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Agni V production to begin in a year's time

india takes pride in keeping the poor malnutritioned, spending money on importing Russian guidance systems for "space exploration" and then diverting those to ballistic missiles so it can jump up and down pretending to be China's equal.

Jai hind :enjoy:

The moment you uttered Jai hind half of your sins are erased ... We wish that god gives more sense in you hereon
Well tat is wit the diplomats who has to decide. according to me India is far better than china in terms of strategic relationship. but one thing ur correct . All ism' s including communism failed, money only remains powerful. But Honesty is more powerful than money
Business Line : Industry & Economy / Economy : Production of Agni-V to begin in a year: DRDO chief

India has emerged as a major missile power with the successful launch of Agni-V ballistic missile and the production of the weapon system would start in a year’s time, DRDO chief, Dr V.K. Saraswat, has said.

“This launch has given a message to the entire world that India has the capability to design, develop, build and manufacture missiles of this class, and we are today a missile power,” Dr Saraswat said today after the launch of the 5,000 km range surface-to-surface Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM).

The Defence Research and Development Organisation chief said that the missile launch was a major milestone in the defence preparedness of the country.

“We are going to conduct two more tests and that will be validation tests..., and then the production of this system will start. It is going to take a year maximum,” he said.

Dr Saraswat said that he expected the missile to be inducted into the armed forces in the next two years. He said the successful launch of Agni-V was just the beginning of a new series of missiles.

“We go from here to many other missiles which will have the capability for MIRV (Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle) for anti-satellite system, which will also be built using this technology for launching micro, mini and nano satellites to meet the requirement of the armed forces on very, very short notice,” he said.

Dr Saraswat said that barring some electronic components, the Agni-V was a completely indigenous product.

“More than 80 per cent of the missile is indigenous, except for the electronic components which we import...Everything has been designed, developed and produced in our industry and our laboratory,” he said.

China already figured out that india diverted dual-use space exploration rocket technology from Russia to its ballistic missile program :angry: VIDEO: INTERVIEW WITH SU XIAOHUI CCTV News - CNTV English

Now that we see india's hostile nature, it's time to smash india in a subcontinent regional war! A handful of imported Russian space rocket guidance systems are no match for China's indigenous military power.

Why are you behaving as if you are in danger, relax take a chill pile.
Well tat is wit the diplomats who has to decide. according to me India is far better than china in terms of strategic relationship. but one thing ur correct . All ism' s including communism failed, money only remains powerful. But Honesty is more powerful than money

Indeed, i agree with you. If i am Russian, i will think the same way.

The Chinese are stingy, while India provides us the great business opportunity by buying billion dollars of weapons from us every year.
So Agni V uses the same guidance system as Agni III?

Maybe you just did it. :coffee:

Buddy every thing developed in India by our scientist ...

If we can import ICBM or any other part so India has 100s of ICBM at present but as all know we start from A and we are here as all know ....
China needs to have a serious talk with Putin about selling sensitive dual use technologies to india. We have very good relations with Russia. War Game Boosts China-Russia Military Ties

Russians must have noticed how hostile india becomes as soon as they delude themselves (jai hind supa powa). Putin knows that indians will always choose USA over Russia because they love the Anglos. And Agni-5 can reach Moscow as well as Beijing.........
Well every country has its own technology pool of scientists for R & D. But u ppl hav an army for stealing all country technologies. But u re correct u said "no one selling related components" how wil they sell if u steal and be dishonest?

I state an example.. this is just one example. there are lot of technology thefts by china

Throughout the 1990s, Russian arms exports to China were brisk, peaking at $2 billion a year. But six years ago, it all stopped. Well, for all practical purposes, with the flood shrinking to a trickle. The reason was Chinese theft of Russian military technology. For example, three years ago, Russia refused to sell China any Su-33 jet fighters for fear that the Chinese would steal the design and manufacture illegal copies. The Su-33 is a modified (for use on aircraft carriers) version of the Su-27. For several years China discussed the possibility of buying 50 Su-33s. But when the Chinese said they'd like to just buy two initially, for "evaluation purposes," Russia recoiled and said they would not sell the Chinese any of the 33 ton Su-33s. Russia uses two dozen of them on its carrier Kuznetzov, although these are being replaced by navalized MiG-29Ks.

The reason behind this refusal was Russia's admission that China was producing unlicensed copies of the Su-27 fighter. Russia had known about this theft for some time. It all began in 1995, when China paid $2.5 billion for the right to build 200 Su-27s. Russia would supply engines and electronics. But after 95 of the Chinese built aircraft were built, Russia cancelled the agreement. They claimed that China was using the knowledge acquired with the Su-27 program, to build their own copy of the Su-27, the J-11. Russia kept the piracy issue quiet, and warned the Chinese that simply copying Russian technology would produce an inferior aircraft. Apparently the Chinese do not agree, and are continuing their work on the J-11, using only, what they claim is, Chinese technology.
first the missile veered off course now it uses imported guidance? you know i'm surprised that they still allow this retard to post threads......... whats it going to be tomorrow the rail carriage used to transport the missile is too green and visible to Chinese satellites so China would bomb India before A5 is able to come out? :rofl:
LOL indians are so humiliated. Your precious Agni-5 is nothing more than a civilian space rocket import diverted to military use! :rofl:

Keep boasting about your "incredible shining shupa powa" and how you beg for a UNSC permanent seat!

the only begging being done is from your PLA mouthpieces..calling for peaceful relations :lol:
relax son I don't think they plan on firing you from your job.
first the missile veered off course now it uses imported guidance? you know i'm surprised that they still allow this retard to post threads......... whats it going to be tomorrow the rail carriage used to transport the missile is too green and visible to Chinese satellites so China would bomb India before A5 is able to come out? :rofl:
the only begging being done is from your PLA mouthpieces..calling for peaceful relations :lol:
relax son I don't think they plan on firing you from your job.
LOL at inferiority complex. Your precious Agni-5 turned out to be a fake pretender with imported guidance systems india can't even make on its own! :lol: You have to divert it from dual-use space exploration.

Another humiliation for incredible shining shupa powa!
There is a concern of having a serious talk about the selling of sensitive technologies.Remember Brahmos world's fastest supersonic missile. Russia trust Indians not 1ly for money but they re also brainy and honest. U pretend to have a good relationship and u make all possible illegal activities against the so calling "friend"?
Everybody knows the most critical electronic component in a space rocket is the guidance systems :rofl:

Here your DRDO admitted Agni-5's most critical component is actually imported! We can conclude from india's history of dual-use civilian space partnership with Russia where these components came from.

I know it wont help since your only aim is to Troll . Good luck.

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