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Air Force Question Thread

OK. Its ur opinion. he has his and i have mine. Lets leave it at that.

Lets discuss something more constructive cause i m still not sure about PAF BVR capability. What does PAF have.....
the AMRAAMs are yet to be delivered and the SD-10 is still undergoing tests.

i have only heard of H2 and H4. Nothing except the names.

Anyways what is ACAS? I m not aware of PAF administrative positions (and neither that of india:tongue:)
ACAS is Assistant Chief of Air Staff equal to the rank of a Maj Gen in the Army. They server under the Deputy Chiefs of Air Staff (of which there are 6 within the PAF). So quite a few ACAS in the PAF.
ACAS is Assistant Chief of Air Staff equal to the rank of a Maj Gen in the Army. They server under the Deputy Chiefs of Air Staff (of which there are 6 within the PAF). So quite a few ACAS in the PAF.

:rofl: I know the kids father's name he is the Project dir JF-17 . when I talk to him tomorrow lets see where his carrier takes him, I was a son of a general to in 71 war he was fighting on the ground and I in the air, and I asked him a question about one of his missions he slapped me infront of gen Musa who was standing right next to him. The same gen musa who put a medal on my chest 3 days before.
Musa said Lodhi why did you slap him, and my father replied he should know his place and being an officer he should know better to ask me this question regardless he is my son or not.
This kid doesn't understand his loose talk will get his father fired.
:rofl: I know the kids father's name he is the Project dir JF-17 . when I talk to him tomorrow lets see where his carrier takes him, I was a son of a general to in 71 war he was fighting on the ground and I in the air, and I asked him a question about one of his missions he slapped me infront of gen Musa who was standing right next to him. The same gen musa who put a medal on my chest 3 days before.
Musa said Lodhi why did you slap him, and my father replied he should know his place and being an officer he should know better to ask me this question regardless he is my son or not.
This kid doesn't understand his loose talk will get his father fired.

Murad Sahib,

This kid is not related to the CPD JF-17 in any way. He made this one claim "third....i live next door to Chief Project Director JF-17....so dun bullshit me on that...Chief Consultant for the JF is a very close frnd

I can guarantee that he is a military brat running off his mouth not knowing his mouth from his ***. Also this idiot made these remarks in 2005, at the time Shahid Latif sahib used to be CPD JF-17 so I doubt it if the current CPD JF-17 or his kids have anything to do with this. So I would just discount these idiotic comments for what they are..idiotic!
I would call that discipline, yes sir.

Oh! and ASAD ALI mentioned his father is an ACAS. He is the JF proj directors neighbour.
ACAS is Assistant Chief of Air Staff equal to the rank of a Maj Gen in the Army. They server under the Deputy Chiefs of Air Staff (of which there are 6 within the PAF). So quite a few ACAS in the PAF.

Thanks for the info.
OK. Its ur opinion. he has his and i have mine. Lets leave it at that.

Lets discuss something more constructive cause i m still not sure about PAF BVR capability. What does PAF have.....
the AMRAAMs are yet to be delivered and the SD-10 is still undergoing tests.

i have only heard of H2 and H4. Nothing except the names.

Anyways what is ACAS? I m not aware of PAF administrative positions (and neither that of india:tongue:)

From the paintings of Hussaini, its clear that PAF used Matra 530 series medium range missiles with Mirages. Now if you search this missile, Pakistan appears in the list of users.

But its not clear which version exactly it was. The upgraded Mirages of ROSE-I should in principle carry some french BVR like Matra Super 530D at least. It will be amazing if Mirages were upgraded without the integration of any new weapons.
I know the IR version was inducted. Its the other 2 i want to know about. Even googling gives forums and wikipedia.

Some mention PAF had only R-530 and R-550 and not the BVR versions.

Maybe a pilot in PAF can clear this.
Lets discuss something more constructive cause i m still not sure about PAF BVR capability. What does PAF have.....
the AMRAAMs are yet to be delivered and the SD-10 is still undergoing tests.

i have only heard of H2 and H4. Nothing except the names.

H2 and H4 are both classified fitted on to mirage aircrafts, more to say they probably were inducted just to fill the gap until PAF induct JF-17 along with SD-10 or MICA and F-16's with AMRAAM.
Here is an old news from one of your own media group:
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Air Force has inducted H-4 Beyond Visual Range missile which could strike a target from a distance of 120 km without visually citing it, evading enemy radars.

"It is a step towards adding the Beyond Visual Range (BVR) missiles to our arsenal for defensive purposes and to address the strategic imbalance in the region," Pakistan daily Dawn quoted PAF officials as saying.

