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Air Force comparison ( Turkey - İsrael - Egypt )


Jul 6, 2017
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What you need to know about the balance of power in the Middle East


Fighter Jets :
238 F-16 and 44 F-4 .... ( 100 F-35 was blocked by The US )
AEWC : 4 Boeing E-7T
Strategic Transport Aircraft : 10 Airbus A400M
Air refueling Tanker : 7 Boeing KC-135
Stand off Jammer Aircraft : NO
Air Defense System : HISAR-O and S400
Radar Electronic Warfare System : KORAL and REDET






Future Weapons

-- TFX air superiority Fighter Jet
-- MIUS jet engine UCAV
-- HAVASOJ stand off jammer Aircraft
-- SIPER high altitude Air Defense System






Fighter Jets :
224 F-16 , 76 F-15 and 50 F-35 on order
AEWC : 2 Gulfstream G500
Strategic Transport Aircraft : NO
Air refueling Tanker : 7 Boeing 707 and 4 KC-130H
Stand off Jammer Aircraft : 3 Gulfstream G500 SEMA
Air Defense System : PATRIOT and David's Sling
Radar Electronic Warfare System : NO

Future Weapons

-- 2 Boeing KC-46 Air refueling Tankers









Fighter Jets :
218 F-16 , 44 MIG-29M2 , 24 SU-35 and 54 RAFALE on order
AEWC : 8 E2-C
Strategic Transport Aircraft : 2 IL-76MF
Air refueling Tanker : NO
Stand off Jammer Aircraft : NO
UCAV : Wing Loong II
Air Defense System : IRIS-T SLM and S300VM
Radar Electronic Warfare System : NO

Future Weapons

-- 2 Airbus A330 MRTT Air refueling Tankers







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Egyptian RAFALE vs Turkish F-16C in BVR combat

Egyptian RAFALE with 60km MICA-EM



Turkish F-16C with 120km AIM-120C7


The New Egyptian RAFALES will be the F3R version armed with the Meteor BVR air-to-air missiles between 2024 and 2026
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Egyptian SU-35 vs İsraeli F-35 in BVR combat

Egyptian SU-35 armed with 80 km R-77AE


İsraeli F-35I armed with 150 km Derby-ER

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Can MIUS protect Boeing E-7T AEWC from SU-35's KS-172 Missile ?

KS-172 air to air missile designed as AWACS killer

KS-172 Missile
length : 6 m
weight : 748 kg
diameter : 400 mm

Network Centric Airborne Defense Element
Thanks to national Missiles , Data link , AESA Radars and combat management systems able to share data and coordinate activity despite all the units

-- MIUS UCAV with AESA Radar
-- 600 km EIRS early warning AESA Radar
-- 450 km CAFRAD naval AESA Radar
-- National data link
-- GOKDOGAN networked air to air missiles

Long range Radars will detect KS-172 missile and to share it via data link
-- Boeing E7-T AEWC's 600km PESA Radar in the sky
-- 600 km EIRS early warning AESA Radar on the ground
-- 450 km CAFRAD naval AESA Radar on TF-2000 class Destroyers

MIUS UCAVs to escort Boeing E-7T AEWC

and GOKDOGAN air to air missiles on MIUS UCAVs can intercept KS-172 air to air missiles on SU-35s which will engage on Boeing E-7T AEWC
What The US blocked for the Turkish Airforce ?

The US blocked transfer of 100 F-35A 5th gen Fighter Jets to the Turkish Airforce
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Is MIUS UAV designed to take on manned fighter Jets??

Also @MMM-E you have mentioned Turkey current strength and future plans.... Can you provide some information on Egyptian and Israel future plans?

As of now Turkey seems to have slight edge over Egypt in BVR and electronic warfare but the way Egypt is arming itself I see in a year or two they will have edge over Turkey.... Yes once your future plans starts taking shape things will change but for that comparison I wanted to know about Israel and Egypt future modernization plans if you know....
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Very very powerful air forces

Yes they are all very powerful.....

Egypt and Turkey are roughly equal.....

Israel has upper hand over both but it's small geographical size may put it at disadvantage if Turkey or Egypt rain them down with missiles quickly in the start of war.....
Don't forget Greece air force. Greece and Egypt are 2 claws that pincer Turkey while Israel goes in for the kill.
Dynamics of war is changing fast but powerful airforce is a must
Yes they are all very powerful.....

Egypt and Turkey are roughly equal.....

Israel has upper hand over both but it's small geographical size may put it at disadvantage if Turkey or Egypt rain them down with missiles quickly in the start of war.....

I think India are equal to both Turkey & Eygpt
We have massive fleet of Su30mki
Rafale & Mirage 2000
And over 100 Aesa radar equipped MIG29upg/k ie navy and air force ..

S400 ariving
And the bison being replaced by Tejas

BUT even india would get its arsed kicked by israel. Their training battle tactics and EW tech is awesome
Is MIUS UAV designed to take on manned fighter Jets??

MIUS is a jet engine powered UCAV with low RCS
and We can use MIUS UCAV for different missions in the next 5 years

-- MIUS UCAV to carry AESA Radar and 280 km SOM-J Cruise Missile for SEAD-DEAD role
-- MIUS UCAV to carry AESA Radar and AKDOGAN long range a2a Missile which will be similar to METEOR Missile in BVR combat for interceptor role

Greek F-16V and RAFALE Jets will not change anything against Turkish Airforce when MIUS UCAV armed with AKDOGAN long range a2a Missiles enter service
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What you need to know about the balance of power in the Middle East


Fighter Jets :
238 F-16 and 44 F-4 .... ( 100 F-35 was blocked by The US )
AEWC : 4 Boeing E-7T
Strategic Transport Aircraft : 10 Airbus A400M
Air refueling Tanker : 7 Boeing KC-135
Stand off Jammer Aircraft : NO
Air Defense System : HISAR-O and S400
Radar Electronic Warfare System : KORAL and REDET

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Future Weapons

-- TFX air superiority Fighter Jet
-- MIUS jet engine UCAV
-- HAVASOJ stand off jammer Aircraft
-- SIPER high altitude Air Defense System

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Fighter Jets :
224 F-16 , 76 F-15 and 50 F-35 on order
AEWC : 2 Gulfstream G500
Strategic Transport Aircraft : NO
Air refueling Tanker : 7 Boeing 707 and 4 KC-130H
Stand off Jammer Aircraft : 3 Gulfstream G500 SEMA
Air Defense System : PATRIOT and David's Sling
Radar Electronic Warfare System : NO

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Fighter Jets :
218 F-16 , 44 MIG-29M2 , 24 SU-35 and 54 RAFALE on order
AEWC : 8 E2-C
Strategic Transport Aircraft : 2 IL-76MF
Air refueling Tanker : NO
Stand off Jammer Aircraft : NO
UCAV : Wing Loong II
Air Defense System : IRIS-T SLM and S300VM
Radar Electronic Warfare System : NO

Future Weapons

-- 2 Airbus A330 MRTT

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Egyptian transgender sissy air force is only for decoration.
I think India are equal to both Turkey & Eygpt
We have massive fleet of Su30mki
Rafale & Mirage 2000
And over 100 Aesa radar equipped MIG29upg/k ie navy and air force ..

S400 ariving
And the bison being replaced by Tejas

BUT even india would get its arsed kicked by israel. Their training battle tactics and EW tech is awesome
Turkish military have evolved in terms of strategy and modern warfare. Turkey can defeat india any day any time in aerial warfare.
SU-30mki were neutralized by Pakistani airforce 70 F16s since last 1 decade. How are they suppose to take on 230+ F-16s with better BVRs.
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