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Ahmadiyya Muslim sect thanks Guardian for exposing hate

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How are they non-Muslim and Maulana Qasim Nanutwi and his followers are Muslim? Explain that. Also explain why every sect is declared kafir by others. I have given reference of Darulaloom Doeband's fatwa how they declared Shias kafir and murtid. By murtid I suspect they mean worthy of killing.

So much contradiction and yet the point is lost on you.

They are non-Muslim as declared by your founder Mirza Ghulam Ahmad himself as stated in post #146............. full stop

You Sir, first answer to the posts I have already posted, and if you so wish I can post them all again to what Ahmadi claims are by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.........then discuss whether you are Muslims or not
if someone cannot pick up a book or speak to a muslim that thinks ahmadiyy's are muslim, i'd be surprised.

it is the information era.

How about asking the same person what he thinks about Shias, Deobandis, Brelvis, Agha Khanis, Zakris, Alawies and rest of 72 sects. I'll be surprised if he will not consider only his own sect to be the true one. When you ask a question you need to ask in its entirety, not selectively to suit your purpose.
We (or the nation of Pakistan) have no right calling someone 'Muslim' or 'non-Muslim'. It is a personal matter between Allah (swt)/God & that person. Frankly speaking, the 'religion part' in the passport & the other paperwork should be eliminated. We should not tolerate this discrimination against the Ahmadis as set by our constitution.
We (or the nation of Pakistan) have no right calling someone 'Muslim' or 'non-Muslim'. It is a personal matter between Allah (swt)/God & that person. Frankly speaking, the 'religion part' in the passport & the other paperwork should be eliminated. We should not tolerate this discrimination against the Ahmadis as set by our constitution.

Explain to me please that if it is a matter between God and the person, then why did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) order the battle of Yamama and the death of Musailama al Kazzab........... this is a lame excuse by those who want to be left to preach their poison to misguiding Muslims and use this excuse of God and person.......... yet it is the same God who gives his Laws........ those then by your logic too should be left to God and no Laws implemented
Explain to me please that if it is a matter between God and the person, then why did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) order the battle of Yamama and the death of Musailama al Kazzab........... this is a lame excuse by those who want to be left to preach their poison to misguiding Muslims and use this excuse of God and person.......... yet it is the same God who gives his Laws........ those then by your logic too should be left to God and no Laws implemented

We are not Saudi Arabia, neither do we want to follow their examples. Let us try to better ourselves first before acting like the bastions of Islam.
We are not Saudi Arabia, neither do we want to follow their examples. Let us try to better ourselves first before acting like the bastions of Islam.

Another lame excuse............... if that is the case then lets be the bastions of Islam........ It takes a nation to do just that.....

How can you say "we".......... what votebank do you have with that regard...........

The current threats to Islam and thus Pakistan should not be ignored in the mean time and challenged wherever it raises its head.......i.e. AHMADIYYAT
Black holes would seem to suggest that God not only plays dice, but also sometimes throws them where they cannot be seen.

Stephen Hawking, NATURE, 1975

Religions are man made. Beleive in humanity and do not persecute Ahmedyas or anyone for that matter....
what those incident from Prophet life has to do with saudi arabia????

Its an attempt to divert again........... not to worry........... used to that attitude now from Ahmadi and their supporters......... not to worry, inshallah, since I have joined Islam my Jihad against Ahmadiyyat has increased many fold.........
We (or the nation of Pakistan) have no right calling someone 'Muslim' or 'non-Muslim'. It is a personal matter between Allah (swt)/God & that person. Frankly speaking, the 'religion part' in the passport & the other paperwork should be eliminated. We should not tolerate this discrimination against the Ahmadis as set by our constitution.

We as individuals have no right to say who is Muslim or not, but issue arises how family law or Hereditary laws are applied adsence of a will.
what those incident from Prophet life has to do with saudi arabia????

Prophet(S)'s Saudi Arabia was not filled with the Wahabi, Takfiri ideology that is encompassed by Saudi Arabia today, & Pakistan is getting influenced by. We are on the verge of declaring lots of groups non-Muslims, just because they don't agree with us. I agree that Ahmadis are not Muslims, because they don't believe in the finality of the Prophet(S), hence they do not believe in what the Quran says, but they have full rights to call themselves 'Muslims' without any discrimination or violence against them. There should be intelligent discussions over it, rather than resorting to violence & terrorism against them, as happens in every free society.
Assalam alaikum

bilal bhai question ko dodge no karo there was no saudia at the time of Prophet pbuh ( it was him who ordered to fight this kazaab ) it seems that u have a problem with the Prophet pbuh ( نعوذ بالله )

it is our very right to stop someone claiming to be muslim when he is not a muslim and try to fool the ppl

The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one.

George Bernard Shaw
Prophet(S)'s Saudi Arabia was not filled with the Wahabi, Takfiri ideology that is encompassed by Saudi Arabia today, & Pakistan is getting influenced by.

Wahabi and Takfiri............... hahahaha ........another derailment attempt...........

I personally don't believe in any so called sect and the difference between all these is very minor and can be sorted by just sitting down and discuss.............. nonetheless, my experience tells me not to get drifted into another discussion, as Ahmadis and their supporters are well accustomed to diverting the topic at hand..........lets stick with Ahmadiyyat
Prophet(S)'s Saudi Arabia was not filled with the Wahabi, Takfiri ideology that is encompassed by Saudi Arabia today, & Pakistan is getting influenced by. We are on the verge of declaring lots of groups non-Muslims, just because they don't agree with us. I agree that Ahmadis are not Muslims, because they don't believe in the finality of the Prophet(S), hence they do not believe in what the Quran says, but they have full rights to call themselves 'Muslims' without any discrimination or violence against them. There should be intelligent discussions over it, rather than resorting to violence & terrorism against them, as happens in every free society.

Assalam alaikum

Was Prophet pbuh influnced by wahabies when he ordered to fight the kazzab?

Thor u r right just stick to bring this mirza into the light and don't answer the others since these guys r issuing fatwas i challenge them to bring fatwa of qadianies being muslim from their sect scholars, in their closed doors they call them kuffar and here they r trying to play martin luther king

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