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Africans In Israel Attacked by Zionist Government and Racist Mobs

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Jun 23, 2011
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Migrants from Sudan and Eritrea beaten, robbed and threatened with deportation

Since late May the rising animosity toward African migrants in Israel has reached a boiling point. After months of anti-African speeches in the Knesset and the cabinet of Binyamin Netanyahu, mobs of racist gangs began to attack Sudanese, Ethiopians and Eritreans in south Tel Aviv.

People were beaten on the streets, their business were looted amid calls for the banning and deportations of Africans. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and other Israeli politicians have likened migrant workers and small business people from Africa to a “cancer” within society.

On June 4, four people were taken to a hospital suffering from burns and smoke inhalation after their home was firebombed in Jerusalem. The arson attack took place in a two-story building in a poor neighborhood close to the Mahane Yehuda market at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. (Alarabiya.net, June 4)

It was reported that some 18 people lived in the building where the fire was started in a narrow entrance corridor. Outside the building racists had painted “Get out of the neighborhood.”

Violence Given Official Support

These attacks against African migrants are by no means spontaneous but are taking place within a broader political context. The State of Israel, founded on the racist and imperialist notions of entitlement to the land of Palestine, has for decades engaged in massacres, imprisonment and forced removals of the Arab population.

On May 23 a rally in Tel Aviv of 1,000 people was addressed by several leading Israeli politicians, many of whom are members of the ruling Likud Party of Netanyahu. Accusations of criminal activity and taking employment opportunities away from Israelis worked the crowd into an agitated state.

Likud Member of Parliament Miri Regev told the crowd that “The infiltrators are a cancer in our body. The infiltrators must be expelled from Israel! Expulsion now!”

Later mobs carrying sticks and stones began to rampage through areas populated by African migrants. The crowds shouted “Blacks Out!” and “Infiltrators get out of our homes.”

In addition to the vandalism and looting of shops operated and frequented by Africans, two men who were sitting in a vehicle were assaulted while the car was smashed up. The mobs claim that Africans have disrupted their lives and neighborhoods by stealing and threatening Israeli women with sexual assaults.

Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai told the army radio station in an interview that “We must put all these infiltrators behind bars in detention and holding centers, then send them home because they come and take work from Israelis.

The Israeli government on June 3 put into effect a law passed by the Knesset in January that allows for the detention of African migrants for up to three years. Israeli officials say the new law will both discourage migration as well as provide a legal mechanism for the detention and mass deportation of Africans.

After the mob attacks on May 23, Netanyahu stressed that “The problem of the infiltrators must be solved and we will solve it.” Interior Minister Yishai, who is a member of another right-wing party, the ultra-orthodox Shas, said that the Africans are a threat to the character of Israeli society.

“The infiltrators along with the Palestinians will quickly bring us to the end of the Zionist dream. We don’t need to import more problems from Africa,” Yishai said in reference to the burgeoning economic problems in Israel which have sparked demonstrations over the last year by the settler population.

Feeling the impact of the world economic crisis, the Israeli state is based upon the maintenance of a settler population through government subsidies for housing and social welfare needs. With the overall decline in the manufacturing and service sectors, unemployment and the lack of housing has created tensions between the settler population and their government based in Tel Aviv.

Yishai also said of the Africans that “Most of those people arriving here are Muslims who think the country doesn’t belong to us, the white man.” Another right-wing politician, Aryeh Eldad, encouraged the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to shoot on sight Africans attempting to cross the border into the Zionist state. (Reuters, June 3)

There are already detention facilities for migrants on the border with Egypt that are overflowing with inmates. Reports indicate that these prisons where migrants are held prior to deportation can house up to 5,000 people.

Nonetheless, the Israeli government approved the construction of another prison for migrants last year. This was done at the same time that plans were made for the building of a $167 million fence on the border with Sinai to ostensibly keep out African immigrants as well as revolutionaries who may be engaging in attacks against the Israeli state.

Continuing the Legacy of Racism and Forced Removals

Many longtime observers of the State of Israel are not surprised at the latest outbreak of racist violence against African migrants. Although the rationale for such attacks are supposedly based on the lack of “legal immigration documents” by Africans from Sudan and Eritrea, similar acts of discrimination are carried out against Ethiopian Jews who were airlifted into the settler state during the 1980s.

