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After ISI warning, PM reviews security with service chiefs

so let me get this. An army chief, 'when asked by reporters', saying his forces are capable of carrying offensive or defensive measures= irresponsible statement. What's next ? a car mechanic advertising he can fix a car problem is an irresponsible claim too?

What part of a vulturistic threat after an illegal raid don't you understand? Even if he's a low ranking army personnel he would have been demoted for warmongering, never-mind an army chief.
What part of a vulturistic threat after an illegal raid don't you understand? Even if he's a low ranking army personnel he would have been demoted for warmongering, never-mind an army chief.

what part of " a question asked of him by a reporter ' did your civilian mindset not comprehend?

this was an Army chief asked a direct question about his military preparedness- and you expect him to answer with " no we are ill prepared " ? he did not volunteer the statement he answered to a question asked, like every military head would in anybodies army.

your army chiefs have been chest thumping for decades , war mongering of decades - UNPROVOKED!---
I find it amusing.

A 'high pitched' Tamil accent for a Rajput!

I agree that Imagination and story telling is a fakir's forte!
^^^ and while all that was happening-another bomb went off in Pakistan which prompted all three of them above to go " ah, never mind- we can't do to them any worse than what they are doing to themselves'... and hung a " Mission accomplished ' banner in the room and walked off to a nice lunch :P
So Indian PM Manmohan singh convenes the meeting of security review.
PM:(in his squeaky voice like mice)Are we prepared to face the looming security challenge from Pakistan.(looks towards Army chief)
Army chief:(in his high tamil accent)Butt whee haave no aartilery saar.
PM:(looks towards Air chief Marshal) Are you prepared in case we have to do some symbolic air strikes busrting some empty camps and old huts so that our public can clap.
Air chief marshal: ( in his hijda like voice clapping like them) Saar we have only flying coffins

PM is now flustered.

PM:(looking towards navy chief)Are we ready to atleast do symbolic naval blockade of Karachi.
Navy chief: (in his goat like voice) saar saar our only aircraft carrier is cooling its in cohin shipyard and we have no planes to fly off from AC. our submarines are lying in junkyard for repair and only nuklear sub arihant has fizzled like our 1998 bumbs.

PM is mighty angry now.

PM: (looking towards DRDO chief) Are we ready to launch some missiles.
DRDO chief:( in his cat like voice) saar wee have all missile under testing phase onlee.our agnis failed last year we can sure launch them but i cant guarantee you that they will reach Pakistan only they can go to china also or to Indian ocean and hit Diego Garcia too.

PM is little worried....
PM:(looks towards ISRO chief) can we take hafeez saeeds pics from our satellite so that atleast we can show our janta that hafiz saeed is under our constant watch.
ISRO chief:Saar our two GSLV just burst mid air in September and December giving children joy of fireworks for Eid and Christmas.

PM is mighty worried.Defence minister sensing his anxiety speaks.

Defence minister:(Raising his butt slightly as if reaching for mic leave a soundless fart phusss.......and adjusts his lungi) saar just announce on Doordarshan to the nation and the world that we are peace loving and non violent country onlee and we extend our hand of peace and friendship towards pakistan.

So after a meeting of 15 minutes where indian media reports PM had meeting of 3 hrs of brain storming on security preparedness after the threat of ISI chief.

So PM manmohan singh goes on doordarshan live and says as suggested by defence minister that we are peace loving country only etc and leave all boastful indian janta home and abroad and on various pakistani boards seething in anger at the impotency of their PM manmohan singh meanwhile looking for reconciling reasons of talks and then aman ki asha tamasha started by indian paper as a new year surprise joke on seething indian populace.


Cross the border and you will face the heat. Don't you ever learn from the wounds that you have licked in the past and yet you comment on a superior power. I wanted to call PAK's as my brothers but looking at fools like you, I have to say "suck it"
why didn't indian army cheif say that he could carry out abbottabad style raids in china. why just limit it to pakistan?
why didn't indian army cheif say that he could carry out abbottabad style raids in china. why just limit it to pakistan?

Same reason why USA does not carry out Abbottabad type raids in China.

OBL, Dawood and scores of other terrorists are not enjoying their biryanis in China's military umbrella.
why didn't indian army cheif say that he could carry out abbottabad style raids in china. why just limit it to pakistan?

He never mentioned name of any country including Pakistan. If he said he is capable then trust me he can strike any country including China. India has done this before if you do not know.
dude, and have you forgot how the aussies deal with you people?

Grow up brother. ISI chief is accepting responsibility. If you really don't want US acting in such a way again, I suggest that your Government deny any further assistance to take the WOT to the US, your military has to take care of WOT on your own in the future. This is how you get a better picture in the international stage
ISI chief is not a operational head of any armed force in pakistan..
could anyone guess what he is actually planning to attack and which way...?
and i disagree that PM would have reviewing the ISI chief threat with service chiefs , it's the job of ministery of internal affairs to review it with local administration..
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