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After Boston, Little Change in Views of Islam and Violence


Sep 19, 2008
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The public’s views of whether Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence have changed little in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings.

Currently, 42% say Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence among its believers, while 46% say Islam does not encourage violence more than other religions.

These are similar to opinions about Islam and violence for most of the past decade. But in March 2002, six months after the 9/11 attacks, just 25% said Islam was more likely to encourage violence while 51% disagreed.

The new national survey by the Pew Research Center, conducted May 1-5 among 1,504 adults, finds sizable demographic and religious differences in attitudes toward Islam and violence. And the partisan gap is as large as ever: 62% of Republicans say that Islam encourages violence more than other religions, compared with 39% of independents and just 29% of Democrats.

Overall, 45% say that Muslim Americans face a lot of discrimination, and 28% say they are subject to some discrimination. Only about one-in-five say that Muslim Americans face only a little (13%) or no discrimination (6%).

About four-in-ten (39%) say that gays and lesbians face a lot of discrimination. Smaller percentages say that Hispanic Americans (25%), African Americans (22%) and women (15%) face a lot of discrimination.

Islam does not encourage violence more than other religions, as do 54% of those 30 to 49. By contrast, about half of those 50 to 64 (51%) and 65 and older (53%) say that Islam is more likely to encourage violence.

There also are gender differences in these opinions: By 48% to 39%, men say Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence; women, by 52% to 35%, disagree.

The wide partisan differences in these opinions are even starker among ideological groups: Fully 69% of conservative Republicans say Islam encourages violence more than other religions. About the same percentage of liberal Democrats (71%) say that Islam is no more likely than other religions to encourage violence.

Among religious groups, most white evangelical Protestants (63%) say that Islam is more likely than other religions to encourage violence. White Catholics are divided (43% more likely, 43% not more likely).

By 53% to 40%, white mainline Protestants say Islam does not encourage violence more than other religions. The balance of opinion is similar among the religiously unaffiliated (54% to 35%).

Democrats also are more likely than Republicans to see a lot of discrimination against Hispanics (by 23 points), African Americans (22 points), gays and lesbians (19 points) and women (11 points).

Age also is a factor in these opinions: About half of those under 30 (51%) and 30-49 (49%) say there is a lot of discrimination against Muslim Americans. That compares with 42% of those 50-64 and just 35% of those 65 and older.

There also are substantial differences between the youngest and oldest age groups in perceptions of discrimination against gays and lesbians: 51% of those younger than 30 think there is a lot of discrimination against gays and lesbians, compared with 28% of those 65 and older.

Notably, blacks, whites and Hispanics are all about equally likely to say there is a great deal of discrimination against Muslim Americans (47% of blacks and Hispanics and 45% of whites). When it comes to perceptions of discrimination against blacks and Hispanics, however, the differences are much greater. Nearly half of blacks (46%) say there is a lot of discrimination against African Americans, compared with a quarter of Hispanics (25%) and 16% of whites.

About four-in-ten blacks (43%) and Hispanics (38%) say there is a lot of discrimination against Hispanic Americans, compared with 20% of whites.

Notably, blacks are about as likely to say there is a lot of discrimination against Muslim Americans (47%) and Hispanic Americans (43%) as against African Americans (46%). Far more whites see a lot of discrimination against Muslim Americans than either Hispanic Americans (20%) or African Americans (16%).
About the Survey
The analysis in this report is based on telephone interviews conducted May 1-5, 2013 among a national sample of 1,504 adults, 18 years of age or older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia (751 respondents were interviewed on a landline telephone, and 753 were interviewed on a cell phone, including 401 who had no landline telephone). The survey was conducted by interviewers at Princeton Data Source under the direction of Princeton Survey Research Associates International. A combination of landline and cell phone random digit dial samples were used; both samples were provided by Survey Sampling International. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish. Respondents in the landline sample were selected by randomly asking for the youngest adult male or female who is now at home. Interviews in the cell sample were conducted with the person who answered the phone, if that person was an adult 18 years of age or older. For detailed information about our survey methodology, see Methodology | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

The combined landline and cell phone sample are weighted using an iterative technique that matches gender, age, education, race, Hispanic origin and nativity and region to parameters from the 2011 Census Bureau’s American Community Survey and population density to parameters from the Decennial Census. The sample also is weighted to match current patterns of telephone status and relative usage of landline and cell phones (for those with both), based on extrapolations from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey. The weighting procedure also accounts for the fact that respondents with both landline and cell phones have a greater probability of being included in the combined sample and adjusts for household size among respondents with a landline phone. Sampling errors and statistical tests of significance take into account the effect of weighting. The following table shows the unweighted sample sizes and the error attributable to sampling that would be expected at the 95% level of confidence for different groups in the survey:

Sample sizes and sampling errors for other subgroups are available upon request.

