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AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank) news

A top adviser of US president-elect Donald Trump has lashed out at the Obama administration for failing to embrace the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, suggesting a possible policy shift come January.

Interesting indeed.

No wonder Japanese media is in panic mode. Eventually, they might be left in broad cold.

Many countries have rushed to China for a dragon hug.

Maybe it is the US now wishing for a dragon hug.

Trump is clearly becoming another Nixon for China. When United States needed strategic contraction, Nixon chose China as a partner. This strategic shift brought United States the cold war victory; This time Trump will lead United States to get closer to China at the cost of Japan.

In 20th Century, each time United States partnered with China, both became winner ( WWII and Cold War); Each time United states pitted against China (Korean War and Vietnam War), United States suffered a lot. If the world order is back to what designed by President Rooservelt through partnership with Russia and China as current UNSC design, peace will really come to this planet, religious fundamentalists, terrorists, extreme nationalists such as Japan and colonists will become the losers. China, Russia and United States can save a lot to maintain the world order and have more money for internal developments. Clowns such as Japan and Singapore living on the cracks of big powers will suffers.
Economically I believe that Trump will target more on Japan, Korea, India with heavy protection and weak external penetration. Trump may loose more technology bans on China to improve trade imbalance since this kind of bans usually only help China establish independent industries with the leaking from so called US alliance and don't benefit United States. Better Sino-USA relations ahead as long as Sino-US work to establish mutual beneficial and stable economic partnership. That's why Chinese Americans with mainland origin are the extremely mobilized to support Trump.
Economically I believe that Trump will target more on Japan, Korea, India with heavy protection and weak external penetration. Trump may loose more technology bans on China to improve trade imbalance since this kind of bans usually only help China establish independent industries with the leaking from so called US alliance and don't benefit United States. Better Sino-USA relations ahead as long as Sino-US work to establish mutual beneficial and stable economic partnership. That's why Chinese Americans with mainland origin are the extremely mobilized to support Trump.
Rumours, Chinese businessmen who are working and living in the Trump Tower have already met the president-elect in the same building.
It's always the Republicans for some reason.
Republicans are always business-oriented while Democrats focus on Ideology. 20th Century history clearly tells that partnership with China is always beneficial to United States. United States are desperate in better infrastructure while China is the only one to provide low cost and high quality infrastructure.
U.S. should have joined China-led infrastructure bank: Trump adviser
BUSINESS NEWS | Thu Nov 10, 2016 | 8:33am EST

A top adviser of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump lashed out at the Obama administration for failing to embrace the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), suggesting a possible policy shift when Trump takes office in January.

Hong Kong's South China Morning Post said that Trump's national security adviser, James Woolsey, called the Obama's administration’s opposition to the formation of the AIIB “a strategic mistake” in a letter to the newspaper.

Woolsey wrote that he hoped the Trump response to the “One Road, One Belt” initiative would be “much warmer”.

China launched the infrastructure bank three years ago to promote economic co-operation among a corridor of countries stretching from Southeast Asia to Europe.

The AIIB was officially launched with 57 countries, including several U.S. allies, such as Britain, Australia and South Korea.

China unveiled its ‘One Road’ blueprint and the establishment of the AIIB after China was excluded from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a Pacific Rim trade deal led by the United States but which excluded China.
To Japan, forget about political and military ambitions. Japan is just a buffer zone among China, Russia and United States. If it forgets its role, you may see China+Russia+United States vs Japan again as in WWII.
Interesting indeed.

No wonder Japanese media is in panic mode. Eventually, they might be left in broad cold.

Many countries have rushed to China for a dragon hug.

Maybe it is the US now wishing for a dragon hug.

That's a cute drawing! :smitten:

Anyway, interesting times indeed. :cheers:
Apparently, Trump would do whatever is in USA's interest.
There are huge differences among interests of US, interests of non-elite americans, interests of elites, interests of big bosses, interests of the ultimate boss....Even for Trump, his own enterprises have different interests with those people who voted him.
There are huge differences among interests of US, interests of non-elite americans, interests of elites, interests of big bosses, interests of the ultimate boss....Even for Trump, his own enterprises have different interests with those people who voted him.

Still not too late for the US and little Japan.

They can join although they missed the chance to become one of the founding members.

The US got to get used to becoming regular member because they missed out on a lot of institutional frameworks, recently, while the frameworks they have offered have collapsed one after another.

Just check what happened to the US-proposed New Silk Road Initiative. Prematurely dead because the US did not have any financial muscle to support it.

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