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Afghans rising frustation!


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NATO: Afghan policeman kills 2 service members

Published: May 13, 2011 18:16 Updated: May 13, 2011 18:16

KABUL, Afghanistan: NATO says two of its service members have been killed in southwestern Helmand province by an Afghan policeman while eating lunch.NATO said on Friday that the two were mentoring an Afghan National Civil Order brigade and were shot and killed inside the police compound on Thursday. The policeman was wounded and is now in a hospital. The names, nationalities and other details about those killed were not released.

It is the latest incident in which a member of the Afghan security services has killed members of the coalition.

On April 27, a veteran Afghan military pilot said to be distressed over his personal finances opened fire at Kabul airport after an argument Wednesday, killing eight US troops and an American civilian contractor.
America and its allies are in a dire situation in Afghanistan..they are killed by their friends and equally by their enemies..talk about being stuck in a death trap!
I did two tours in Afghanistan. I have to say these are the most backwards people imaginable. In the more than 200 years of Afghanistan existance, they did not manage to build one piece of infrastructure. And I was very suprised to learn that they all hate you Pakistanis and blame you guys for their ill.
I did two tours in Afghanistan. I have to say these are the most backwards people imaginable. In the more than 200 years of Afghanistan existance, they did not manage to build one piece of infrastructure. And I was very suprised to learn that they all hate you Pakistanis and blame you guys for their ill.

True, but we are neighbhours and not invaders and will live there permanently. I have known Afghans in Pakistan and many of them are good people so we cannot generlize all of them. Afghans need to stop growing poppy and build an agriculture sector. Though they argue that wheat, rice, vegetables, fruits does not make money like poppy, but that is just the beginning. Pakistan also started with agriculture but then cookies, cereals, vitamins, jucies, beverages, etc were developed as industries. Just Fauji Cereal/Subsidaries alone in Pakistan employs30,000+ people as an example.

Afghans will have to start with agri. based products and build related industry an get away from poppy. If they do not follow this path they will remain the most backward country of the world.
I did two tours in Afghanistan. I have to say these are the most backwards people imaginable. In the more than 200 years of Afghanistan existance, they did not manage to build one piece of infrastructure. And I was very suprised to learn that they all hate you Pakistanis and blame you guys for their ill.

They've been at war for most of it, so it's not very surprising.

And no they don't all automatically hate Pakistanis. I mean in real life now ;)
I did two tours in Afghanistan. I have to say these are the most backwards people imaginable. In the more than 200 years of Afghanistan existance, they did not manage to build one piece of infrastructure. And I was very suprised to learn that they all hate you Pakistanis and blame you guys for their ill.

I'm curious to know in what ways you regard them to be backwards?

I have a feeling that just because you can't understand their social or cultural views you are labelling them backwards which is highly insulting.

The limited contact i have had with them have been extremely pleasant encounters and have come across as friendly folks. Pakistani youth here in the U.K get on along perfectly fine with Afghans however in Afghanistan it may truly be different but hopefully with education and more people-people interactions from both countries, Pakistani and Afghans will remove any prejudice they have against one another.
I did two tours in Afghanistan. I have to say these are the most backwards people imaginable. In the more than 200 years of Afghanistan existance, they did not manage to build one piece of infrastructure. And I was very suprised to learn that they all hate you Pakistanis and blame you guys for their ill.

you are slowly n slowly exposing urself :lol:
True, but we are neighbhours and not invaders and will live there permanently. I have known Afghans in Pakistan and many of them are good people so we cannot generlize all of them. Afghans need to stop growing poppy and build an agriculture sector. Though they argue that wheat, rice, vegetables, fruits does not make money like poppy, but that is just the beginning. Pakistan also started with agriculture but then cookies, cereals, vitamins, jucies, beverages, etc were developed as industries. Just Fauji Cereal/Subsidaries alone in Pakistan employs30,000+ people as an example.

Afghans will have to start with agri. based products and build related industry an get away from poppy. If they do not follow this path they will remain the most backward country of the world.

Yes but is on Pakistan's part TO NOT control the Afghanistanis. By supporting the Taliban for "national security interests" you will only keep them backwards. I do understand Pakistan's "India concern" but another way to deal with this sould be sought of.
Blaming others has been part of Afghan culture..this was the main excuse behind major Afghan invasions of India for the loot to address their own economic woes..remember the loot accumulated from india provided for establishment of richest empire in Afghanistan. Since formation of Pakistan, it is destinied to take the grunt if Afghan assumptions...ISI formented a clever game of keeping Afghan factions engaged among themselves killing and slowly eliminating each other but unfornately CIA and NATO has got it all wrong.
just an off topic question, are rats available in afghanistan??
I did two tours in Afghanistan. I have to say these are the most backwards people imaginable. In the more than 200 years of Afghanistan existance, they did not manage to build one piece of infrastructure. And I was very suprised to learn that they all hate you Pakistanis and blame you guys for their ill.

Which part of the country did you go? did you meet all the Afghans and asked their opinion? I still have a number of friends in Afghanistan who were once living in Pakistan. They send letters and gifts.

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