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Africa surpasses India in wealth per person - Credit Suisse Wealth Report


Aug 31, 2013
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United States
United States
Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report
October 2013


EDIT: I underlined total wealth, not wealth per adult; wealth per adult is the 3rd column


Go Africa!

Are all Americans morons ??? !! Africa is a continent and India is a country

Are all Indians absolute retards?

Africa has 1 billion people and and India has 1.2 billion people. Besides, what does that have to do with anything? This is measuring the average persons wealth. You do know what wealth per person means, right?
Are all Indians absolute retards?

Africa has 1 billion people and and India has 1.2 billion people. Besides, what does that have to do with anything? This is measuring the average persons wealth. You do know what wealth per person means, right?

So Americans cant do maths either , leave alone geography :rofl:
So Americans cant do maths either , leave alone geography :rofl:

Your illiteracy is so funny. Leave alone geography? What are you, Yoda?

Indians, dumb they are. Referring to Math, irrelevant it is!

PS: Wealth per person has nothing to do with the discrepancies in comparing a continent with a country, especially when that country has a population 20% larger than that continent. Understand that Math, did you? Probably not; Indians, dumb they are.
The same reason on which you used the word surpassed when the picture u posted says Africa has -1.5 % change while india has +5.1 change.

Those are just percentage increases. The total wealth per person in Africa was estimated at $4,909 and India at $4,706 per person.

For example, just because China's income is growing faster than almost anyone else's, it does not mean the have surpassed the US in per person income. Pretty simple.

How does that work ? :unsure:

Ask the savvy, mulllionaire, personality disorder-ed Indians on this forum! It really depends on who I criticize. When I criticize China they don't mind, but when India is criticized they go crazy with their false-flag accusations. Doesn't just happen to me btw, anyone with a non-Asian flag is actually a Chinese-Pakistani-Bangladeshi false-flagger.
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