started it...he got the Germans to agree to give Iranians their first Iron plant.
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Reza shah destroyed all of the warlords across country from south to north / east to west.
He successfully centralized government in Tehran and eliminate tribal system in Iran.
That was biggest achievement for him.
Sadly, IRI blame Reza shah for this achievement and call warlords and riots as people resistance against dictatorship.
What the IRI doesn't like to talk about is how Mirza Kochak Khane Jangali's number 2 guy was a Bahai communist, who ran away to Russia after they were defeated!

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