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AK-12 Rifles Shown at 2019 Moscow Victory Day Parade


Apr 28, 2011
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The Moscow Victory Day Parade takes place on Red Square each year on May 9. It is dedicated to commemorating the anniversary of victory in World War II. From the standpoint of small arms enthusiasts like me and you, it is always interesting to watch it because often times you can see new weapons and equipment in the hands of Russian military personnel. In this perspective, the 2019 parade was no exception because some of the newly adopted firearms, namely the AK-12, were shown there.

According to the Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation, the soldiers of following units were marching with AK-12 rifles: Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne Command School, 131th Airborne Regiment and Second Mechanized Infantry Division.


The AK-12 rifles shown at the Moscow Victory Day Parade were equipped with under-barrel grenade launchers (most likelyGP-34) and red dot sights (definitely Valday sights, probably the 1P87 Valday PK-120).

The AK-12 rifles were adopted by the Russian military at the beginning of 2018. These weapons are the latest iteration of the iconic AK family of rifles. Retaining the battle proven mechanism, the AK-12 deploys some features (folding and telescoping stock, 2-round burst mode, free floated handguard, quick muzzle device attachment system, rigid top cover rail, etc.) that allow it to meet the requirements of the modern warfare.

In 2019 Victory Day parade, there were also 200-series AKs spotted (AK-200s and AK-205s chambered in 5.45x39mm). These rifles were initially called 100M series but were later renamed to 200 series. The AK-203 (7.62x39mm version) was recently adopted by the Indian military.


AK-200 with what looks to be a Dedal DK-9 red dot sight

And lastly, the good old SKS can be always spotted at such events because it is the common ceremonial rifle in Russia.


Here is also the full footage of the Victory Day parade should you want to watch it. And if you do, tell us in the comments section what interesting guns have you spotted.

Images from www.mil.ru


Hrachya H
Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying design, technology and history of guns and ammunition. His knowledge of Russian allows him to translate and make Russian/Soviet/Combloc small arms related information available for the English speaking audience. Hrachya also writes for SilahReport.com
Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at Hrachya@thefirearmblog.com

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