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After Jaitley, Cong, AAP and Left favour decriminalization of gay sex


Oct 14, 2014
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NEW DELHI: At a time when consensus is rare, political sentiment across the ideological divide appears to favour decriminalizing homosexuality. Close on the heels of finance minister Arun Jaitley's assertion that the Supreme Court should not have reversed the Delhi high court judgment decriminalizing gay relationships, political parties including Congress, AAP and the Left said on Sunday that they would support the Centre if it moved to repeal the controversial Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code.

Speaking at the Times LitFest Delhi on Saturday, Jaitley had said, "When millions of people world over are having alternative sexual preferences, it is too late in the day to propound a view that they should be jailed. The Delhi high court's view appears more acceptable."


SC must review Sec 377 ruling, allow gay relationships, Jaitley and Chidambaram say

His predecessor and Congress functionary P Chidambaram echoed his views, saying the Delhi HC verdict decriminalizing gay sex was a wonderful one and the SC should have stayed with it.

While both spoke in their personal capacity, their remarks appear to have galvanized the LGBT community that held a 'gay pride' parade in Delhi on Sunday.

Both Congress president Sonia Gandhi and vice-president Rahul Gandhi have earlier spoken in favour of the Delhi HC order with Sonia describing it as having "wisely removed an archaic, repressive and unjust law that infringed on the basic human rights enshrined in our Constitution".

Responding to Jaitley's statement, Congress spokesman Abhishek Singhvi on Sunday said, "This is yet another example of complete volte face by the BJP government which opposed repeal of this provision and supported the apex court judgment. There are innumerable examples of BJP opposing while in opposition exactly what they propose when they are in power. Personally, I see no reason why Congress, which supported the high court judgment, should not support repeal of this provision.''


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Party spokesperson Randeep Surjewala added, "BJP, RSS and VHP in separate statements had supported the Supreme Court verdict and pleaded for criminalization to be sustained saying the LGBT community was a danger and anathema to our culture. BJP must now answer whether they agree with Jaitley and have changed their stance or will they reject Jaitley's statement as a misconceived aberration".

The Congress had said in its manifesto for 2014 Lok Sabha polls that it would "enact a law to ensure that consensual sexual relations between adults of the same-sex are not criminalized.

BJP leader Ram Madhav had in his personal capacity earlier said criminalizing homosexuality was debatable. "While glorification of certain forms of social behaviour is not something we endorse, the penalizing and criminalization aspects need to be looked into. Whether to call homosexuality a crime and treat it as one in this day and age is questionable," he had said.

CPM general secretary Sitaram Yechury was cryptic when he said, "Let Mr Jaitley convince his own party". He said CPM was "the first and only political party" to come out in favour of decriminalizing Section 377. "But BJP needs to evolve consensus within before lecturing on Section 377," he said.


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AAP sources said a government move repealing the section would be "positively considered". In its statement immediately after the SC order, the party had expressed "disappointment'', adding, "This not only violates the human rights of such individuals, but goes against the liberal values of our Constitution, and the spirit of our times.''

In fact, a group of young lawyers has submitted a proposal to the Delhi government on how homosexuality could be legalized in the Capital irrespective of the Centre's stand or the SC order. "We have submitted a proposal by which the Delhi assembly can issue a clarificatory amendment saying consenting same-sex intercourse between adults does not constitute carnal intercourse against the order of nature. The Delhi assembly can amend the IPC since it is in the concurrent list and does not contradict the central law,'' lawyer Gautam Bhatia said.

Senior lawyer Prashant Bhushan too welcomed Jaitley's remarks, saying the government could go ahead and delete the section instead of waiting for the apex court to review its judgment.

The Delhi HC's 2009 judgment decriminalizing Section 377 to stop police harassment of adults of same-sex having consensual sexual relationship in private was challenged in the SC by religious bodies. Shutting the small window for gay rights opened by the HC, the SC had in 2013 held that Section 377 providing punishment for gay sex was constitutionally valid.

The SC had in 2014 rejected petitions seeking review of its 2013 judgment. However, there still is a last theoretical chance for the SC to reconsider its 2013 judgment when it takes up curative petitions pointing out "glaring legal infirmities" in the verdict.

Experts say since the possibility of the SC admitting a curative petition is bleak, the legislative route appears to be the best hope for gay rights. The SC upheld Section 377 in the form and content as it had been drafted in 1860. It said only the legislature could sync social and behavioural changes into the penal code.

So, it is for the government to draft a bill for amendment of Section 377 of IPC to legalize LGBT relationships. A glimmer of hope is that such an amendment would only require a simple majority (as against two-thirds majority in case of a constitutional amendment like NJAC) to pass through in each House of Parliament.

Times View

There seems to be a broad consensus among all major parties on decriminalizing gay sex. Their top leaders have stated on record that they favour doing so. So why don't they just get on with amending the law? There have been enough statements of intent. It's time for some concrete action to help the LGBT community, which has borne the brunt of prejudice for far too long.

After Jaitley, Cong, AAP and Left favour dilution of Sec 377 - The Times of India
Gay hind ....yuck. It is so gross and anti human. Ugly development.
suit india and hindus living there.
Jaitley is the last. But that's irrelevant. About time we did this. I think from SC's point of view they didn;t say that they oppose decriminalization, but that it has to be done legislatively rather than judicially. This is one of those rare moments when I feel that BJP is actually much more progressive on the inside that it lets out. If only they make sure that the Yogi and Sadhvi keep their f**ing mouth shut, maybe they'll make it easier for themselves.

Good Job BJP. This one is a very good thing.

suit india and hindus living there.

We hope you don't do any of these things. We'd like you in the stone age.
Nobody in Pakistan gives a rats *** about what inferior hindus want us to do.

