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Agni V Discussions

Cost of an Agni 5...? Some sources mention cost as $500 million, while it is likely that is the cost of the entire project.

Agni is an Strategic weapon and the benefits far outweigh the costs. For example the Agni if launched into a city like Shanghai, can cause massive economic losses of billions of dollars easily. That's a pretty big deterrence if you ask me. Not to mention rendering the whole place radioactive and hence unusable for decades.

Some points to ponder over:
# With mass production, the costs may come down, however the numbers would be very low to make an impact. Our principle adversary is pakistan not china, and hence not many Agni-V would be in service. Most likely less than 50 just to put up a deterrence. Actually it would be even less since we don't have that many nuclear warheads to begin with to mate it not just with Agni but with Prithvi, Sagarika, Brahmos, Mirage-2000, Su-30MKI, Jaguar etc etc.. So don't expect much reduction in costs with the "mass production".

# To put things in perspective.. Number of nuclear warheads
U.K - 225
France - 300
China ~ 750
India ~ 150
Israel ~ 120
Pakistan ~ 100

And who can forget the crazy Ivans & the Yankees
Where did you get this idea of 500 million each ???
It will be costlier because of the R&D cost. But it will hardly go to 500 million mark. With mass production it will be further down.

Primary adversary is Pak ???
India stopped that thinking long ago and we have enough missiles to deal with it. No A5 needed there.

Don't worry about war heads. GOI never publicly accept any figure. They just said we have enough. No one knows the actual number. A5 will be using different war heads. So they will be designed and made separately. 50 missiles is underestimate.
Deterrence is calculated as number of targets *2 considering BMDS accuracy about 50% plus 50% backup
So if we have 10 major cities to hit and we need 3 missiles for each city. The actual number required = 100 t0 120
But it might be different if MIRV comes soon then it will be just 60-70 required
$500 mil is cost of the entire project.Unit cost is between 60-80 crore.

though each of these missiles cost between Rs 60 crore and Rs 80 crore. Asked about the project cost sanctioned by the government, Agni programme director and chief controller (missile systems) Avinash Chander told Deccan Herald that the Cabinet approval on cost was a classified information

Agni V can launch mini-satellites too
Pitching In

ONGC can claim to have made some important contribution in the test flight of Agni V missile last week. The longest range missile to have ever been fired by India, Agni V was required to be tracked by five ships during its flight. Given that the missile had to make a 20-minute journey, the Navy, which is already stretched for resources, decided against diverting its facilities for so long. The government then roped in the ONGC which has several ships routinely operating in the Indian Ocean region. Four ships of the company were retrofitted with missile tracking equipment while the Navy provided the fifth ship.
Dude there is no faulty on my assumption...base on your pass experience such LCA, Arjunk, or your SAt launcher...all had incorporated more or less foreign components...yeah I make fun to mock the guy who drag China in...to this thread.

and I`m glad that you take it as entertainment.

Big entertainment indeed.YEAH,I'm not denying the fact that our weapon platforms use foreign parts but that doesn't prove that the guidance technology of our missiles is also imported.Infact there are a lot of source on the net providing detailed information about DRDO's achievemet wrt various types of seekers and guidance and navigation systems.You just have to take your time to dig those up.
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