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After US, who will invade Afghanistan in 20 years?


Jun 4, 2009
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United States
Through history, Afghanistan is very unique places for foreginer invaders, it is possible another unknown superpowers likely to invade Afghanistan after the US withdrawn in 2014. I don't think Pakistan should celebrate of happy ending as we should consider another threats coming after Soviet, USA, and who is next (maybe 20 or 30 years) ??

Is Pakistan willing to do start all over again for more violences and regular attacks?

A country will be a super power, till it starts invading other countries.

After that we all know, what will happen.. No matter whether it's, soviet union, US,China or anyother.
The country who will suffer most by the afgan malitants is the only superpower to invade afganistan
Keep wet dreaming!!!lol You would be extinct race till then

He was right, no one will ever invade Afghanistan after the USA.

And let Islam also having the opportunity to develop itself, don't just suppress their development, which is a clear imperialistic act done by the USA and many other Western powers.
Raptor, who cares about Afghanistan? Our country is Pakistan - we just need to enforce strict security measures around our borders areas as well as within the entire country not just for next time BUT for any time.

Iran also shares a large proportion of their border with Afghanistan and I don't see them having any problems. No problems from the U.S. or from militants. :undecided:
Nobody, Afghanistan with Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world will be a superpower. The sleeping giant Islamic Empire has alreadly opened one eye.

Screw the rest of the Muslim world. How about we get our act together first? What's the point of being Muslims when we allow events such as the slaughter of Sialkot teenage brothers happen?

Let's be humans beings first, Pakistanis second and Muslims third.
Afghanistan is graveyard of Empires!

Alexander The Great ; Mongol Empire ; British Empire ; Soviet Union and now U.S.A.

Alexander commented that of Afghanistan is "easy to march into, hard to march out of."

Alexander the Great, writes a letter to his mother,
I am Involved in the land of a 'leonina' (lion-like) and brave people, där everythin 'foot of the ground is like a well of steel, confronting my soldier. You Have Brought Only One Son Into the World, But Everyone in this country Can Be Called an Alexander.

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i pity Afghans... Afghanistan a land decimated by war which has not been stable since the Durrani empire but then again they did get screwed by the Durand agreement
China will most likely be the next superpower, but China has no intentions of invading Muslim countries. It has always stayed out of internal affairs of Muslim countries. China's focus has always been on Taiwan, Mongolia, and other East Asian Oriental Countries....never countries of the Muslim world.

What is so great about Afghanistan that all superpowers want to invade it is the question we all want answered :cheesy:
Russians must be laughing their ***** off at USA and NATO right now, Saying been there done it and got our *** handed over to us on a AK47 ....
Nobody, Afghanistan with Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim world will be a superpower. The sleeping giant Islamic Empire has alreadly opened one eye.

This statement looks like we be on Dajjal's side :coffee:
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