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New Recruit

Jan 2, 2013
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Hello, havent been on the site for a long time, but now decided to start posting again. I hope there are no earlier threads about the subject. (Also didn't know if this is the right section for it) So, i have been wondering, do any of you guys play airsoft, or is it even legal where you live? Because here in Finland, it is a very popular sport and i have been an airsofter for over 7 years now, basically Airsoft is about shooting plastic bb's at each other with replica guns, while wearing safety goggles and optionally military styled gear.
Heres and example of my current set-up (Sorry about the mess, the pic is a few weeks old):
airsoft - Copy.jpg
Well well... We used to call airsofters as green bubbles in academy but no offence though..

Here's a Turkish airsofter equipped his gears as if like a SAT Komando (Turkish Naval Commando) and had some additional equipment. I did it once only. My friends had a team (they left it and move to paintball now). After begging a thousand times I tried it once. killed 10 out of 12 opponents. It was fun though but don't entertains me much after VBSS exercises with real rifles.

Good luck with your hobby I hope you'll suceed :)

No offence taken :-) there are a lot of people here too that think of the sport as "grown men playing with toys", we usually just shrug it off and laugh.
But that certainly is a nice looking setup, many people here also like to go for a realistic look, i just use what i think is comfortable and looks good, have been thinking about a Ukrainian army set but the regular army camo is hard to find.
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