During the period of the Ethiopian Revolution, a drought and famine struck the country in 1984-85. The Soviet Union supplied planes to relocate people to areas where relief could be provided while the Israeli government targeted the Ethiopian Jewish population for immigration to occupied Palestine.

However, these Ethiopians have suffered discrimination since arriving in Israel. Evidence of such racism occurred during the mob violence in Tel Aviv on May 23 when Hananya Vanda, a Jewish Israeli of Ethiopian origin was attacked by the racists who later said they “did not know he was Jewish.” (Gulf Today, June 4)

Millions of Palestinians remain in refugee camps in and outside of their national homeland nearly sixty-five years after the establishment of the Zionist state. The United States government and ruling class subsidizes the Israeli rulers to the tune of billions of dollars every year and the transferal of sophisticated military and intelligence equipment and technologies.

The State of Israel serves as the most important outpost for U.S. imperialism in the Middle East. Last year at the United Nations General Assembly, President Barack Obama in his address urged the Palestinian Authority not to seek recognition as a legitimate state and to return to the negotiating table with Israel where no progress has been made in nearly two decades since the failed Oslo Agreements.

The Palestinian enclave of Gaza remains the largest open-air prison in the world. The IDF periodically engages in aerial strikes on the people of Gaza killing civilians almost on a daily basis.

The elimination of racism and discrimination in Israel will not take place until the territory is liberated from U.S.-backed Zionist rule. The entire political and economic fabric of the state is based on oppression and exploitation and the recent events of racist violence directed against African migrants provides an even greater opportunity for unity between the Arab and African populations throughout the region.

Africans In Israel Attacked by Zionist Government and Racist Mobs

These Zionists have no morals and are some of the racist people in the world...
I posted one the other day, looks these evil Zionists start prosecuting those poor refugees.
Ya so much evil these zionist are, by the way why dont the pure souls are trying to save them. Hmmmm its easy to tell some one is doing wrong, but its very hard to do the right thing.
Actually speaking there is no right or wrong in this world, only thing is strong and weak. Strong will use its power to get things done, while weak will keep crying and calling them evil and Saitan
That's messed up.

Are they not fellow jews?
Before we lose control

By GUY BECHOR05/31/2012 22:29

It’s not a war on immigration that lies ahead of us, but a war over the continuation of the Jewish majority in Israel.



When we published an article in 2007 about the nightmare facing Israel from Africa, many were shocked. Today, this vision has become a reality (Then, 400 infiltrators stole over the border from Africa each month; currently, about 4,000 come here illegally every month).

I realize today that I too was naive back then, when I wrote the article. I did not see the depth of the picture unfolding before us. Then I thought that the primarily reason for the infiltration was to improve the lives of the Africans who came here, as it is with the migration from Mexico to the United States, but now it appears that the image is unique to Israel.

The truth is that millions of Africans would like to immigrate to Israel to improve their lives, but it turns out that in Israel there are those who want to exploit this to change our country’s demographic balance. After they failed to let in hundreds of thousands of Palestinians into this country, these people now expect a migration of hundreds of thousands of Muslims from Africa to Israel. It’s not a war on immigration that lies ahead of us, but a war over the continuation of the Jewish majority in Israel.

A number of associations, NGOs and others have encouraged this African immigration to Israel. They begin by directing the emigration from the countries of origin, preserving it, preventing it from running into obstacles in the Sinai Peninsula, and providing it with a warm home in Israel. They have spread and continue to spread the rumor in Africa that Israel is a paradise, and that it can be reached by foot.

These are not migrant workers who stand before us, and not refugees, but a majority of African Muslims who come here to settle, and never leave.

The numbers: According to official data of the State of Israel, the rate of Muslim immigration from Africa is about 1,000 a week (this was the situation last month), and nearly 4,000 per month (which is double the numbers from a few months ago). Since there is no one who knows exactly how many of these infiltrators we now have here, the estimate is that there are between 80,000 and 120,000 of them in the country.

South Tel Aviv has become a small Sudan, the infiltrators in Eilat already constitute about 20 percent of the population, and this is also the situation in certain neighborhoods in central Israel – Pardes Katz in Tel Aviv, Bnei Brak, suburban Petah Tikva, Sderot and Rishon Lezion. They have even reached the Galilee already.

