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AL conspiring to loot assets of Grameen (Bank)


Dec 14, 2008
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United States
AL conspiring to loot assets of Grameen (Bank)

The Awami League government is hatching a “conspiracy” to “loot” the assets of Grameen Bank worth Tk 8,000 crore by splitting the bank into 19 pieces.

Bikolpodhara Bangladesh President AQM Badruddoza Chowdhury made the observation at a joint press conference after exchanging views with the GB founder Dr Muhammad Yunus at the city’s Yunus Centre yesterday.

“Your (government) time is over. Give up the plan of splitting Grameen Bank,” he said.
The BDB would always stay beside Grameen Bank, Badruddoza assured Yunus.

He hoped that the government would refrain from splitting the microfinance institution.
Blasting the government for harassing the Nobel laureate, the former president said, “It was Prof Yunus who first called upon the international community not to brand Bangladesh a poor country.”
Replying to a query, Badruddoza said an unconstitutional government might take over the country if the next election is not held in due time under a non-partisan government.The restoration of caretaker government system could only ensure the next parliamentary polls, he observed.
In his speech, Prof Yunus said the country’s poor women owned 90 percent share of Grameen Bank.

“It will bring no good for the government if it wants to grab those women’s property,” said Yunus.
He urged the people to save the bank from the government’s conspiracy to nationalise it.
He also thanked the BDB leaders for expressing their solidarity with the GB.

@idune, would you mind clarifying one point? How SHW will get any personal benefit if GM is split into 19 pieces? Some people say GM is just like the old-time Hindu Mahajans who used to charge exorbitant rate of interest from the borrowers. This is how these Mahajans bought the new Zaminderis in British Bengal.

GM takes away everything in a household if the housewife is unable to pay the monthly payment with interest. Do you really think it is Islamic? Did not our Prophet (saw) prohibit taking Usury? GM always takes Usury. How, I wonder, you guys pretend to be good Muslims, yet support Usury taking?
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@idune, would you mind clarifying one point? How SHW will get any personal benefit if GM is split into 19 pieces?

You need to go back and ask how Shiekh Hasina got her share from Desiny, Hallmark and BASIC bank looting. Awami League party man loot and Sheikh Hasina and her family get their share though offshore account and other illegal means. As you are pretending to naive, I can post Obaidul kader and Sheikh Salim statement video how Sheikh Hasina gets looted money and extort money. Are you up for it?
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You need to go back and ask how Shiekh Hasina got her share from Desiny, Hallmark and BASIC bank looting. Awami League party man loot and Sheikh Hasina and her family get their share though offshore account and other illegal means. As you are pretending to naive, I can post Obaidul kader and Sheikh Salim statement video how Sheikh Hasina gets looted money and extort money. Are you up for it?

I was asking about Grameen Bank. But, you are talking about some other Institutions. Please send the video clips if you like.

But, you did not answer to my core question if USURY taken by GM from the village housewives is allowed by our religion. If not, why Islamists like you should support that Bank and its Chairman? Not that I personally want GM to be broken.

But, you must understand one thing that when an Institution becomes too large that can compete with the State itself, it is the prerogative of the State to size down that Institution.

A tail must not be allowed to wag the body. Do you agree with me?
Grameen Bank must be returned to Yunus ASAP....It is an outstanding idea.....Microcredit works and we must use it to its fullest!
Yeah this plan has been kept in pipeline for too long now. Good to know RAW and our dalals have finally executed it.
Grameen Bank must be returned to Yunus ASAP....It is an outstanding idea.....Microcredit works and we must use it to its fullest!
it should be made a proper institution with eminent people made trustee, yunus ran it for too long. Does govt have share in it? How much contribution did govt make when it was established.
it should be made a proper institution with eminent people made trustee, yunus ran it for too long. Does govt have share in it? How much contribution did govt make when it was established.

Only 6% of the bank is owned by the Government.....94% owned by the borrowers......Yunus should choose the trustees not a corrupt and inept government!
Only 6% of the bank is owned by the Government.....94% owned by the borrowers......Yunus should choose the trustees not a corrupt and inept government!

if yunus is allowed to choose he will choose only yes men/women. Most people who build their institution treat it like their baby and keep hanging on. They become control freak when they get old. This is good in the beginning but might be a handicap.
if yunus is allowed to choose he will choose only yes men/women. Most people who build their institution treat it like their baby and keep hanging on. They become control freak when they get old. This is good in the beginning but might be a handicap.

This guy knows what he's doing.....He's an economic genius......He can get another nobel for his social business idea......its humane capitalism.......I will trust him with Grameen Bank!
I was asking about Grameen Bank. But, you are talking about some other Institutions. Please send the video clips if you like.