In addition to sampling error, one should bear in mind that question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of opinion polls.
After Boston, Little Change in Views of Islam and Violence | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
Says JEW USA who create zionists nazi in Ukraine

This time it must be the fault of Islam too

Who has to believe JEW USA false flaggers who made 911 with the 3 towers exploded?
It's pointless to worry about global public opinion, since Muslims have almost no influence on the global media.

Facts are irrelevant. What matters is not reality, but the media spin.

If Muslims dominated the global media, they could do ANYTHING and get away with it.
It's pointless to worry about global public opinion, since Muslims have almost no influence on the global media.

Facts are irrelevant. What matters is not reality, but the media spin.

If Muslims dominated the global media, they could do ANYTHING and get away with it.

First things first . Lets stop referring to muslims as a singular homogenous entity . Same goes for every religion .
First things first . Lets stop referring to muslims as a singular homogenous entity . Same goes for every religion .

The survey talks about Islam as a religion and global perceptions of Islam are controlled by enemies of Islam.

The second major problem is that almost all Muslim countries are such complete basket cases that it's easy for opportunistic elements to incite and nudge extremist elements to keep the fire burning.

And, last but not least, Muslim society still has to do a lot of introspection. I am not downplaying the faults of Muslims, but the global perceptions are deliberately exaggerated.
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The survey talks about Islam as a religion and global perceptions of Islam are controlled by enemies of Islam.

The second major problem is that almost all Muslim countries are such complete basket cases that it's easy for opportunistic elements to incite and nudge extremist elements to keep the fire burning.

And, last but not least, Muslim society still has to do a lot of introspection. I am not downplaying the faults of Muslims, but the global perceptions are deliberately exaggerated.

Survey does not talk about "global perceptions of Islam are controlled about enemies of Islam" . That is your own opinion . Lets not put it on survey .

Agreed but they themselves are to be blamed and no one else .

Agreed with the last part . It is indeed exaggerated .
Survey does not talk about "global perceptions of Islam are controlled about enemies of Islam" . That is your own opinion . Lets not put it on survey .

It is not my opinion. It is a demonstrable fact.

There are no global media organizations with any Muslim representation.
It is also a documented fact that many global media organizations are owned/dominated by Zionists.
It is not my opinion. It is a demonstrable fact.

There are no global media organizations with any Muslim representation.
It is also a documented fact that many global media organizations are owned/dominated by Zionists.

It is your own opinion or show me Pew research stating that .

i really don't understand the term "Zionists" but even if they are controlled it is because of high level of education . And its not only media .
It is your own opinion or show me Pew research stating that .

It's not a question of opinion polls, but the ideological bias of prominent media personalities. The list can be obtained by googling. It is usually not hosted on mainstream web sites, which doesn't change the factual accuracy of the names within.

Voltaire: 'To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.'

i really don't understand the term "Zionists" but even if they are controlled it is because of high level of education . And its not only media .

Zionism has nothing to do with "education". It is a racist ideology, on par with radical Islamism, Hindutva, and white supremacy, since it puts the rights of one group of people over others, based purely on their race/religion.
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It's not a question of opinion polls, but the ideological bias of prominent media personalities. The list can be obtained by googling. It is usually not hosted on mainstream web sites, which doesn't change the factual accuracy of the names within.

Voltaire: 'To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.'

Zionism has nothing to do with "education". It is a racist ideology, on par with radical Islamism, Hindutva, and white supremacy, since it puts the rights of one group of people over others, based purely on their race/religion.

You are allowed to criticize everyone .
It is not my opinion. It is a demonstrable fact.

There are no global media organizations with any Muslim representation.
It is also a documented fact that many global media organizations are owned/dominated by Zionists.

Interesting. How would you characterize organizations like Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, and Press TV? Those are also Zionist media, in your view?
Interesting. How would you characterize organizations like Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, and Press TV? Those are also Zionist media, in your view?

No one would consider them to be "globally dominant". They are irrelevant outside their niche markets.
Statistically speaking Islam does encourage violence. Just have a look at the "Sudanese Woman" thread majority of Muslims wanted her to be executed.

Muslims always feel like they are discriminated when they are in minority. We have a famous and rich Indian Muslim named Sharukh Khan who always cries about discrimination when non-Muslims in here worship him.

That's a typical Muslim for you.
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