Everywhere, on the side of the roads, you can spot the newcomers. They are surveying their new country, surveying its wealth, their wealth.

Go see the astonishing sights in Eilat, a city occupied by infiltrators that is nightly flooded with dozens and hundreds of new infiltrators.

They arrive in Eilat and in the morning go to the Interior Ministry office, where they receive permits to stay from the State of Israel, on behalf of Interior Minister Eli Yishai, and hence are free to begin working anywhere in the country.

And what is the plan hatched in secret by those organizations of “human rights?” When the numbers reach a quarter of a million or half a million, and we’re getting there fast, the organizations will turn to the High Court of Justice and to the United Nations, demanding that Israel grant residency to these “immigrants” and even citizenship, as is customary in the West.

With that, the percentage of Muslims in Israel will jump immediately to between 30% and 35%, with all the demographic implications that you can imagine.

Being residents, then citizens, the Africans will naturally be able to bring their family members, and the numbers will double. For those who did not want the Jews in Uganda, Uganda will now come to Israel. Being a small country, these processes will occur very fast, faster than in Europe.

Now we understand that the Muslim infiltrators from Africa (the migrants from Sudan are all Muslim, and most of the Eritrean migrants are, too) are not weak, but rather their Israeli absorbers. They are not the ones being threatened, because they are not war refugees, but rather Israel is being threatened.

The “human rights” organizations have easy access to the media, and they do not hide their desire to see Israel as a state of all citizens and no longer a Jewish or Zionist state, and from this perspective, the Muslim migrants from Africa suit their cause very well. These organizations bear direct responsibility for the new plague that has befallen Israel. They direct the migration, organize it, preserve it from the authorities, help the migrants get permits and papers, empower them, teach them how to stand up to the authorities, how to conduct demonstrations that will touch the sensitive nerves of the Israelis, and even made them a newspaper, in African languages, which is funded by the UN.

These organizations have helpers, those with economic interests, profiting at the expense of the new slaves, such as hoteliers, who employ them for pennies (especially in Eilat, which therefore becomes an African city), and the construction industry that profits from this new form of slavery developing in Israel. Do these organizations for so-called “human rights” agree with the new slavery being created here? I don’t.

These measures require urgent attention, before we lose control: 1. Start an immediate return of the infiltrators to their homelands. About 85% of the migrants come from Eritrea, which has full diplomatic relations with Israel, and has announced that it would “embrace” the migrants back.

Several thousand have arrived here from South Sudan, which is a new country that has full diplomatic relations with Israel, and its government is ready to accept its citizens back immediately. The allegations we hear from the NGOs that Sudan is in a “war” are groundless, since this country is very big, and the conflict is taking place in a very small part of it. In any case, the military conflict in the Abay district ended this week, when the Sudanese government announced it would pull its troops out.

2. We have to promise that all who return to their country of origin in the first two months (the flight, in any case, is funded by the state) will receive a grant of $2,000. Anyone who returns two months later will receive $1,000, and those next in line will receive $500, and finally, nothing.

This will do the job.

3. Meanwhile, we must open the temporary transit camp that has been promised by the government to be built in the South, and send thousands of migrants there.

4. At the same time, the distribution of automatic visas by the Interior Ministry to every infiltrator must stop.

5. In addition, within four months, the employment of migrants in the hotel, construction and cleaning industries must stop, and heavy fines should be imposed on those employing them. Thus, there won’t be any motivation to get here.

After reading this article, no one can say in two-three years, “I did not know.”

This article was translated by Moria Dashevsky. It was originally published on Dr. Guy Bechor’s website, âéà áëåø

EoZ notes:

I am always reluctant to post a charge like this, that NGOs are encouraging this migration, but some proof comes from a monograph recently put out by the UNHCR:

[O]ne NGO worker argued that civil society organisations advocate a perception of 'universalistic citizenship‘, where everyone should have rights. "They do not see the nationality issue as relevant, but publicly, it is not stated. In today‘s public atmosphere, we will not say it out loud because it does not serve the struggle and the strategy." As the same NGO worker argued: "the central issue here is [one that addresses] the nature of Israeli civil society, the struggle is about the character of Israel as a state, and the refugees are not really sharing this struggle, they are rather disempowered by it".​

Rotter.net also translates an interview with one of the Sudanese migrants who names the left-wing Israelis associated with the New Israel Fund that helped him come into the country.

