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Jul 2, 2007
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As soon as the news came that Scotland Yard declared that Benazir was killed by the force of a suicide bomb and not gunfire the very first reaction promptly came from Aitzaz Ahsan that how can SY come to a true conclusion unless it had not done any post mortem on the body.

Aitzaz Ahsan is one of the most respectable name in the country. After March 2007 long driving he became the most fortunate person in Pakistan fetching the real respect of people from all walk of life. Ordinary man saw him on screen with respect. I am a senior citizen. None had ever been in or connected with the legal profession in my family. I started from clerical job in peaceful days of 60s. I do not remember how but Aitzaz Ahsan name left impact on my mind. Though I found many other even more known eminent advocates like Sharifuddin Pirzada, Hafiz Pirzada, Kausri but they could not fetch my that respect. I can not remember now what was the reason of my so respect for Aitzaz. Might be I read some article about him or heard a case of him. My this respect can be understood from one fact. Sometime late 80s I needed an advocate for a small civil suit in Lahore. I was then working abroad. I had no one at Lahore. The Overseas Pakistanis Foundation sent me a list of advocates in Lahore on their panel. Before selecting one reading a Lahore daily my eyes caught a classified advertisement Public Notice. It was a small usual public notice from an advocate. His address read Mr. ABC Advocate, Aitzaz Ahsan Associates, Road XYZ, Lahore. The word Aitzaz Ahsan was enough for me and I selected this Advocate ABC because he was in the firm of Aitzaz Ahsan Advocates. I knew at that time one very senior advocate late Khawaja Ahsan from Gujrat who was also probably member of Gujrat and Punjab Bars. He had great respect for me and just by mentioning him on the phone from abroad without any fee or expense he would had dealt my case but I preferred Aitzaz Ahsan name. It is however another story that Advocate ABC whom not only I paid agreed full fee in advance but also paid him extra at my own for expenses to keep me apprised. He did not attend the court and thus my case was decided ex-parte. When I raised the issue with the Punjab Bar Council, the first time it dawned on me that these Bars were not for collective interest both of litigants and advocates including for larger interest of law in the country but were like builders mafia private Unions of Advocate. The senior intellectual Irshad Ahmad Haqqani mid 90s in his column introduced a sick man of Multan area. In his next day column he did not surprise at all informing the readers that only a few hours after newspaper coming in the market, the first response came from respected mother of Aitzaz Ahsan offering Rs. 50,000. Aitzaz is from a noble family.

I am from the silent majority having no good hope from any present day political party. Aitzaz Ahsan is liked and respected by civil society and this silent majority not due to his attachment with PPP but for his very hard sincere struggle for the supremacy of the law and judiciary in the country. I wish Aitzaz saves this respect both God given and his own earned by not issuing political type statements. It gives salt in the mouth when Aitzaz says how SY report can be true when the post mortem was not done. Government had explained that as the BB was ex PM hence keeping in view the feelings of her party workers it was not performed. I agree under the law whether it was a body of an ordinary women or that of ex PM it should invariably had been performed nevertheless is it not a fact that in our society the post mortem is treated as an act disrespectful with the body. People try to use influence and money to save bodies of their loved one from post mortem. However though from academic point of view the Government did a mistake in not performing post mortem, why did Mr. Aitzaz a real legal wizard did not at that time advise PPP seniors to ensure the post mortem. He was of course under house arrest but as free on telephone as today he is for issuing today’s this particular statement. Does Aitzaz Ahsan honestly believe that even if Government or SY today attempt for post mortem his party would agree to it? Certainly not because in any way the party is to use this issue as a tool to gain political points. It is beyond any doubt that PPP even if a UN established investigation wished to perform post mortem would refuse it for similar a reason. As a common man I cannot understand the logic of sticking on the point if BB died from bullet or from impact because main issue, logically to this only matric pass locally within Pakistan, should be to discover who killed and who was behind it.
Aitazaz Ahsan is no saint. He is just after some cheap publicity. As I keep saying there is no difference between what comes out of any of their orifices, its all the same. He should be allowed to roam about and expose himself to the public. as soon as he opens his mouth and people start checking up on him , the truth will come out. If he had bothered to read the report, he would have had his answers in it rather than mouthing off without thinking. Today we have nobody in this country of ours whose word we can rely on anymore.
The "pro Democracy" Aitzaz Ahsan should have quit the party as soon as BB was elected Chairman For Life. Nothing saintly here - if there even is such a thing in politics.
As soon as the news came that Scotland Yard declared that Benazir was killed by the force of a suicide bomb and not gunfire the very first reaction promptly came from Aitzaz Ahsan that how can SY come to a true conclusion unless it had not done any post mortem on the body.
As a common man I cannot understand the logic of sticking on the point if BB died from bullet or from impact because main issue, logically to this only matric pass locally within Pakistan, should be to discover who killed and who was behind it.

TO me I think the logic that might be behind sticking to the Bullet theory.

is that if its a typical suicide bomb blast and BB died of a suicide attack then the whole thing can be blamed on Islamists.

WHile if it was a bullet wound and then some one else trigerred the button of the bomb then it must have been the work of a HI FI intelligence agency like ISI.

Personally I think she died of a bullet wound as shown in the video
TO me I think the logic that might be behind sticking to the Bullet theory.

is that if its a typical suicide bomb blast and BB died of a suicide attack then the whole thing can be blamed on Islamists.

WHile if it was a bullet wound and then some one else trigerred the button of the bomb then it must have been the work of a HI FI intelligence agency like ISI.

Personally I think she died of a bullet wound as shown in the video

You are entitled to think what you like, but the Scotland Yard report is fairly clear and they have no motive behind towing Govtt line. Also Iwould like to clarifythat if you look at the video and have any experience of dealing with gunshots and their tragectories, you will come to the same conclusionsas the Scotland Yard team. Believe me I know.
on a personal note ,it is the general stubbornness of people to listen to logic which has given credibility to morons like Aitazaz Ahsan, and Asif Zardari. They will shout Murder irrespective of what the findings show. If the UN mission was to give the same findings they will go on and refuse to believe that as well.

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