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Age of Reason: From Rules to Understanding....

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@Blacklight I m not going to challenge your experience but mine was always different mods always listen to my suggestions and reports look at @Dubious destroyed many foul mouthed no regarding of nationality if they said anything against Pakistan ,@Arsalan & @waz always there and ready to listen if anything goes wrong my personal fav mahan eagle baba :) problem is they may need clear agenda which is job of @WebMaster and @Horus esp due to this changing time and as u may know unlike other countries paid cybercell they all do it for passion for Pakistan have to give them credit and some time to fix issues (check last work done by horus exposing whole network of PTM sympathizers on twitter and fb its required lots of effort and time.Mods and admin like it or not PDF becoming first line of defence in hybrid war of Pakistan so need to step up the game.Going to submit my suggestion in GHQ kindly u do that too its would help them .I admire my overseas Pakistani fellows members more for u participating and concerning about matters in Pakistan
On the whole, the management is doing a good job as it strives for a balanced approach and encourages good discussion but certain topics are always controversial because different parties have their own biases. This is an international forum and the successful figures it out through experience.
Thread starters needs to monitor their threads as well, Mods are not super humans to be all over same time. Monitor, advise trolls, report and finally tag if things do not calm down. If someone starting a thread and his threads always becoming a troll fest then, he should get some warnings as well. If you post something, be responsible and do not expect someone to be looking after your creations.

Just a suggestion. Many forums have this rule and it entourages a more healthy discussion and shared responsibility.

Mods are human too.
Thread starters needs to monitor their threads as well, Mods are not super humans to be all over same time. Monitor, advise trolls, report and finally tag if things do not calm down. If someone starting a thread and his threads always becoming a troll fest then, he should get some warnings as well. If you post something, be responsible and do not expect someone to be looking after your creations.

Just a suggestion. Many forums have this rule and it entourages a more healthy discussion and shared responsibility.

Mods are human too.
Thread starters have no authority. They cannot stop others from commenting on it. Except for the title holders especially the mods.
Thread starters have no authority. They cannot stop others from commenting on it. Except for the title holders especially the mods.
Authority or Admin privileges are not required to monitor your own thread and advise violators to behave and stick to the topic.

and report and Tag options are always available to keep Mods in the loop.
Authority or Admin privileges are not required to monitor your own thread and advise violators to behave and stick to the topic.

and report and Tag options are always available to keep Mods in the loop.
I'm already in loop with a few mods.. Just for the info.
so you missed the whole point and just picked "Loop".

please read again, and let me know if my Gulabi English was not good enough to convey my point ...
Yes you need to work on it. I did not create this thread.
Yes you need to work on it
Thanks. I am.
So did you understand, what i was trying to say?

Thread starters needs to monitor their threads as well, Mods are not super humans to be all over same time. Monitor, advise trolls, report and finally tag if things do not calm down. If someone starting a thread and his threads always becoming a troll fest then, he should get some warnings as well. If you post something, be responsible and do not expect someone to be looking after your creations.

Just a suggestion. Many forums have this rule and it entourages a more healthy discussion and shared responsibility.

Mods are human too.
@Dubious @Arsalan @waz @The Eagle @Horus @WebMaster
What all of you think about this suggestion? or concept of being responsible is too difficult to understand for desi crowd.
Thread starters needs to monitor their threads as well, Mods are not super humans to be all over same time. Monitor, advise trolls, report and finally tag if things do not calm down. If someone starting a thread and his threads always becoming a troll fest then, he should get some warnings as well. If you post something, be responsible and do not expect someone to be looking after your creations.

Just a suggestion. Many forums have this rule and it entourages a more healthy discussion and shared responsibility.

Mods are human too.
Indeed!! :agree: :tup:

As an academic, I stopped contributing, since I saw that there is a clear anti-Pakistan agenda being promoted by the mods.

The Mods need to clean up their house, and not contradict Pakistani interests directly / indirectly.

Any non-Pakistani, who supports Pakistan, should be treated with respect, and made to feel welcome on a Pakistani forum.

Straight shooters are usually non-hypocrites, something we should value, rather than let our egos get hurt.

In order to project our soft image we need people like him.

Given the above, one arrives at the conclusion that this forum is just a money minting machine, and has nothing to do with Pakistan or it's people. On the contrary the agenda of Pakistan's enemies is freely propagated.

Unless the Moderation Policy changes, genuine Pakistanis will not take this forum seriously.

Thank You & Have a Good day!
Sir in this age of Information warfare the secret is

- To first post your narrative as much as possible at all spaces and spectrum of Information.

This in other word could be said as the maximum increase of Presence and Visibility of ones narrative

- To Deny as much as possible the space and spectrum to your opponent.

This could be understand in this way as much the space and spectrum of Information availed by one narrative that much space and spectrum of information is denied to the opponent's narrative

Above mention two steps are the most important and Repetition, Replication and Multiplication are the key of success of these two steps and to get the narrative noticed

Third Step is the Denial and Objection to the Opposite narrative to this people give most importance but actually this have secondary importance as there will always some segments of consumers remain available either due to their Interests or Sentiments same as in any consumer Business

The key here is just to get Denial and Objection noticed by Target segments and concern bodies and for this first two steps are required to be employed again

Above all always remember Information is a Valuable Asset it give return not just Financially but in non-financial domain and among non financial returns Collective Sentiments is most Valuable

