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Ahead of worst winter storm in years, IDF razes Palestinian homes


Jun 1, 2012
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Ahead of worst winter storm in years, IDF razes Palestinian homes | +972 Magazine


Palestinian children in Khirbat Yarze, where the IDF destroyed homes on Tuesday, December 10 2013 (Image: Attef Abu-Arub, B’Tselem)

The Middle East is experiencing one of the worst winter storms to hit the region in years. All almost all of the mountain ranges from Syria to Sinai are covered in snow and the coastal areas are seeing very large amounts of rainfall. State and local authorities throughout the region are working to bring homeless people into shelters and rescue those caught in the storm.

Yet on Tuesday, just as the storm was approaching, the Israeli army’s Civil Administration in the West Bank destroyed tents and shacks belonging to Palestinian families in the northern part of the Jordan Valley, leaving some 40 people – including at least 18 children – homeless.

The army has denied building permits to Palestinian farmers in the Jordan Valley for years, human rights organization B’Tselem reported. For some of the families at Khirbet Yarze, this is the second time their homes have been destroyed.

These photos were taken on Wednesday. Today (Friday) the Palestinian families were still there, living in tents provided by aid organizations. A person who visited them said that their most urgent concern was their livestock; farmers in the region have seen their animals die from the cold in the past few days and the army destroyed the shacks that protected the livestock in Khirbet Yarze.


A water tank demolished by the IDF in Khirbat Yarze (Image: Attef Abu-Arub, B’Tselem)


Destroyed Palestinain tents in Khirbet Yarze (Image: Attef Abu-Arub, B’Tselem)
It's worth noting that the IDF is coordinating closely with the Arabs ('palesitnians') to clear blocked roads etc. in the west bank.

Whata hell are you talking about? What roads and to do what? Are you aware that in Area C no layer of the Palestinian administration is present, that the Palestinian Authority has no jurisdiction there, and that Israel therefore doesn't need anyone's coordination to cruelly and illegally dispossess Palestinians and throw them on the street in that area?

Additionally, Israel has opened the border with Gaza today to allow gas through for heating.

And also water pumps. But what's your point? It's the UN that is sending in all the Gaza aid. Moreover, Israel is not doing anyone any favors; Israel is forced to let aid pass through, not only because its civilian-punishing blockade is illegal under international law, but also because, as the occupier, Israel has humanitarian duties towards the people it occupies -- duties Israel intentionally fails to live up to 99% of the time, but is allowed to go unpunished due to privileges no other UN member (except the UNSC permanent members) have been given.

Your pictures show no storm or snow.

Do you know when those pictures were taken? And can you read in your own mother tongue? The title reads "ahead of the worst winter"; it means snow and storm are yet to come, and in fact, it probably has come. Several Arab cities that haven't experienced snow for decades (Cairo, for example, and also Ramallah) are pure white at this point.
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Palestinians bulldozers and Israeli Bulldozers have been working together to clear roads.

Clear roads from what, I ask again? And what does that have to do with Israel's policy of going around in globally-recognized Palestinian land to raze homes -- some older than Israel itself - to the ground? Do tell.

Israel does not have to open its border with Gaza. As you can see, Egypt does not care enough to open their border.

Yes, Israel does have that obligation -- Israel is still Gaza's occupier, and it still is recognized as such even by the most Israel-worshipping entities in the world such as the US and the UK governments. Israel has therefore the obligation to provide Gazans for their needs; not only such basic things as equipment and infrastructure to help brave climatic variations, but also services that governments owe their populations; education, health and so forth. Israel has all these obligations, yet it fails them. But the international community won't hold it to account for the one reason that Israel is a privileged member to such community; it's held to a lower standard of behavior than anyone else.

More or less the same applies to Egypt: Egypt's blockade is illegal but, because it is made in accord with Israeli and US will, Egypt won't be held to account. But mind you, Egypt's duties towards Palestine are not the same as Israel's; don't forget that Israel, not Egypt, is Palestine's occupier.

Don't worry, I know you're just feigning moral outrage over some potentially cold 'palestinians' tootsies

Why, just because you feel comfortable making little of poor people's plight (cf. your idiotic and disrespectful glove comment), that doesn't mean others share your racist callousness. If, by the way, even in your rotting country, the vulnerable will die of cold in their thousands, why do you think Palestininians would fare better? Are you aware the per capita income in Palestine is only 5% Britain's?

because their 'enemy' looks after them better than their 'brothers' do.