The officials claimed that the missile was developed by the National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM), which works in close collaboration with Pakistan Missile Organisation and the Air Weapons Complex.

"Three successful tests of H-4, with the latest conducted this year, produced satisfactory results leading to addition of arsenal in the fighter jets," they said, adding the missiles were modified version of the South African T-Darter BVR missiles. The PAF claims to have H-2 BVR missiles which could hit targets up to 60 km.

Reports of Pakistan seeking the BVR technology appeared in the South African media. In the face of protests from India, the South African government blamed "rogue" elements to collaborate with Pakistan to develop BVRs.

PAF officials said the H-4 missiles which was an infra-red device and comparable to that of the AA11, AA12 and Python 4 missiles of the IAF would be fitted on to the PAF's Mirage aircraft until the induction of new plane JF-17 Thunder, jointly developed by Pakistan and China, in 2006.

They said European and the US suppliers were currently not willing to share the technology with Pakistan but PAF was managing with whatever technology at its disposal.
Pak Air Force inducts BVR missiles-Pakistan-World-The Times of India

Wikepedia link: H-2 BVR-AAM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not only this PAF F-7's also have some limited BVR capability as pointed out by some of the airforce members on this forum.

Regarding information about SD-10
Following the unsuccessful PL-4, PL-10 and PL-11 semi-active radar-homing MRAAM programmes, 607 Institute was asked by the PLA in the mid-1990s to develop a new advanced all-weather, day/night active radar-homing MRAAM comparable to the U.S. AIM-120 AMRAAM and Russian R-77 (NATO codename: AA-12 Adder). The PL-12 development officially began in 1997 and took seven years to complete. During a fire test carried out on 16 August 2005, a total of eleven missiles were fired, all hitting their targets. The first multi-target fire test was also carried out successfully in late 2005.

Link: PL-12 (SD-10) Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile - SinoDefence.com

The missile is ready, can be inducted any time sooner. Remind you as of now pakistan already have around 12 JF-17's BVR capable aircrafts that are undergoing several tests. Plus, Thales RC-400 along with MICA has already been offered by france.

Past was past, we are looking into the future, which seems pretty bright, but sorry to say hard to digest by not some but quite a number of indians.
According to an article on Home - acig.org written by Tom Cooper, the rounds obtained by PAF with Mirages prior to 1971 war included the radar-guided R-530s. Now Tom Cooper is someone I want to trust but he may be wrong. However, Tom Cooper has written many excellent articles on military aviation and seems credible.

On the site pakdef, there is a list of kills of 1971, and we can see some kills of R-530 but they did not mention whether it was radar or IR version of R-530.
Mountain or Ridge Crossing at Low Level

While playing a simulation, I came across an interesting method to cross a ridge or mountain while maintaining the low-level profile.

If we stick close to the ground (remain low) on one side of the mountain/hill/ridge, the aircraft shall go to unacceptable high altitude on the other side of the hill.

If we want to remain low on the other side of the hill, we shall have to fly a bit high at start and expose ourselves......

So what can be a solution to remain at low-level all the time while crossing a hill????? (I know it already, its just for discussion)
Thank you very much for this video. It has been posted before .
PAF officials said the H-4 missiles which was an infra-red device and comparable to that of the AA11, AA12 and Python 4 missiles of the IAF would be fitted on to the PAF's Mirage aircraft until the induction of new plane JF-17 Thunder, jointly developed by Pakistan and China, in 2006.

I dont understand and i m throughly confused.

According to what u posted the H-4 is a BVR with IR seeker which means it is actually a short range missile with 120km range. Also, it is comparable to AA-11(range=30km) and Python-4(range=15km) which are short range and also comaprable to the R-77(range=90km) which is BVR.

So, which is it.
According to an article on Home - acig.org written by Tom Cooper, the rounds obtained by PAF with Mirages prior to 1971 war included the radar-guided R-530s. Now Tom Cooper is someone I want to trust but he may be wrong. However, Tom Cooper has written many excellent articles on military aviation and seems credible.

On the site pakdef, there is a list of kills of 1971, and we can see some kills of R-530 but they did not mention whether it was radar or IR version of R-530.

I have heard of kills using the sidewinder on the sabres and starfighters.

they did not mention whether it was radar or IR version of R-530.

I guess it was the infrared version.
the radar version came out in 1979. Only the BVR version is radar guided, ie the super 530F and 530D. the only IR version is the R-530.
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