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AJK considering diplomatic ties with Israel


Mar 31, 2007
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AJK considering diplomatic ties with Israel: Attique


MUZAFFARABAD: In a bid to lessen the number of enemies, the AJK government is considering establishment of better diplomatic ties with Israel, says Prime Minister Sardar Attique Ahmad Khan.

Better diplomatic relations with Israel is the need of the hour in the rapidly changing global scenario, he added while speaking at a seminar here Sunday.

Attique said Pakistan was being accused of weak foreign policy due to the contradictory statements of the Kashmiri leadership. He urged the Kashmiri leaders to adopt a common stance to brush aside the allegations against Pakistan.

He said, "Each inch of Gilgit-Baltistan is the part of AJK and we will not accept incomplete state." Attique said his government was considering increase in number of seats in the Legislative Assembly.

Speaking on the occasion, Kashmir American Council Chairman Ghulam Nabi Fai said the fate of Kashmir was being decided in Washington or Tokyo instead of Srinagar, Muzaffarabad, Islamabad or New Delhi.

"International community in general and the United States in particular respect the aspirations of Kashmiri people," he added. "We can't even think about compromise on the interest of the state," he said, adding that their foremost objective was to pursue India to come to talks table in which the Kashmiri leadership had been succeeded. He urged the Kashmiris not curse those who speak in favour of their interests.
Can they realy take such decisions independent of Pakistan!
I know they have there own president and assembly but still... have they consulted Pakistan?
What a contrast AJK is over independent and IOK people are struggling from years for a honorable life and basic rights.
Can they realy take such decisions independent of Pakistan!
I know they have there own president and assembly but still... have they consulted Pakistan?
What a contrast AJK is over independent and IOK people are struggling from years for a honorable life and basic rights.

NOPE AJK cant do that. Their foreign policy as well as defence is duty of pakistan. They are like state within a state with independent government.. Now those who will argue that AJK has puppet government of pakistan are very wrong, this decision by AJK is showing their differernce with pakistani government but as i said they dont have right for foreing policy....
They should be allowed to, although I doubt that they don't have a right to but they are dependent upon us for favors so they won't do it if we don't like it... It should be interesting to see what happens.
Sardar Attique is nothing more then a man put in the job by General Pervez Musharraf and is doing only what Musharraf is telling him.
They should be allowed to, although I doubt that they don't have a right to but they are dependent upon us for favors so they won't do it if we don't like it... It should be interesting to see what happens.

As far as i know, they cant have independent foreign policy.. Yap they might have their own adminstration but the fact is its part of paksitan and like all other areas is subjected to the same foreign policy that each other states are too.
Can they realy take such decisions independent of Pakistan!
I know they have there own president and assembly but still... have they consulted Pakistan?

Your posts have the truth hidden in it. AJK cant take a decision without the permission of their boss,Pakistan. They are slaves...azad my foot.
Your posts have the truth hidden in it. AJK cant take a decision without the permission of their boss,Pakistan. They are slaves...azad my foot.

Mate they belong to pakistan, so like anyother state within pakistna they cant have indepdnednt policy at international front... How abt Indian Punjab having their own policy since Sikh wanted their own homeland. Arnt sikhs slave as well...
Your posts have the truth hidden in it. AJK cant take a decision without the permission of their boss,Pakistan. They are slaves...azad my foot.

And your are? Democracy my foot. You Indian held Kashmir are more slaves rather your whole damn Indian minority is.

People should throw stones in glass houses, espically in Indians case.
And your are? Democracy my foot. You Indian held Kashmir are more slaves rather your whole damn Indian minority is.

People should throw stones in glass houses, espically in Indians case.

So you admit AJK are slaves....thanks.
^^ shouldnt put word into ppls mouth.. Well as i siad ill repeat again, if u find AJK as slaves than arnt indian punjabi Sikhs also slaves since they want their own home land. OPERATION BLUE STAR...
^^ shouldnt put word into ppls mouth.. Well as i siad ill repeat again, if u find AJK as slaves than arnt indian punjabi Sikhs also slaves since they want their own home land. OPERATION BLUE STAR...

I never gave 'fake freedom', like your country did with Azad Kashmir, calling them as AJK. Thats my point.
I never gave 'fake freedom', like your country did with Azad Kashmir, calling them as AJK. Thats my point.

U so far had made baseless alligation mate. Can u provide evidence that AJKs freedom is restricted... One shouldnt make comments when it cant bak it up with evidence or else there is no credibility in such debate...

BTW what happend during last earth quake if we were such evil to kashmir we would have left em to die. But we are helping em and rebuilding every part of it coz it is part of paksitan like anyother state....

SO UR agree u guys are oppressing Punjab, thank your.. There is nothing left..
I never gave 'fake freedom', like your country did with Azad Kashmir, calling them as AJK. Thats my point.

You simply have no idea about what people think where they are living. Hell, even the Indian government has removed its hopes from calling it Azad Kashmir. So the only thing remains is. Indian Occupied Kashmir. :tup:
U so far had made baseless alligation mate. Can u provide evidence that AJKs freedom is restricted... One shouldnt make comments when it cant bak it up with evidence or else there is no credibility in such debate...

BTW what happend during last earth quake if we were such evil to kashmir we would have left em to die. But we are helping em and rebuilding every part of it coz it is part of paksitan like anyother state....

SO UR agree u guys are oppressing Punjab, thank your.. There is nothing left..

Oh please dont speak about the earthquake relief. Your Mushraff, few days back only inaugrated the rebuilding. Why it took so long for relief to set in? Second grade citizens???

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