You already are in the stone age. Maybe instead of running away from superior Pakistan to slave for the white man in USA, you should go back to superior Pakistanis. Oh, but you can't do that coz Pak is in the stone age.....
If BJP did not oppse earlier, congress might have amended the law. Anyway, I still think govt should remove the provision themselves instead of relying on supreme court.
Gay hind ....yuck. It is so gross and anti human. Ugly development.

anti human.. no you retard.. This is why you will remain a pathetic loser without a basic understanding of science.

Kudos to this progressive development.

Nobody in Pakistan gives a rats *** about what inferior hindus want us to do.

Go troll elsewhere and try not to jerk off to getting humiliated by Hindu.. You must definitely be a convert.
If BJP did not oppse earlier, congress might have amended the law. Anyway, I still think govt should remove the provision themselves instead of relying on supreme court.

Supreme court actually put the onus back on the parliament I think, Congis backed out, I dont recall BJP opposing the move, they were non commital and then the official line said they support decriminalizing.

In fact congis lose more as their core vote bank is...."secular people" for whom this is a much bigger issue.
anti human.. no you retard.. This is why you will remain a pathetic loser without a basic understanding of science.

Kudos to this progressive development.
You are real retard and attention seeker that you call others retard since you cannot even understand how comprehensively retarded you are and you have made yourself a complete but I know you won't realise it. If you get your head outside of your rear end for a split second, you will understand that how anti-human and ugly this is. Homosexuality is immoral, unnatural and totally anti-social and that is why all the religions despise it. You promote this and soon the society will be done. If you are a homosexual and have these cravings and feel the need for your desire to be met from the other end, then of course your sense of discretion has already been confiscated by your uncontrollable, disgusting and shameless desires

:lol: I am afraid I have to agree with you on this one.
Man it will destroy indian society, I live here in Europe and I can already see the affects. I know India has been ruled by British for 90 years and they brainwashed the people to suffer from inferiority complex and think west as the role model and superior in every aspect and thus follow them in every step.... No!!!... The society much have its sense of integrity and discretion intact and should not follow every step blindly. Indian should keep their traditions and values intact and do not follow west in each and every step. You can still make scientific progress with following them
suit india and hindus living there.
Hypocrisy much? You do live in the US after all.

Man it will destroy indian society, I live here in Europe and I can already see the affects. I know India has been ruled by British for 90 years and they brainwashed the people to suffer from inferiority complex and think west as the role model and superior in every aspect and thus follow them in every step.... No!!!... The society much have its sense of integrity and discretion intact and should not follow every step blindly. Indian should keep their traditions and values intact and do not follow west in each and every step. You can still make scientific progress with following them
But, it was the British that made homosexuality entirely illegal all over British India. The 377 code number is used not only India but, in Bangladesh and Myanmar as well.
Decriminalising Gay sex is one thing which will unite Sadhvi, Kanthapuram Musaliyar, Owaisi and the Pentacostals. Trust me they will be sitting in a protest together opposing it. :lol:
Secular India :P

Personally speaking we should decriminalise but no recognition to Gay or Lesbian marriages.
We have own tradition and culture to take care of.
You are real retard and attention seeker that you call others retard since you cannot even understand how comprehensively retarded you are and you have made yourself a complete but I know you won't realise it. If you get your head outside of your rear end for a split second, you will understand that how anti-human and ugly this is. Homosexuality is immoral, unnatural and totally anti-social and that is why all the religions despise it. You promote this and soon the society will be done. If you are a homosexual and have these cravings and feel the need for your desire to be met from the other end, then of course your sense of discretion has already been confiscated by your uncontrollable, disgusting and shameless desires

Man it will destroy indian society, I live here in Europe and I can already see the affects. I know India has been ruled by British for 90 years and they brainwashed the people to suffer from inferiority complex and think west as the role model and superior in every aspect and thus follow them in every step.... No!!!... The society much have its sense of integrity and discretion intact and should not follow every step blindly. Indian should keep their traditions and values intact and do not follow west in each and every step. You can still make scientific progress with following them

An attention seeker is one like you whose sole purpose is to troll based on his madrassa education. What I do is post based on facts and not retarded logic. Not only is your pathetic attempt at a retort a poor joke comprising of mumbled up "word of the day" terms to compensate for small "organs" everywhere, it also clearly highlights your lack of clear thinking and comprehension.

Having your head stuck so far up "where the sun don't shine" is your favourite pastime. Please don't expect others to follow that.

1. Morality is man-made and based on those invisible fairy being/s you follow idiot. It's highly subjective and varies according to the progressive nature of the society.

2. Anti-social? Pray do tell what's the meaning of the term? Have you completely no idea of what you write? What grade are you in?

3. Unnatural: Homosexual behaviour is rampantly found in the animal kingdom and across various taxonomic groupings. A few articles that are very well reviewed on not based on your conjecture:
Do Animals Exhibit Homosexuality? | Yale Scientific Magazine
Homosexual Activity Among Animals Stirs Debate
1,500 animal species practice homosexuality
So, keep your retarded logic to yourself.

4. It will destroy society? The most progressive and well developed states have freedom for people choosing sexual partners of their preference. They have the highest HDI with model citizens and a great standard of living. Northern Europe being the best example. What other model society are you talking about? Pakistan??? LMAO.. Go vomit your crap elsewhere jackass.

4. All your religious scholars who oppose this are products of backwardness who were found to be child molesters, sodomizers and actively homosexual. The mullahs, priests and babas.. It's these closeted people that oppose it vehemently to hide their shame.

If you want to get over the shame of your own hidden desires or some local mullah taking advantage of you, seek support and don't pollute these forums with your inferior intellect.

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