But, you did not answer to my core question if USURY taken by GM from the village housewives is allowed by our religion. If not, why Islamists like you should support that Bank and its Chairman? Not that I personally want GM to be broken.

But, you must understand one thing that when an Institution becomes too large that can compete with the State itself, it is the prerogative of the State to size down that Institution.

A tail must not be allowed to wag the body. Do you agree with me?

Such rubbish and hypocritic comments were not worth responding. But to expose your sheer duplicity, fraudulent intent and how you paddle awami agenda, it is time point these out.

When entire financial and banking system of Bangladesh and entire world runs based on interest and usury, you want Grameen Bank to run in interest free, just so Awami looting scheme has another excuse to run propaganda against Grameen Bank.

You along with your Awami and secular fundamentalists cults show allergy as soon you hear about Islam and want to impose secularism with gun power BUT doing a 180 flip you want to impose Islamic value and teaching ONLY on Grameen Bank. That is blatant display of your duplicity.

You along with your Awami /secular fundamentalists are even attacking people for uttering support for Islamic value/laws. BUT you want to use Islamic value in fraudulent manner for such fraudulent Awami League cause. That is an utter Shame on you!

Nonetheless, all of your fraudulent arguments already made by none other Sheikh Hasina and her echo chamber. Now people can easily see where you belong.

On your argument Grameen Bank becoming too big is simply rubbish and laughable because only people who worship Sheikh Mujib and use Sheikh Mujib name as tool to loot from Bangladesh are afraid of Dr. Yunus and Grameen Bank popularity and fame. Rest of the country and world for that matter are in peace and proud with Grameen Bank and what Dr.Yunus had been doing.
Such rubbish and hypocritic comments were not worth responding. But to expose your sheer duplicity, fraudulent intent and how you paddle awami agenda, it is time point these out.

When entire financial and banking system of Bangladesh and entire world runs based on interest and usury, you want Grameen Bank to run in interest free, just so Awami looting scheme has another excuse to run propaganda against Grameen Bank.

You along with your Awami and secular fundamentalists cults show allergy as soon you hear about Islam and want to impose secularism with gun power BUT doing a 180 flip you want to impose Islamic value and teaching ONLY on Grameen Bank. That is blatant display of your duplicity.

You along with your Awami /secular fundamentalists are even attacking people for uttering support for Islamic value/laws. BUT you want to use Islamic value in fraudulent manner for such fraudulent Awami League cause. That is an utter Shame on you!

Nonetheless, all of your fraudulent arguments already made by none other Sheikh Hasina and her echo chamber. Now people can easily see where you belong.

On your argument Grameen Bank becoming too big is simply rubbish and laughable because only people who worship Sheikh Mujib and use Sheikh Mujib name as tool to loot from Bangladesh are afraid of Dr. Yunus and Grameen Bank popularity and fame. Rest of the country and world for that matter are in peace and proud with Grameen Bank and what Dr.Yunus had been doing.

Thanks for the input. By reading your post, I find your type of Islamists love USURI taking. But, this is prohibited by the Prophet (saw). You guys are such a bunch of hypocrats!!!!
Govt move to grab Grameen Bank should be resisted : Yunus

CHITTAGONG, Jun 20: Nobel Laureate Dr Mohammed Yunus said here today that the government wants to grab the Grameen Bank which should be resisted by the countrymen.

"The government wants to grab the Grameen Bank as it said it wanted 51 per cent share in the Bank. This is not lawful. It will be an act of hijacking the Bank," he said at a function organized by Dr Yunus Suhrid Chittagong, a forum of his well wishers.

The forum accorded him the honour on his receiving US Congressional Gold Medal at the Institution of Engineers, Chittagong Centre, in the city this afternoon.

Dr Yunus called upon the people to resist the government move. "This is high time to stand united. If we don't get united now, the Grameen Bank will be hijacked. So let us speak in one voice. We should tell the people that we will not stand it any more," he said.

"The government can ask the GB to take more loans from the government. Or they can buy more shares from the Bank. If the Board agrees, the government can buy. Without doing it the government is trying to grab it. Is it wrong to say it hijacking?" he asked.

He said that the government could not raise any question about the Grameen Bank rules. "The laws that have won the Nobel cannot be thrown into the dustbin. The Grameen has now spread throughout the world. You cannot just remove it. I don't understand what sort of mentality is this," he questioned.

Govt move to grab Grameen Bank should be resisted : Yunus :: Financial Express :: Financial Newspaper of Bangladesh
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