The U.S. Air Force has revealed that a ground-based surrogate for a laser weapon system that could
protect American fighter jets and other aircraft from incoming threats in the future has successfully shot down multiple air-launched missiles in a test. The service's publicly stated goal is to have a podded prototype system ready for actual flight tests by 2021 and an actual operational capability by the end of the decade.
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) conducted the test
on Apr. 23, 2019, at the U.S. Army's
White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, together with defense contractor Lockheed Martin, which is developing the laser. Lockheed Martin
first received the contract to build the directed energy weapon in 2017 as part of AFRL's Self-Protect High Energy Laser Demonstrator (SHiELD) Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) program. The laser component, or Laser Advancements for Next-generation Compact Environments (LANCE), is just one part of the SHiELD effort. Work on a turreted mount and a self-contained pod to attach the complete system to a fighter jet-sized aircraft are separate as part of the SHiELD Turret Research in Aero Effects (STRAFE) and Laser Pod Research & Development (LPRD) projects, respectively.
The successful test is a big step ahead for directed energy systems and protection against adversarial threats," U.S. Air Force Major General William Cooley, head of AFRL, said
in an official statement. "The ability to shoot down missiles with speed of light technology will enable air operation in denied environments."
There's a lot we still don't know about this test, including any sort of details on the basic parameters, such as whether or not the operators manning the laser knew when and where the missiles above would get launched and at what altitude and under what atmospheric conditions. The Air Force also did not say what kind of missiles it had used and whether it intended them to be representative of any particular real-world threat. Still, demonstrating the ability of the laser to spot, track, engage, and destroy multiple aerial targets is still a very important step forward in SHiELD's development.
A very low-res image the Air Force released of Lockheed Martin's surrogate laser, also known as the Demonstrator Laser Weapon System (DLWS).
If the Air Force is employing a system capable of engaging multiple targets, they may be beyond the low power stage. However, at least as of 2016, the service did not expect the Phase II high power tests to involve a surrogate laser. The second phase was also supposed to mark the beginning of putting all the pieces of an actual prototype together for the first time. This schedule, of course, could have changed in the past three years
The Air Force eventually wants SHiELD to be able to shoot down incoming air-to-air missiles, as well as surface-to-air missiles, providing an active defense for fighter jets during operations in high-risk environments. The service has already suggested, not surprisingly, that the system could also find its way onto larger, slower-moving combat and combat support aircraft, such as
tankers, and
transport planes, to mitigate the threat from
ever-improving missiles cued by steadily more
advanced radars and
other sensors.
An artist's conception of a future fight jet shooting down a threat with a laser.
It's not entirely clear where in the testing process the SHiELD program is based on this particular test. As of 2016, AFRL had broken the test plan into three distinct phases, according to a briefing
The War Zone obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.
Though much of the document was redacted, it did show that Phase I was supposed to include both low-power ground testing, as well as low-power flight testing, both involving a surrogate laser, strongly suggesting that this is where the Air Force is in the process right now. You can see a partial description of the ground-based testing plan below. Air Force censors entirely redacted a detailed description of the Phase I flight tests.
With ground testing apparently proceeding as planned, we may not be far from the initial flight testing of the surrogate laser. We don't know what platform the Air Force and Lockheed Martin might use for those tests, but the defense contractor did use a modified Dassault Falcon 10 business jet to carry a turreted laser for a previous program known as Aero-Adaptive, Aero-Optic Beam Control (ABC).