So Sir IF I say your observation about Moderation Team is wrong and IF I try to explain to you why you noticed more anti-Pakistani pots on the forum you may ignore it as I being part of the Moderation Team in past may have my biased in their favour, so rather to indulge myself in this effort would only request you to increase your quality presence and to post quality stuff as much as possible, only that small step of yours will be equivalent to first two steps of information warfare at this forum which I repeat again
- Post your Narrative as much as possible and increase your presence and visibility
- Deny space available to opponents

Third step from your side will follow itself at the time of need, its NATURAL

I further request you to analysis the situation of forum (which you are terming as more of anti Pakistani) in light of steps I have stated above. If the other side knowingly or unknowingly applying it than they are proving themselves smart and We can not penalise them for being smart

Let me finish this blabbering post by saying that we are just providing a platform for all for Open, Honest and Qualitative discussion but again quality depends on qualitative input i.e. Quality Posters

Yaar why is this hidden? Like it should be out in the open and updated frequently coz we do have few new things ...
Its not hidden ... its just fall under the sub forum Announcement but I agree its not visible and I think @WebMaster or @Horus should note this suggestion of yours to make it visible, I support it
Sir in this age of Information warfare the secret is

- To first post your narrative as much as possible at all spaces and spectrum of Information.

This in other word could be said as the maximum increase of Presence and Visibility of ones narrative

- To Deny as much as possible the space and spectrum to your opponent.

This could be understand in this way as much the space and spectrum of Information availed by one narrative that much space and spectrum of information is denied to the opponent's narrative

Above mention two steps are the most important and Repetition, Replication and Multiplication are the key of success of these two steps and to get the narrative noticed

Third Step is the Denial and Objection to the Opposite narrative to this people give most importance but actually this have secondary importance as there will always some segments of consumers remain available either due to their Interests or Sentiments same as in any consumer Business

The key here is just to get Denial and Objection noticed by Target segments and concern bodies and for this first two steps are required to be employed again

Above all always remember Information is a Valuable Asset it give return not just Financially but in non-financial domain and among non financial returns Collective Sentiments is most Valuable

So Sir IF I say your observation about Moderation Team is wrong and IF I try to explain to you why you noticed more anti-Pakistani pots on the forum you may ignore it as I being part of the Moderation Team in past may have my biased in their favour, so rather to indulge myself in this effort would only request you to increase your quality presence and to post quality stuff as much as possible, only that small step of yours will be equivalent to first two steps of information warfare at this forum which I repeat again
- Post your Narrative as much as possible and increase your presence and visibility
- Deny space available to opponents

Third step from your side will follow itself at the time of need, its NATURAL

I further request you to analysis the situation of forum (which you are terming as more of anti Pakistani) in light of steps I have stated above. If the other side knowingly or unknowingly applying it than they are proving themselves smart and We can not penalise them for being smart

Let me finish this blabbering post by saying that we are just providing a platform for all for Open, Honest and Qualitative discussion but again quality depends on qualitative input i.e. Quality Posters

My Dear Friend,

In School or College, you must have noticed, that the teacher focuses on students that "want to" study. Same here, when one feels his point of view, is going against the forums narrative, and a civil discourse is not possible, then I would rather walk away, than carry that baggage.

I usually read the news and move on. This time around, I was shocked to see a serving officer, who is Pro-Pakistan, have this nonsense dished out.

Although, I must say, the overwhelming support he has received from the respectable people of this forum, is a sure indication, that there has been some positive change.

I must thank you, for your in depth reply. To take time out, and address my concerns in detail, means a lot.

Nice to meet you Sir, Have a nice evening.
@Mangus Ortus Novem , dear brother thanks for beautiful read .. Pakistan first is what we need and we need all those allies who also put Pakistan first and respect Pakistan and @Khafee is one of them , , straight forward , no bullshit guy … His ban is too painful and that to because of Persians trolls and cyber cells members , Here I don't have to mention how iran damaged Pakistan after 79 list so dam big ,, Iran was the 3rd country ready to attack Pakistan after 27th of Feb ,, Sheikh Rasheed visited Iran with a message ... . . @Khafee lost his cool and got banned ok no problem but what about those Persian trolls and cyber cell warriors.. ……. a
My Dear Friend,

In School or College, you must have noticed, that the teacher focuses on students that "want to" study. Same here, when one feels his point of view, is going against the forums narrative, and a civil discourse is not possible, then I would rather walk away, than carry that baggage.
I can understand this as my family have few retired Professors, Teachers this just become their second nature ..... hahhahaha

but another thing which I noticed about their attitude is that they might not necessarily engage unwilling learners but they do share their knowledge when it is necessary and for those who are willing to learn ......

Participation is key to get yourself heard ....
@Mangus Ortus Novem , dear brother thanks for beautiful read .. Pakistan first is what we need and we need all those allies who also put Pakistan first and respect Pakistan and @Khafee is one of them , , straight forward , no bullshit guy … His ban is too painful and that to because of Persians trolls and cyber cells members , Here I don't have to mention how iran damaged Pakistan after 79 list so dam big ,, Iran was the 3rd country ready to attack Pakistan after 27th of Feb ,, Sheikh Rasheed visited Iran with a message ... . . @Khafee lost his cool and got banned ok no problem but what about those Persian trolls and cyber cell warriors.. ……. a

I have a brother in the forces, and cousins as well. Soldiers are a different breed, they are taught from day one, to react and respond in a certain manner.

Generally speaking, their level of integrity, and dedication to their country and believes is very high. Expecting them to side step, or be diplomatic is like asking a cat to bark. They are the first line of defence, hence molded this way.

Instead of holding it against them (not you Sir), we should appreciate them for it.
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