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Aikizuki class Guided missile destroyer


Apr 28, 2011
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The Aikizuki class destroyers are intended to escort and protect larger warships of the JMSDF

Country of origin Japan
Entered service 2012
Crew 200 men
Sea endurance ?
Dimensions and displacement
Length 151 m
Beam 18.3 m
Draught 5.3 m
Displacement, standard 5 000 tons
Displacement, full load 6 800 tons
Propulsion and speed
Speed 30 knots
Range ?
Propulsion COGAG propulsion system with 4 gas turbines
Helicopters 1 x SH-60K
Artillery 1 x 127 mm DP gun, 2 x 20 mm Phalanx CIWS
Missiles 32-cell VLS for a mix of RIM-162 ESSM air defense missiles and RUM-139/Type 07 ASROC anti-submarine missiles, 8 x Type 90 anti-ship missiles
Torpedoes 2 x tripple launchers for 324 mm torpedoes.

The Japanese Aikizuki class of general purpose destroyers are used as escorts for the Hyuga class and Izumo class helicopter carriers. A total of 4 Aikizuki class ships were planned and completed. The lead ship was commissioned in 2012. The last one was commissioned in 2014.

The Aikizuki class is based on the previous Takanami class destroyers. Their main role is to escort Hyuga class and Izumo class helicopter carries, as well as Kongou class and Atago classAegis destroyers, and to shield them from air, surface and underwater threats. The Aikizuki class ships pack more advanced equipment than their predecessors, including new sensors and sonar and are slightly larger than the Takanami class vessels. Furthermore the Aikizuki class has cleaner lines in order to reduce the radar cross-section. Other improvements include more powerful engines. Also the Aikizuki class destroyers have an indigenous ATECS battle management system, that is being called the Japanese Aegis.

The Aikizuki class destroyers have an indigenous combat system, which includes Active Electronically-Scanned Array (AESA) radar and fire control system. It is a derivative of the combat system, used on Hyuga class helicopter carriers, but has additional local area defense capability. Data is transferred among JMSDF ships by a secured Link 16 datalink.

The Aikizuki class guided missile destroyers carry balanced armament, that provides protection airborne, surface and underwater threats. There is a 32-cell Mk.41 Vertical Launch System (VLS), packed with a mix of RIM-162 Evolves Sea Sparrow Missiles (ESSM) surface-to-air missiles and ASROC anti-submarine missiles. The lead ship, Aikizuki, is armed with RUM-139 ASROC missiles, while all later ships carry the Type 07, a Japanese equivalent of this missile.

Long-range anti-ship capability is provided by two quadrupple launchers with Type 90 (SSM-1B) anti-ship cruise missiles. These anti-ship missiles have a range of 150 km and carry a 225 kg warhead. In concept these are similar to the US Harpoon, though it looks like these Japanese missiles are more advanced than the Harpoons. The JMSDF actually replaces Harpoon missiles on its ships by their Type 90.

There is a 127 mm dual-purpose gun in a stealth-shaped mount. The gun is similar to that as used on the larger Atago class destroyers. It has an extended 62 calibers barrel and can handle strengthened powder charges. The gun has a maximum range of 38 km. It can engage hostile ships, air targets, and bombard land targets.

Last ditch defense against incoming air threats is provided by two 20 mm Phalanx Block 1B Close-In Weapon Systems (CIWS). One of them is located in the forward area, while another is in the stern area.

Anti-submarine capability is provided by two tripple launchers for 324 mm torpedoes. These can launch Mk.46 Mod.5 Neartip, or Japanese Type 73 torpedoes. Also the Aikizuki class ships have an anti-torpedo system.

There is a hangar for a single Mitsubishi SH-60K anti-submarine helicopter. It is mainly intended for anti-submarine duties.

Some of the Aikizuki class systems, such as hull sonar, towed array sonar, electronic warfare suite, are comparable to those used on the Zumwalt class.

These destroyers have a Combined Gas and Gas (COGAG) propulsion system. There are four Rolls-Royze Spey SM1C gas turbines. Power is delivered to two shafts. Maximum speed is 30 knots (56 km/h).

Name Laid down Launched Commissioned Status
Aikizuki (115) 2009 2010 2012
active, in service

Teruzuki (116) 2010 2011 2013
active, in service

Suzutsuki (117) 2011 2012 2014
active, in service

Fuyuzuki (118) 2011 2012 2014
active, in service

Aikizuki Class
Guided Missile Destroyer


Aikizuki Class
Guided Missile Destroyer


Aikizuki Class
Guided Missile Destroyer


Aikizuki Class
Guided Missile Destroyer


Aikizuki Class
Guided Missile Destroyer


Aikizuki Class
Guided Missile Destroyer


Aikizuki Class
Guided Missile Destroyer


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