It is not the spontaneous flight of refugees from Africa that the media is implying.


So this migration from Africa - unlike the previous ones from Africa of Jews - is specifically meant to change the nature of Israel itself. One can't wonder that Israelis see a threat. Doubtless this matter is best handled through government channels than on the streets - the demos are a wake-up call.
Before we lose control

By GUY BECHOR05/31/2012 22:29

It’s not a war on immigration that lies ahead of us, but a war over the continuation of the Jewish majority in Israel.



When we published an article in 2007 about the nightmare facing Israel from Africa, many were shocked. Today, this vision has become a reality (Then, 400 infiltrators stole over the border from Africa each month; currently, about 4,000 come here illegally every month).

I realize today that I too was naive back then, when I wrote the article. I did not see the depth of the picture unfolding before us. Then I thought that the primarily reason for the infiltration was to improve the lives of the Africans who came here, as it is with the migration from Mexico to the United States, but now it appears that the image is unique to Israel.

The truth is that millions of Africans would like to immigrate to Israel to improve their lives, but it turns out that in Israel there are those who want to exploit this to change our country’s demographic balance. After they failed to let in hundreds of thousands of Palestinians into this country, these people now expect a migration of hundreds of thousands of Muslims from Africa to Israel. It’s not a war on immigration that lies ahead of us, but a war over the continuation of the Jewish majority in Israel.

A number of associations, NGOs and others have encouraged this African immigration to Israel. They begin by directing the emigration from the countries of origin, preserving it, preventing it from running into obstacles in the Sinai Peninsula, and providing it with a warm home in Israel. They have spread and continue to spread the rumor in Africa that Israel is a paradise, and that it can be reached by foot.

These are not migrant workers who stand before us, and not refugees, but a majority of African Muslims who come here to settle, and never leave.

The numbers: According to official data of the State of Israel, the rate of Muslim immigration from Africa is about 1,000 a week (this was the situation last month), and nearly 4,000 per month (which is double the numbers from a few months ago). Since there is no one who knows exactly how many of these infiltrators we now have here, the estimate is that there are between 80,000 and 120,000 of them in the country.

South Tel Aviv has become a small Sudan, the infiltrators in Eilat already constitute about 20 percent of the population, and this is also the situation in certain neighborhoods in central Israel – Pardes Katz in Tel Aviv, Bnei Brak, suburban Petah Tikva, Sderot and Rishon Lezion. They have even reached the Galilee already.

Everywhere, on the side of the roads, you can spot the newcomers. They are surveying their new country, surveying its wealth, their wealth.

Go see the astonishing sights in Eilat, a city occupied by infiltrators that is nightly flooded with dozens and hundreds of new infiltrators.

They arrive in Eilat and in the morning go to the Interior Ministry office, where they receive permits to stay from the State of Israel, on behalf of Interior Minister Eli Yishai, and hence are free to begin working anywhere in the country.

And what is the plan hatched in secret by those organizations of “human rights?” When the numbers reach a quarter of a million or half a million, and we’re getting there fast, the organizations will turn to the High Court of Justice and to the United Nations, demanding that Israel grant residency to these “immigrants” and even citizenship, as is customary in the West.

With that, the percentage of Muslims in Israel will jump immediately to between 30% and 35%, with all the demographic implications that you can imagine.

Being residents, then citizens, the Africans will naturally be able to bring their family members, and the numbers will double. For those who did not want the Jews in Uganda, Uganda will now come to Israel. Being a small country, these processes will occur very fast, faster than in Europe.

Now we understand that the Muslim infiltrators from Africa (the migrants from Sudan are all Muslim, and most of the Eritrean migrants are, too) are not weak, but rather their Israeli absorbers. They are not the ones being threatened, because they are not war refugees, but rather Israel is being threatened.

The “human rights” organizations have easy access to the media, and they do not hide their desire to see Israel as a state of all citizens and no longer a Jewish or Zionist state, and from this perspective, the Muslim migrants from Africa suit their cause very well. These organizations bear direct responsibility for the new plague that has befallen Israel. They direct the migration, organize it, preserve it from the authorities, help the migrants get permits and papers, empower them, teach them how to stand up to the authorities, how to conduct demonstrations that will touch the sensitive nerves of the Israelis, and even made them a newspaper, in African languages, which is funded by the UN.

