Companies in Pakistan with names involving "electronics" are in all likelihood just assembler of components and circuits boards which they import from China, Singapore, Taiwan etc. where the FABs are located where those electronic components, SMDs, ICs, Micro-controllers, processors, memories chips are manufactured.
What I am talking about are Electronic components like didodes, transistors, ICs and Chips manufacturing Fabrication facilities called FAB in semiconductor industry which are not existent in Pakistan. Assembling of electronics components is NOT same as fabrication/manufacturing of those electronic components in high-tech clean room based foundries.
Intel for example has its own FAB facility which produces Intel processors, AMD on the other hand used to have a FAB foundary which it spun off with the name of Global foundaries and now AMD is practically FABless processor designing company which gets its processors designed by its engineers in silicon valley produced by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing corporation which is the biggest electronic chip manufacturing foundary in the world. NVIDIA which produces graphic cards is also FABless and has outsourced its manufacturing to China or Taiwan foundaries but their chips are designed by their engineers also in the silicon valley California.
This wikipedia article summarises the current location and capacity of various semiconductor electronics FABs all round the world.