Is that why, in the one single event described in the story, 18 children were made homeless by Israel? Because Israel looks after them? Is that why, for that matter, Palestinians under full Israeli sovereignty live worse than even in miserable Gaza, being precluded from consuming water to the extent recommended by international health groups, whereas their Jewish settler neighbors consume several the minimum threshold advised? And what do Palestine's "brothers" have to do with this? Are you under the impression that it is Saudi Arabia or Lebanon that are occupying Palestine and deciding on the day-to-day life of Palestinians?
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Israelis and Palestinians could have solved their differences if not for those Arab states who attacked Israel and now fund terrorist outfits, resulting in collateral damage at both sides.

No Arab citizen gets killed, its just Israelis and Palestinian citizens who are killed.

This is what we're talking about, isn't it? bad weather? worst snow in decades?

No, you chose to make this about that; me, I'm talking about the topic set by the article: Israel's dispossession policies in the West Bank, and just how blatantly inhumane it is, as demonstrated by the fact that it won't abate even under difficult climatic conditions, whereas Israel's colonies, even those built against the rogue government's determinations, never meet the same fate.

Whilst you're running your mouth off from the other side of the world about the poor 'palestinians' being made homeless - the reality is that both sides are working together to clear roads and get to the needy.

Oh my, I have to keep asking this: What does that have to do with the subject at hand? How is this alleged collaboration you speak of supposed to make life better to the people described in the article - those who lost all they had to a rogue government and are now left completely unprotected along with their children to brave one of the coldest winters MENA has had in decades? I don't think that by telling them your tales about road collaboration or whatever their hearts will be so warmed that they'll forget their cold and the fact that Israel's just destroyed their homes.

Doing a little snow cleanup for your neighbor doesn't give you a pass to demolish his home, if that is what you're trying to argue.

So perhaps instead of flapping your gums all the way from Brazil, maybe you should go out and do some samba or something - let the middle east work out its own problems.

Is that you trying to get back at me for remarking your country is rotting and that in it thousands day yearly of cold in the winter? You had so many ways to get around this with a good answer -- the Cup demolitions, for example -- yet you go with a lame samba remark that only exposes how little you know of my country's dire situation. Pretty lame. In any case, know the "Middle East will sort itself out" is a bit of an odd answer from the citizen of the country that, along with its new master, the US, has most interevened in the region in the last 100 years.

Israelis and Palestinians could have solved their differences if not for those Arab states who attacked Israel and now fund terrorist outfits, resulting in collateral damage at both sides.

Thank you for the robotic talking point that, apart from inaccurate and unoriginal (think I've read that some 1,000 times before), has absolutely nothing to do with the subject at hand. "Palestinian homes get demolished in the winter. Because Arabs are evil." I do appreciate the useless and completely thoughtless input.

Destroyed Palestinain tents in Khirbet Yarze (Image: Attef Abu-Arub, B’Tselem)
These are "destroyed homes".

:rofl: :omghaha:

Are not you tired to make a joke of urself false flag troll?
Are you illiterate? The legend reads, "tents".
I am perfectly literate. There were not any houses. Here from ur own article:

Yet on Tuesday, just as the storm was approaching, the Israeli army’s Civil Administration in the West Bank destroyed tents and shacks belonging to Palestinian families in the northern part of the Jordan Valley, leaving some 40 people – including at least 18 children – homeless.

Basically what happened is that they built tents in order to illegally capture land. And these tents were destroyed.


"Destroyed houses". Mwahaha:haha:
@500, I just used CTRL+F on the page and the first instance of the word "house" I found in your post. It's not in the article I posted. The article is talking of "destroyed homes". I know English is not your first language; it's not mine either, but at least I don't make a semi-literate retard of myself with such painful regularity as you do here.

And may I remind you, this land is Palestine; Palestinians can't be capturing Palestine from Israelis; it's Israelis who are capturing Palestine from Palestinians. Why were the families living under shacks, and who holds the land's ownership titles, I don't know. Perhaps the families had homes built there and they were demolished or seized by Israel? You know this happens a low. And you know it also happens that settlers will build outside their recognized theft but seldom do they face home demolitions; they face retroactive legalization instead.

I am perfectly literate. There were not any houses. Here from ur own article:

Basically what happened is that they built tents in order to illegally capture land. And these tents were destroyed.


"Destroyed houses". Mwahaha:haha:

It's called
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