These organizations have helpers, those with economic interests, profiting at the expense of the new slaves, such as hoteliers, who employ them for pennies (especially in Eilat, which therefore becomes an African city), and the construction industry that profits from this new form of slavery developing in Israel. Do these organizations for so-called “human rights” agree with the new slavery being created here? I don’t.

These measures require urgent attention, before we lose control: 1. Start an immediate return of the infiltrators to their homelands. About 85% of the migrants come from Eritrea, which has full diplomatic relations with Israel, and has announced that it would “embrace” the migrants back.

Several thousand have arrived here from South Sudan, which is a new country that has full diplomatic relations with Israel, and its government is ready to accept its citizens back immediately. The allegations we hear from the NGOs that Sudan is in a “war” are groundless, since this country is very big, and the conflict is taking place in a very small part of it. In any case, the military conflict in the Abay district ended this week, when the Sudanese government announced it would pull its troops out.

2. We have to promise that all who return to their country of origin in the first two months (the flight, in any case, is funded by the state) will receive a grant of $2,000. Anyone who returns two months later will receive $1,000, and those next in line will receive $500, and finally, nothing.

This will do the job.

3. Meanwhile, we must open the temporary transit camp that has been promised by the government to be built in the South, and send thousands of migrants there.

4. At the same time, the distribution of automatic visas by the Interior Ministry to every infiltrator must stop.

5. In addition, within four months, the employment of migrants in the hotel, construction and cleaning industries must stop, and heavy fines should be imposed on those employing them. Thus, there won’t be any motivation to get here.

After reading this article, no one can say in two-three years, “I did not know.”

This article was translated by Moria Dashevsky. It was originally published on Dr. Guy Bechor’s website, âéà áëåø

EoZ notes:

I am always reluctant to post a charge like this, that NGOs are encouraging this migration, but some proof comes from a monograph recently put out by the UNHCR:

[O]ne NGO worker argued that civil society organisations advocate a perception of 'universalistic citizenship‘, where everyone should have rights. "They do not see the nationality issue as relevant, but publicly, it is not stated. In today‘s public atmosphere, we will not say it out loud because it does not serve the struggle and the strategy." As the same NGO worker argued: "the central issue here is [one that addresses] the nature of Israeli civil society, the struggle is about the character of Israel as a state, and the refugees are not really sharing this struggle, they are rather disempowered by it".​

Rotter.net also translates an interview with one of the Sudanese migrants who names the left-wing Israelis associated with the New Israel Fund that helped him come into the country.

It is not the spontaneous flight of refugees from Africa that the media is implying.


So this migration from Africa - unlike the previous ones from Africa of Jews - is specifically meant to change the nature of Israel itself. One can't wonder that Israelis see a threat. Doubtless this matter is best handled through government channels than on the streets - the demos are a wake-up call.
So all your morals and ethic bs goes out of the window now?
Ghana news, maybe they should mid their own failed state.
So all your morals and ethic bs goes out of the window now?
Palestine is the Jewish National Home. Other than for family reunification purposes, only Jews are supposed to immigrate to Israel.
Palestine is the Jewish National Home. Other than for family reunification purposes, only Jews are supposed to immigrate to Israel.

That's racist!!! israel is for everyone of every race, ethnicity, religious and political views. You racist israelis/zionists should integrate with the rest of the world, you should let your daughters marry black Africans, after all isn't that what you propagate in other nations??
Palestine is the Jewish National Home. Other than for family reunification purposes, only Jews are supposed to immigrate to Israel.
Seriously, what don't you understand in the phrase " Lands aren't distributed by religion "?
Palestine is not the Jewish National Home, just because Jews used to live there doesn't mean that any Jew from around the globe has the right to go there.
That's racist!!!
No, that's nationalism.

you should let your daughters marry black Africans, after all isn't that what you propagate in other nations??

...Palestine is not the Jewish National Home
Sure it is, designated as such in the Treaty of Sevres and later by the League of Nations in the British Mandate.

just because Jews used to live there doesn't mean that any Jew from around the globe has the right to go there.
The key charge of the Mandate:

Article 6

The Administration of Palestine, while ensuring that the rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced, shall facilitate Jewish immigration under suitable conditions and shall encourage, in co-operation with the Jewish agency referred to in Article 4, close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes.
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