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Air Defense Command

After what we did to US in Afghanistan we should consider ourselves lucky that we haven't been sanctioned yet. We basically destroyed their ambitions in Afghanistan and surrounding countries. I doubt that even with dementia Biden forgot how we took US for a ride during his vice presidency. People seem to forget that Obamas tenure was the worst we ever had in terms of US Pakistan relations and hoping any good relation from biden would be a folly on our part. If Biden plans on prolonging US stay in Afghanistan then we can expect restoration of drone strikes as well. Pakistan made a wise choice fencing it border with Afghanistan. Trump was too dumb to notice i doubt US would have ever allowed it otherwise.
After what we did to US in Afghanistan we should consider ourselves lucky that we haven't been sanctioned yet. We basically destroyed their ambitions in Afghanistan and surrounding countries. I doubt that even with dementia Biden forgot how we took US for a ride during his vice presidency. People seem to forget that Obamas tenure was the worst we ever had in terms of US Pakistan relations and hoping any good relation from biden would be a folly on our part. If Biden plans on prolonging US stay in Afghanistan then we can expect restoration of drone strikes as well. Pakistan made a wise choice fencing it border with Afghanistan. Trump was too dumb to notice i doubt US would have ever allowed it otherwise.

Our ambition was to do a complete regime change in Afghanistan. You not only allowed us to do so, you even helped by being our supply chain for the logistics. If you call that destroying our ambitions, I wonder what the opposite would be. Anyways, not sure what India's air command has to do with us or Afghanistan.
Our ambition was to do a complete regime change in Afghanistan. You not only allowed us to do so, you even helped by being our supply chain for the logistics. If you call that destroying our ambitions, I wonder what the opposite would be. Anyways, not sure what India's air command has to do with us or Afghanistan.

According to your stooge in Kabul he cant survive without US for more than 3 months. As soon as US leaves Taliban with support of several nations in the region will launch an onslaught bringing down Ghanis kabul mayorship in less than a month. In Punjabi we have a saying for this

Jithay the Khoti uthay aan khaloti
Meaning: A wandering donkey always comes back full circle to original position.

Pakistan had no other choice but to allow passage. With a fragile economy battered by sanctions it was only logical to leverage our position to reap some economic benefits. No one wanted a US sitting in their backyard not iran russians chinese pakistan or even central Asian states. Pakistan was never safe with American's entrenched in Afghanistan it is as simple as that so you had to go one way or the other.
According to your stooge in Kabul he cant survive without US for more than 3 months. As soon as US leaves Taliban with support of several nations in the region will launch an onslaught bringing down Ghanis kabul mayorship in less than a month. In Punjabi we have a saying for this

Jithay the Khoti uthay aan khaloti
Meaning: A wandering donkey always comes back full circle to original position.

Pakistan had no other choice but to allow passage. With a fragile economy battered by sanctions it was only logical to leverage our position to reap some economic benefits. No one wanted a US sitting in their backyard not iran russians chinese pakistan or even central Asian states. Pakistan was never safe with American's entrenched in Afghanistan it is as simple as that so you had to go one way or the other.

I've been hearing of this great comeback to come for a while now. You said several countries will help the Taliban to comeback...who are these "several nations" that will help the Taliban to come back, outside of Pakistan?

Afghanistan is now under Democratic rule. Taliban has to win elections. Iran/Russia/China are not pro Taliban govt.
  • Iran is not going to support Sunni Taliban
  • Taliban and Russia don't see eye to eye, even so, Russia is more closely aligned with India's interest and prefers stability and not a hotbed of terrorism back in Afghanistan
  • China has major contracts in Afghanistan and the Taliban coming back will risk it because those guys are for a severe version of Islamic rule_ where these companies and industries are looked at as un-Islamic. They won't allow Chinese workers on thier land and owning all the projects
  • China will also lean on Russia not to jeopardize its billions of trade/investment potential
Who's left to help the wandering donkey as you stated?

Anyways, not sure what India's air command has to do with us or Afghanistan and why you keep bringing it up.
I've been hearing of this great comeback to come for a while now. You said several countries will help the Taliban to comeback...who are these "several nations" that will help the Taliban to come back, outside of Pakistan?

Afghanistan is now under Democratic rule. Taliban has to win elections. Iran/Russia/China are not pro Taliban govt.
  • Iran is not going to support Sunni Taliban
  • Taliban and Russia don't see eye to eye, even so, Russia is more closely aligned with India's interest and prefers stability and not a hotbed of terrorism back in Afghanistan
  • China has major contracts in Afghanistan and the Taliban coming back will risk it because those guys are for a severe version of Islamic rule_ where these companies and industries are looked at as un-islamic.
  • China will also lean on Russia not to jeopardize its billions of trade/investment potential
Who's left to help the wandering donkey as you stated?
Most of Taliban leader ship is in Iran not Pakistan. Iran has its own objectives to achieve via Taliban and them being sunni wont stop them if they can hurt US interests. Mullah Mansoor was killed when he was coming from Iran to Pakistan.

All those brand new AKs dont come out of Pakistani factories but from Russia. Russia and China want US as much gone as Pakistan. No one wants US sitting there and funding proxies to destabilize the region. And your assumption that Taliban will not want a strong economy in Afghanistan assisted by china is also wrong. Calling industries unislamic is a moronic comment devoid of reality. Industry existed in Muslim world even when US didnt even have its diapers on.

By own admission of US Taliban occupy a more area than they occupied when US forces ousted them. Your assumption that Russia and China even care for your opinion is stupidity in itself.

Entire world can see who is begging for an exit right now. One way or the other you will be leaving. You will leave on your own two feet or without them.
Most of Taliban leader ship is in Iran not Pakistan. Iran has its own objectives to achieve via Taliban and them being sunni wont stop them if they can hurt US interests. Mullah Mansoor was killed when he was coming from Iran to Pakistan.

All those brand new AKs dont come out of Pakistani factories but from Russia. Russia and China want US as much gone as Pakistan. No one wants US sitting there and funding proxies to destabilize the region. And your assumption that Taliban will not want a strong economy in Afghanistan assisted by china is also wrong. Calling industries unislamic is a moronic comment devoid of reality. Industry existed in Muslim world even when US didnt even have its diapers on.

By own admission of US Taliban occupy a more area than they occupied when US forces ousted them. Your assumption that Russia and China even care for your opinion is stupidity in itself.

Entire world can see who is begging for an exit right now. One way or the other you will be leaving. You will leave on your own two feet or without them.

Since you think I'm moronic to say that the Taliban will be against foreign industries from atheist countries and their workers being the mix in their land. Perhaps you should go read up on the Taliban manifesto they put themselves out.

Secondly, since you called me moronic, perhaps you should understand the difference between wanting the US to be gone and also not wanting the Taliban to be around. They are not mutually exclusive stances for Iran/Russia/China.

The US did not go there to occupy most areas; we went there to change the regime. We did that. Occupying outskirts ALA fewer inhabited lands that don't have much to do w/ industries and growth is of lesser concern in the big picture. Think NW frontier in Pakistan... it's not really under the jurisdiction of Pakistan laws, more so tribal laws of their own, but you tolerate and allow it to be around.

Psst, You can hypothesize as much as you want - BUT Iran will never ever want a SUNNI Taliban, a highly volatile Islamist group, to be in charge. they may help in negotiations, even host a few of their leaders, but ultimately they prefer the current regime in place. they all want the US out but prefer the current regime's stability and deals they have in place.
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